Doing what you love begins with consciousness: Nicola Taylor shares her story

Doing what you love begins with consciousness: Nicola Taylor shares her story DWYL BLOG SHAREDSTORIES 650X250PX LR

Today’s shared story comes from talented photographer Nicola Taylor.

Nicola Taylor portrait

For me, doing what you love begins with consciousness. What do I mean by that? I mean that sometimes we just have so many options available to us that it’s hard to know what we’d love to do. We don’t know which is the right thing for us and we expect that, when we find it, we’ll hear angels singing the Hallelujah chorus and a beam of light will shine down from the heavens, illuminating that one thing that will make it all complete. I don’t know about you, but that hasn’t been my experience. I spent a long time doing something that wasn’t what I loved and it took me a good couple of years of hard work just to clear the decks and figure out what to do next.

To take you back to the beginning of my story, two years ago I was working as a stockbroker in the City of London. I knew it wasn’t what I wanted to be doing and, to be honest, I had no idea how I had got there. I think I had just stopped looking at the big picture and started focusing only on the choices in front of me. I did that job for seven years and I think I was happy for two of them. The rest were just wasted in stress and worry and fear that I couldn’t actually do anything else.

Nicola Taylor 1

I think we all want the transitions to be smooth and easy but the truth is I couldn’t have known at that point that I wanted to be a photographer. I couldn’t see it from there. It’s kind of like being in a valley. You need to get to a higher vantage point in order to be able to see further afield. Sometimes, when all you can see are the mountains in your way, the first step is just trying to get to higher ground.

The moment of truth came for me on a January morning when I was meeting with my boss to allocate the many stressful and lonely business trips we had to take throughout the year. I remarked on how busy we were going to be and he turned to me and said “It’ll be November before you know it.” NOVEMBER. Almost 52 weeks gone… just like that. And the implications of that comment hit me between the eyes like a sledgehammer. As long as I was in that environment where a year went by in a blink of an eye, I would never have the space or the perspective to decide what I wanted to do next. I would never get a smooth transition. There was nothing else to be done. I would have to leave and face the discomfort.

Nicola Taylor  2

I gave my notice a month later with no idea what I was going to do. I was fortunate in that my career had been very well paid and my unconscious had been protecting me by forcing me to be frugal for the past few years, so I had some savings and I decided to take a year off, a kind of sabbatical. I’m not the kind of person who can just wander aimlessly so I set myself things to do throughout the year, things that would keep me on track. A yoga teacher training in Bali, a writing retreat in the Scottish Highlands, an art retreat in New Hampshire and a nine month photography course at the London College of Communication.

Nicola Taylor 3

And, although I didn’t know it at the time, everything was unfolding in just the right sequence. The yoga training was like a reset button for my life and gave me back my connection to my gut instinct. The writing retreat allowed me time for reflection on my life and the things I wanted. The art retreat gave me a tremendous sense of community and the bravery to try something with no idea whether I‘d be any good at it or not. And then, when it came to the photography course, I was ready. Everything that was inside of me was primed and ready to be expressed. And it was a little like the Hallelujah Chorus. But the angels could never have found me sitting on my butt in that cubicle. I had to take the first steps myself.

Nicola Taylor 4

My big dream now is to continue exploring my own newly discovered creativity and, in time, to help others find theirs. I had written myself off as not being a creative person and that couldn’t have been further from the truth. In reality, I was paralysed by my own expectations of what an artist is and the judgments of my school art teachers. Not that they were wrong (I could show you a clay sculpture of a seal I made that would make you pee your pants laughing) but what they forgot is that creativity is so much more than technical artistic ability. We are all innately creative and we all have access to a medium that works for us, a medium that allows us to express ourselves with joy. I’m making it my mission in life is to convince people of the first and to help them find the second.

[All images courtesy of Nicola Taylor.]

Find more of her gorgeous photography here or connect on Facebook or Twitter.

Adventure planning


These days, in the quiet moments between the rushes of work, my mind drifts to the Orient, and to the adventures that are to come this year. Over the weekend we spent several happy hours shuffling through journalled lists of places we want to explore, things we want to do. Mostly we are just going to wait and see, but there is a delicious anticipation in the planning, and I am savouring that for now.

