Heading north

Heading north yamadera

About 400 years ago Matsuo Basho, the father of Japanese haiku, walked the long road north to Yamagata, a beautiful snowy part of rural Japan. When there he wrote this famous poem:

Shizukasa ya · Iwa ni shimiiru · Semi no koe

Silence · Penetrating the rocks · The cry of the cicada

It is a place I spent a happy year a decade ago, skiing, stumbling over the strong dialect, making friends, laughing and presenting my on TV show! We headed back to visit old friends and take in some of the lovely countryside… I will share some snippets over the coming days, before introducing you to our new home of Kyoto. Pop back tomorrow for a glimpse into this little known area of Japan…

This used to be my studio…

This used to be my studio... studio1

100 boxes and bags in storage, empty rooms, suitcases ready, and a huge to-do list still staring at me, but slowly, slowly, it is starting to feel like we are actually going on this big adventure…

It’s like I don’t have time to get emotional about moving but I am sure it will hit me when I eventually slow down in a couple of weeks’ time and stop to sip green tea under a cherry tree somewhere, gentle blossoms falling all around me… ahh can’t wait (although I actually can as I have far too much to do in the coming days…)

This used to be my studio... studio2

Please forgive me if the blog feels a little empty, like my studio, over the next couple of weeks. I promise it will be worth the wait once I have found a new temporary home somewhere in the Far East and I can get back into sharing photos and telling stories of far-away adventures!

Parisian cafes (love, love, love)

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Let’s just say I spent a LOT of time in Parisian cafes. Heaven.

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I think this might just have been the best raspberry tartine in the world, ever.

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More Paris posts here: Parisian markets / Paris story / Les papeteries / Paris details / Window shopping in Paris

I was in Paris researching The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design – join us for the next course starting in April!

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A commitment to myself

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I’ll admit it, I am a little bit exhausted these days. Believe me I am not complaining – I chose this path and I am so grateful that I am truly doing what I love. I am just making a note to myself that I need to take it a little easier in the coming months, and plan some slow time, not always be running at this crazy pace.

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Just as I was in the middle of everything, trying to answer the phone, deal with a technical issue, get on top of my emails and arrange for some new doors for our house before we move in a few weeks, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find a huge bunch of beautiful white flowers, with a note from my family encouraging me to keep going with it all. Ah my precious family. They could not have timed it better. It was the little lift I needed to bring my energy back up but also to remind me to stop for a moment and literally smell the flowers. Thanks Mum!

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I have always been someone who commits 100% and works at 100 miles an hour – which means I have also always been someone who has always found it really hard to take my foot off the pedal and practice gentle self care. So now I have committed to myself that I am going to slow down this year.

Once we have moved to Japan at the end of March I am going to take it easy. For months now it has felt like I have been standing at the door telling the whole queue of ideas waiting outside that they can’t come in yet. I’m not ready. So come the Spring I am going to be ready. I may need to continue at this same crazy pace for a few more weeks but I have cleared my diary from April and I am going to focus on soaking up the sweetness of life in Japan and let new ideas emerge and develop.

I cannot wait.

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Weekend book club: Textiles

As a complete book addict and hoarder, I thought it was about time I shared some of my favourites with you!  In each ‘Weekend Book Club’ I post about a set of lovely books, with a different theme each week.  This week’s theme is TEXTILES.  These are the kind of books that make your mouth water, with photos so beautiful you can almost feel the textures…

Living with Textiles by Elaine Louie

This book features my dream lounge (second image below) and explores how textiles can change the character and feeling of spaces in the home.

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Fabric by Suzanne Trocme

I have to admit I bought this after falling in love with the cover. The image below doesn’t do it justice – it is a dreamy shade of green, almost metallic. Inside there are more examples of beautiful fabrics.

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Textile Designers at the Cutting Edge by Bradley Quinn

This gorgeous book features interviews with emerging designers and showcases textile designs from all over the world – so inspiring!

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Textiles and Fashion by Jenny Udale

A brilliant introduction to the importance of textiles in fashion, and how each influences the other.

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Rinen to kurasu (Living with linen) by Kunie Dayasue

Elegant book showcasing various uses of linen in the Japanese home – the beautiful neutral palette makes you really notice the fabric textures and quality

Weekend book club: Textiles Linen Kunie Dayasue

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Transparency in Textiles by Dawn Thorne

This lovely book is filled with techniques for manipulating textiles to get a variety of beautiful transparent effects

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 Experimental Textiles by Kim Thittichai

Stunning examples of the art you can create when you experiment bravely with textiles.

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Do you have any recommendations?


Inspired? See other Weekend Book Club posts here (on paper, pattern and sketching & illustration)

Giving thanks


I’m not American and I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but I love the idea of a special day where you thank everyone you love for being in your life.

Recently I seem to have been quite hidden away from the world, busy working on some exciting but full-on projects.  While this has meant I have got to do some really fulfilling, thought-provoking work, it has also led me to the point where I feel I have no idea what is going on in the life of some of my very good friends. And even blog friends – I haven’t done the rounds for weeks, months even (and more and more people seem to have blogs that are hard to comment on for techie reasons, so I haven’t even left comments on those I have visited).

If you are one of them, you know who you are. Please know that when I’m not sending you emails or letters or gifts in the post, it doesn’t mean I’m not thinking of you. Know that when I don’t come to dinner or make it to your party, it’s not because I don’t want to. It’s because right now there are a few things I need to get done. But through every moment of that, know that I am thankful for you.  So very thankful.

I am an artist… shared story by Soraya Nulliah


Today’s *shared story* comes from artist Soriah Nulliah.


I am an artist... shared story by Soraya Nulliah soraya nulliah about page pic new

I am an artist. From before I was even born…this is what I am. It’s what makes my heart sing… it’s what fuels and sustains me. However…I didn’t always know this or believe this.

