
Weekend book club: Textiles

As a complete book addict and hoarder, I thought it was about time I shared some of my favourites with you!  In each ‘Weekend Book Club’ I post about a set of lovely books, with a different theme each week.  This week’s theme is TEXTILES.  These are the kind of books that make your mouth water, with photos so beautiful you can almost feel the textures…

Living with Textiles by Elaine Louie

This book features my dream lounge (second image below) and explores how textiles can change the character and feeling of spaces in the home.

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Fabric by Suzanne Trocme

I have to admit I bought this after falling in love with the cover. The image below doesn’t do it justice – it is a dreamy shade of green, almost metallic. Inside there are more examples of beautiful fabrics.

Weekend book club: Textiles fabric suzanne trocme

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Textile Designers at the Cutting Edge by Bradley Quinn

This gorgeous book features interviews with emerging designers and showcases textile designs from all over the world – so inspiring!

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Textiles and Fashion by Jenny Udale

A brilliant introduction to the importance of textiles in fashion, and how each influences the other.

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Rinen to kurasu (Living with linen) by Kunie Dayasue

Elegant book showcasing various uses of linen in the Japanese home – the beautiful neutral palette makes you really notice the fabric textures and quality

Weekend book club: Textiles Linen Kunie Dayasue

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Transparency in Textiles by Dawn Thorne

This lovely book is filled with techniques for manipulating textiles to get a variety of beautiful transparent effects

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 Experimental Textiles by Kim Thittichai

Stunning examples of the art you can create when you experiment bravely with textiles.

Weekend book club: Textiles et kim thittichai

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Do you have any recommendations?


Inspired? See other Weekend Book Club posts here (on paper, pattern and sketching & illustration)