How living wildly transformed my relationship with food and my body: Nichole Kellerman shares her story


Today’s shared story comes from Nichole Kellerman, a weight loss and lifestyle coach with the drive to help as many women as possible be fit, healthy and happy while having a blast! Having struggled with her weight and self image in the past (even as a personal trainer), she has now dedicated her life to showing women how to let free that curvy, sexy, strong women she already is!

Nichole Kellerman Image via

Growing up and all through high school I was never concerned with my physical image, or what people thought about it. It wasn’t until summer 2004 when I was working with a girl named Sarah (let’s call her), who broke me down day-by-day, slowly picking away at me till there was nothing left. I didn’t realize that that summer would be a summer that flipped my life upside down.

Working as lifeguards together and being that we were always in bathing suits, Sarah would constantly state how fat she was as she sat there glaring at her body in the mirror, picking, prodding and dissecting each and every part of her body.Soon Sarah began directly insulting me, looking at what I was eating and asking, “You’re eating that? It must be your fat day!!”  She shot all of her insecurities at me like a rubber band, stinging and burning every time. Slowly I broke down; believing what she was saying and beginning to wonder what was going on in my mirror as well….

How living wildly transformed my relationship with food and my body: Nichole Kellerman shares her story tumblr lhrtlcxKu01qhy3wdo1 500 thumb e1490269658309

From that summer on, I put my body AND mind through a horrible experience. I subjected myself to both mental and physical abuse on a daily basis. I would even go as far to call it self- mutilation.  I went from compulsively eating to starving myself, while drowning in thoughts of self -hatred. Exercise was an obsession along with trying multiple crash diets, diet pills, and purging. I did anything to change who I currently was. I was in a state of complete self-rejection.

It was consuming me, and taking every essence of my being. It was suffocating, I felt like I couldn’t breathe! Even though my focus was on LOSING weight, I gained about 15lbs over that summer….. Coincidence? Uh, I think not!…I like to call that mental weight gain.

During that time I remember I wasn’t a great person to be around. I never smiled, I was very jealous and insecure; I was unhappy on every level.

Still struggling after 2 years, I decided to go to school to become a fitness professional. I was telling people it was because I wanted to be a trainer, stating “I’m in the gym all the time already, might as well get paid for it!” But deeply, I was just wanting to lose weight and be that perfect image I so badly dreamt about.

I now understand that, that summer, with Sarah picking me apart as if I was her project, was actually a blessing in disguise. I joined school and loved every minute! I learned that I was doing everything wrong, and the right way to get into shape wasn’t about starvation.  It doesn’t take self destruction.

How living wildly transformed my relationship with food and my body: Nichole Kellerman shares her story Screen .hot 2011 03 26 at 5.15.09 PM

Yes that is a picture of my head on a fitness models body…Tactic to reach my ideal body, another self-hatred act.  

Beginning my career as a personal trainer was amazing, but, truthfully, those thoughts still existed. I told everyone that I had dealt with them and that it was water under the bridge. I was just trying to convince myself that those thoughts no longer existed. I was 30lbs lighter, got my diet on track, and my compulsive exercising was under control. But I STILL was unhappy with myself, and very insecure, continuing to pick apart my body in the mirror.

It was as if nothing would ever be good enough. Being a personal trainer, I still was struggling inside. I tried everything: Starving/Bingeing; Body For Life; Eat-Stop-Eat (not eating for 24hrs); Just eating vegetables and fruit; Weight Watchers (brought back my obsessive behavior); 2 hour workouts; Jillian Michael’s Making the Cut Program; Fasting for days (horrible); Working out 2x a day; Diet Pills etc… Just trying to find the ‘perfect formula’ to reach that ‘perfect’ size 2 goal (yeah, right!). I truly believed that if I got to that size I would FINALLY be happy. Even if it meant doing destructive and unhealthy things to myself.

How living wildly transformed my relationship with food and my body: Nichole Kellerman shares her story i love me by crystal06

Over time, working with a therapist, and going to an amazing massage school, where I did lots of healing is when I began accepting myself for what I was truly meant to look like, and it felt AMAZING! To look at areas I once hated and say “I love you” is something I have wanted to do for so long.