I was born into a family and culture that was extremely oppressive, abusive and stifling; there was no room to breathe and grow. Girls were only meant to get married, be obedient and produce (male) children. That’s it! I was not allowed to have my own dreams or ambitions or creative expressions. For me…following my heart and doing what I love has really been the long road of individuation, empowerment and building my self esteem. I used to paint, draw, write poetry and journal when I was a teen but I was ridiculed and belittled so I kept it hidden. I put all of my dreams away in a box and locked it shut. I lost the key.

I am an artist... shared story by Soraya Nulliah soraya nulliah truthteller 1

As I entered my 20s, I was fractured and very broken…dealing with the deep scars of my childhood experiences and wandering about the world as a lost soul. I entered a long period of soul searching. I left home and managed to educate myself.  I travelled and lived in an ashram for about 6 months. I read voraciously, visited museums and art galleries but I was very very lost and living a life that was devoid of heart and meaning. Externally I had everything but, paradoxically, I had nothing.

The turning point in my life was when I turned 30 and went on a 4 month pilgrimage to India. It changed the course of my life. I am of Indian descent but had never visited the land of my ancestors before. It was this journey that led me to the very heart of my SELF and to my art. In the claiming of my whole self, I realized I simply had to create, write and paint; it simply wasn’t an option any more. I found the key to my locked box of dreams; that key was my true SELF!

I am an artist... shared story by Soraya Nulliah soraya nulliah self is a poem mixed media

When I came back from that trip I took classes on painting, drawing and photography. I started putting paint to paper and pouring out my heart onto large canvases. I spent all of my money on fat jars of paint, books and classes. Most of those early paintings were truly horrible…but I was happy for the very first time in my life. My heart was singing and I was learning and growing.

I think the biggest sacrifices I have had to make in the pursuit of my art has been after the birth of my daughter Tara. On one hand I absolutely adore being a mother and raising my little girl, but on the other I absolutely have to paint. So it’s a balancing act of sleep deprivation, guilt, passion, love, time management and creativity – a balance I am still struggling to find! I have an amazingly supportive husband so that helps tremendously.

I am an artist... shared story by Soraya Nulliah soraya nulliah standing at the edge of grace mixed media

Motherhood completely changed me and ignited all of my maternal instincts with wanting to be there completely for my daughter. And just to complicate things, motherhood also fired up my creative juices and I had all of these paintings and stories inside of me just aching to be told.

Doing what I love doesn’t mean that I don’t suffer disappointments, frustrations and setbacks. What it does mean is that when I do experience these, my heart and passion allows me to sustain the commitment to my art.

I am an artist... shared story by Soraya Nulliah soraya nulliah shine mixed media completed version

What do I wish I had known back then? Hmmm…everything and nothing! Every single joy, heartache, pain, success and failure has led me right to this moment here; it’s all part of my personal journey. In many respects I have had an extremely difficult and painful life yet I firmly believe that those very same experiences have allowed me to be the person/mother/artist that I am today. I can be a great mother to my child because I never had that for myself. I can tell these stories of brokenness and wholeness because I have been on that very journey. Doing what I love continues to be humbling, healing, invigorating and exciting.

 I am an artist... shared story by Soraya Nulliah soraya nulliah she has faith in her .ath...

[Images courtesy of Soraya Nulliah.]

Soraya Nulliah is a wife, mother, friend, artist, creative soul, seeker, budding photographer. Find out more about Soraya on her blog or connect on Facebook and Twitter.


I am an artist... shared story by Soraya Nulliah RT logo

Have you heard about my collaboration with surface pattern designer Rachael Taylor?

The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design is open for registration now! Find out more here

Weekend book club: Sketching and illustration

I have always been a bit scared of drawing formally (still lifes etc) but I hugely admire people who can whip out a fantastic sketch in seconds and would love to be able to do that one day.  I do love peeking into other people’s sketchbooks though, and have many books which either display incredible talent or try to help me draw better myself.  Here are a few of them…

(PS With ‘Weekend Book Club’ I share a different theme each weekend and archive them on the sparkly new Weekend Book Club page here.)

Beauty in Bloom by Natalie Bloom

Written and stunningly illustrated by the founder of Bloom Cosmetics, this is actually a beauty book but never fails to inspire me.

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Tokyo Sanpo (walks around Tokyo) by Florent Chavouet

Having lived in Tokyo for three years I love the memories this book recalls for me.  There is incredible detail in the hand-drawn observations, and it makes me want to put a pack of coloured pencils in my handbag and go out right now.

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Street Scene by John Lee

This brilliant book shows you how to draw people graffiti-style

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Manolo Blahnik Drawings by Anna Wintour

I love fashion illustration and no-one does it quite like shoe-designer extraordinaire Manolo Blahnik, edited by Anna Wintour of US Vogue

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‘Fashion Illustration School’ by Carol A Nunnelly

And if you want to learn how to do it yourself, this is a fantastic guide to fashion illustration

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‘Zakka sagashi no tabi nouto (notes from my shopping trips)’ by Yuki Fukui

This is a delightful book of handdrawn sketches done by a Japanese girl while out and about shopping

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The Creative License by Danny Gregory

A great book for building your sketching confidence

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A painter’s guide to the Catskills of Rip van Winkle by Judith Orseck Katz

A beautifully illustrated guide to the Catskill Mountains of New York State, which I picked up on a recent trip there.

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‘Drawing on the right side of the brain’ by Betty Edwards

The classic book on how to draw – and it really works.

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Previous ‘Weekend Book Club’ posts here: Paper / Pattern. More inspiring books over here!


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The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design Module 1 starts tomorrow!  Still time to register if you are quick!