
#MakingTime Day 3

mt day3

So many magazines, so little time… did you know that in the UK alone more than 2,600 different magazines are printed each year, not to mention online magazines? So why then, when there’s so much choice out there, do we find ourselves picking up our old favourites time and time again? Mostly it’s because our time is precious and we like what we know so it’s easier to stick with it that.

Your Day 3 Making Time challenge: For 3 minutes… read an article in a magazine you don’t normally read

Today’s the day to step out of your comfort zone and read something different. We’re not suggesting you spend hours in the newsagent flipping through every magazine on the shelf (although what a cool way to spend a day!) Rather we challenge you to pick up a magazine that you wouldn’t usually read – your partner’s photography magazine, the regional glossy in the local coffee shop or the interior magazine that’s gathering dust on your friend’s coffee table – and spend three minutes reading any article you like. Better still, open it at random and read that page.

Who knows what you’ll discover, what interesting conversations it could spark and what exciting thoughts and opportunities could come of it?

For the full prompt, plus a daily time-saving tip and other inspiration into your inbox, sign up for the full Making Time series (a 31-day free challenge to make more time for the things you love).  Follow us on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook for more thought-provoking inspiration!