I will never regret telling people about my story and how I struggled because I learned SO MUCH and found my passion! Helping women reach their health goals and love themselves is THE reason why I was put on this planet!

How living wildly transformed my relationship with food and my body: Nichole Kellerman shares her story Nichole Kellerman photo shoot 1803

The biggest thing I learned through my experience was how I was the reason why I wasn’t changing. I did it all to myself – the thoughts of self-hatred were keeping me the weight I was and I went through hundreds of failures to figure out how to make that mental shift.  When I did it completely changed my life.

I don’t want one more woman to have to fail as many times as I did to reach their goal. I have strategically designed all of my programs from my past experiences for optimal success.

Oh and just to make it clear, I never reached my ‘perfect goal’ and am by no means perfect. I have just learned to love myself, every flawless flaw and adorable dimple!

I still have my indulgences! I love ice cream, pizza, peanut m&ms and the occasional night out with the girls with one two many glasses of wine, all while still living a very healthy lifestyle. It’s all about finding balance and I can show you how to get it.

[All images courtesy of Nichole Kellerman.]  

Learn more about Nichole at 


How living wildly transformed my relationship with food and my body: Nichole Kellerman shares her story RT logo

Only one week to go until The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design featuring Rachael Taylor begins!

Have you secured your place yet? Register here.

Flying the nest… we’re moving to Japan!


I am a wanderer at heart, but I am also Taurean through and through – which means I like to surround myself with beautiful things, and create a secure home.  This internal contradiction often pulls me in different directions, and right now has manifested itself as a very exciting decision… we are moving to Japan from next March for 8-9 months!

Image Cover of Kodansha Bilingual Encyclopedia of JapanImage: Cover of ‘Kodansha Bilingual Encyclopedia of Japan’

Last Summer we bought our lovely house, and have been so happy here, but in the past few months my man and I have started to get itchy feet.  I have long had a deep love of Japan, having lived in Kyoto for a year as a 19-year old student, and then in the snowy north, and in Tokyo for four more years in my twenties.  My man spent several years of his childhood in Hong Kong, but has never been to Japan, so we decided that now is as good a time as any!

To me Japan is a magical place, a breathtakingly beautiful place, and a place where anything seems possible.  It has also been home to some of my craziest, funniest adventures, and most deeply thought-provoking experiences.  I have found myself dreaming of Kyoto quite often recently, and have long harboured a secret wish to spend several months just wandering – taking photos, writing, exploring, catching up with old friends, doing a class or two in indigo dyeing, papermaking or pottery perhaps…  And my man wants to learn the language which has captivated me.  So he is taking a sabbatical, and will study in the mornings, then spend the rest of the time exploring.  And as for me – I have no plan whatsoever!

I have a feeling this is going to be a very precious time, and I want to soak in every inch of it.  And I cannot wait to share it all with you!

PS. For this reason I have decided not to run a Do What You Love retreat in England next year.  The next one will be in 2013 – I hope you can wait that long!  (And maybe, just maybe, I’ll organise one in Japan, if anyone would be interested??)


Flying the nest... we're moving to Japan! Hi res 550px Header WEB Ver1 e1314972237207

Did you hear the news?  The Art and Business of Surface Pattern featuring Rachael Taylor launched yesterday!  You will LOVE it – take a look over here!

Roadtrip #9: Strange times in the Catskills

Roadtrip #9: Strange times in the Catskills window1

I don’t really know what to say about the Catskills.  Up in the mountains the views are amazing, and I can imagine it is a fantastic place to ski in winter.  But we had a bizarre experience there and surprised ourselves by not staying very long.

It was the height of the tourist season and the weekend of the crazy Warrior Dash (where people do fun things like fire jumping, pond swimming and mud crawling – so the place was full of people caked in crusty mud!)  and nearly every room in the town of Windham was taken.  The only room we could find at short notice was in a B&B which we joked looked like something out of a horror film from the photos on its website.  When we got there, it was just as weird as we had joked it might be!  It was isolated, gloomy and imposing, hidden at the edge of dark woods.  We had the worst night’s sleep ever and got up aching all over at about 5am to be greeted by a wild storm.  You know how a bad situation can actually send you into a fit of laughter?  That’s what we were like as we wondered whether we were only saved from the scary B&B’s resident mad axeman because he also couldn’t move after such a bad night’s sleep…

We had come to Windham to go mountain biking and do some fun stuff on the river, but it was nearly impossible in all the wind and rain so we did something we weren’t expecting to – we left!  But not until we had picked up breakfast from a fab cafe, with exposed concrete behind the counter and cool art on the exposed brick walls…

Roadtrip #9: Strange times in the Catskills cafe11 Roadtrip #9: Strange times in the Catskills cafe22

And as we were leaving things got even more strange when we saw this truck driving down the road carrying a house – you would never see that in England!

