
#MakingTime Day 8

mt day8

“What matters is that we find a way – any way – to recharge and renew ourselves.”– Arianna Huffington in Thrive

Your Day 8 Making Time challenge: For 8 minutes… stretch!

Did you know that stretching is important for people of all ages and that it’s just as important as regular exercise? One of the greatest benefits of stretching is that it boosts self-esteem. When we stretch our bodies release dopamine, a hormone which helps us feel happier and more positive about the world. Other benefits include improved flexibility, strength, coordination and circulation, increased energy levels, reduced neck, shoulder and back pain associated with sitting at a desk, and better sleep.

When stretching it’s good to move smoothly and slowly so you stay in control. You’ll get a deeper stretch this way. Adjusting your position so you’re more comfortable when you stretch is a great way to prevent pain and make the stretch easier. Ask yourself: ‘does my body have the support it needs?’ If not, give it that support. Add tension where it’s required so that other parts of your body can relax and let go.

Today, make time to stretch for 8 minutes. Smile, enjoy and feel good.

For the full prompt, plus a daily time-saving tip and other inspiration into your inbox, sign up for the full Making Time series (a 31-day free challenge to make more time for the things you love).  Follow us on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook for more thought-provoking inspiration!