
Love letter to all parents


Are you a parent? Then you are awesome. And brave.

Are you a single parent? Then you are even more awesome. And even more brave.

Our baby girl is 2 months old this week. The time has flown since she came into our lives on Christmas Day, and it really has been an amazing time. I can’t really remember what it was like not to have her in our life, and she brightens up every single day, especially now that she has learnt to laugh. And I never knew how much I loved her daddy until I saw how much he loved her. Family. What a gift.

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But, and here’s the but… I was totally unprepared for how different things would be. Of course everyone tells you that, but you never really believe it. Those of you who know me well know that I am a planner, and a ‘resource investigator’, i.e. if there’s a book on it I have read it. But none of that prepared me for having to feel my way every day, relying heavily on my intuition to work things out, and on Mr K to help me out.

Perhaps more than anything, nothing prepared me for the worry. Is she breathing? Is she hot? Is she cold? Is she hungry? Why’s she crying? Is she sleeping enough? Is she sleeping too much? And so it goes on. I guess that will evolve into “Does she have friends at school? Is her boyfriend bad news? And on and on for the rest of our lives. For someone who has never really worried about much, this is a whole new scenario for me.

Somehow, together, we have found something that looks like a rhythm. It’s messy and chaotic, and I have never danced around the room or sung so many Disney songs in my life (and she’s not even a toddler yet), but we are getting to know each other day by day and Sienna is a lovely happy baby.

Becoming a parent is a giant leap of faith. It is one of the bravest things you can do, and often you don’t realise just how much courage you need until it actually happens. Two months into this parenting lark I don’t yet have much advice to share (learning, learning, learning) but I do know this:

Every single one of you who is a parent is brave, and amazing.

And every one of you who is doing it as a single parent is, in our opinion, even more brave and amazing.

Parents, we salute you.

Beth and the team


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Do What You Love has grown rapidly over the last three years, and in the past year alone we have sold over $1 million of online courses, supporting the dreams of thousands of people in 50+ countries worldwide.

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So if you want to learn how to package your expertise into a profitable virtual programme, reaching people in every time zone, 24/7, and if you want to learn how to sell that expertise online, we have the perfect opportunity for you. If you take B-School with Do What You Love, together we’ll show you how. Find out more here