Roadtrip #9: Strange times in the Catskills house

A couple of weeks later Windham was hit by the edges of Hurricane Irene and the whole place flooded.  I hope it recovers in time for the winter season, as I expect it is quite a magical skiing destination at that time of year.

More roadtrip posts here: #1 For the love of travel; #2 Sharks and jellyfish; #3 Boston and Harvard; #4 A fairytale wedding; #5 On top of the world; #6 To Canada, in search of stationery; #7 Japanese paper and pattern inspiration; #8 Niagara Falls



Life-changing”, “Revolutionary”, “Awe-inspiring”, “Transformative – just a few of the ways former participants have described the Do What You Love e-course.

Do you fancy some of that in your life? Do you want to get closer to identifying your true passion and finding a way to do what you love, for life? Then this is for you!

The Do What You Love e-course is open for registration now and places are limited so book now to secure your place. This is the last time it will run this year.

This is your chance to join a global tribe of like-minded people who will support and encourage you to find your way.

It could be the most influential six weeks of your life… Join now!


Roadtrip #8: Niagara Falls

Niagra Falls

As one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Niagara Falls is indeed stunning, but I was shocked to see how it has been completely ruined by the ugliness of the city built around it to capitalise on the visiting tourists. Concrete everywhere, huge casinos and hotels and very little else.  I had heard a whisper that it was like that, but wasn’t really expecting that people could actually build in such an unsympathetic way next to somewhere so naturally beautiful.

Niagra Falls 1

On my travels I have had the good fortune to see the Iguacu Falls in Brazil/Argentina, and the Victoria Falls in Zambia (where I took a helicopter ride over it to see how the falls are really just a huge gash in the landscape – breathtaking).  In both cases visitor numbers are high but the locals have realised the value of the natural wonder they have been blessed with and have sensitively preserved it.  What a pity the same hasn’t been done at Niagara.

Mother Nature triumphed in the end though – as we were leaving (and as most of the other visitors were arriving), a beautiful rainbow appeared and stretched up into the sky right in front of our eyes.  Magic.


More roadtrip posts here:  #1 For the love of travel#2 Sharks and jellyfish#3 Boston and Harvard#4 A fairytale wedding; #5 On top of the world; #6 To Canada, in search of stationery; #7 Japanese paper and pattern inspiration



Life-changing”, “Revolutionary”, “Awe-inspiring”, “Transformative – just a few of the ways former participants have described the Do What You Love e-course.

Do you fancy some of that in your life? Do you want to get closer to identifying your true passion and finding a way to do what you love, for life? Then this is for you!

The Do What You Love e-course is open for registration now and places are limited so book now to secure your place. This is the last time it will run this year.

This is your chance to join a global tribe of like-minded people who will support and encourage you to find your way.

It could be the most influential six weeks of your life…

Join now!

Roadtrip #5: On top of the world

BK Bretton Woods zip line

I wouldn’t go so far as to say I am afraid of heights, but I am definitely not a huge fan. But so much fun stuff happens high up, that I just had to go for it in, zip lining across the forest canopy 150 feet up and 800 feet across the mountainside, walking sky bridges and whooshing down ropes from the tops of trees.

Roadtrip #5: On top of the world zip line

With bungee jumping or rope swinging it’s always the jumping off bit that gets me.  But this was too good to miss, and the view from the top was incredible.  I probably made a few squirrels jump with my initial screams – which turned to whoops of adrenaline-fuelled joy by the end!

Roadtrip #5: On top of the world long way down

Roadtrip #5: On top of the world sky bridge

You should see the video footage…



Roadtrip #5: On top of the world white mountains2

We soaked up the great outdoors in the White Mountains, mountain biking for miles through forest trails, and doing stomach flips at a huge waterpark.

Roadtrip #5: On top of the world white mountains1

We had rain, we had wind, we had sun.  And after all that exercise, we had a lot of food!

Roadtrip #5: On top of the world bethlehem

We stayed at this wonderful B&B in Bethlehem, which was built as a family home at the turn of the last Century.  Marilyn Monroe used to spend her summers there, and Cary Grant had his honeymoon in the room next door to ours.

Roadtrip #5: On top of the world bethlehem2

Lovely innkeeper Mary welcomed us with freshly baked cookies, beer in the fridge and an endless supply of delicious coffee which we drank sat on rocking chairs in the wraparound porch.  We played croquet in her beautiful garden, and felt quite at home in this tiny part of New Hampshire.


Other roadtrip posts:  #1 For the love of travel#2 Sharks and jellyfish#3 Boston and Harvard#4 A fairytale wedding; #6 To Canada, in search of stationery



Life-changing”, “Revolutionary”, “Awe-inspiring”, “Transformative – just a few of the ways former participants have described the Do What You Love e-course.

Do you fancy some of that in your life? Do you want to get closer to identifying your true passion and finding a way to do what you love, for life? Then this is for you!

The Do What You Love e-course is open for registration now. The adventure begins on September 26 but places are limited so book now to secure your place. This is the last time it will run this year.

This is your chance to join a global tribe of like-minded people who will support and encourage you to find your way.

It could be the most influential six weeks of your life… Join now!

One month to go…

DWYL notebook(handmade book by Rachel Hazell)

… until the Do What You Love e-course kicks off for the last time this year.

In the words of previous participants, this is not just another e-course that you take.  It is an e-course that you live, and which continues to live in you beyond the classroom. They have described it as “revolutionary“, “awe-inspiring”,life-changing” and “transformational“.

As a direct result of taking the course, former participants have started new companies, exhibited artwork for the first time, launched blogs, quit jobs, mended relationships, started writing books, created their own e-courses, started painting, gone travelling, and all sorts of other adventures.

Of those responding to a survey about the course…

– 100% said it had impacted their life and they are making changes as a result

– 95% said they now know what they need to do in order to do what they love, for life

– Participants said they felt more brave, more inspired, more curious, more positive and more confident.  They found themselves more focused, they had new ideas, wanted to try new things, and realised that they were more creative than they thought they were.  They had found support and friendship in the global community on the course. And perhaps most importantly, they had a stronger belief in themselves and what they are capable of.

When asked how they would describe the course to a friend they said:

A unique, creative, inspiring yet practical approach to discovering and doing what you love.”

If you want to change your life and feel better about who you are – happier, more creative, able to tell people how you feel and live with more passion, then this is the class for you.”

So what are you waiting for? 

The final session of 2011 begins a month today.  Participants have already signed up from FIVE different continents.

This is a unique opportunity to share an exciting journey of change with people from all over the world.  Register now!



Roadtrip #3: Boston & Harvard

Harvard University

I normally steer clear of tours, but I couldn’t resist the tour around in Cambridge.  Led by a current student, we were given a glimpse into life at one of the world’s most famous colleges.

Roadtrip #3: Boston & Harvard boston8

It is a beautiful campus which undoubtedly inspires academic curiosity.  It was fascinating to hear stories of former students – Al Gore, Matt Damon, Mark Zuckerberg and others – and to be treated to stories about the traditions and superstitions.

Roadtrip #3: Boston & Harvard boston7

While we were there a reunion picnic was going on.  The average age of participants was over 70, and I only just resisted eacesdropping on their conversations – imagine the lives and experiences of the gathered group of nonegenerians!  There is something very special about places like Harvard, which make you want to keep on learning.

Roadtrip #3: Boston & Harvard boston2

We only had a couple of days in Boston at the beginning of the trip.

Roadtrip #3: Boston & Harvard boston3

Unsurprisingly we were drawn to the harbour, and sat happily listening to the tinkling of the yacht masts and the calls of seagulls.

Roadtrip #3: Boston & Harvard boston1

The weather was glorious so we headed out into the Bay in search of whales.

Roadtrip #3: Boston & Harvard boston9

We didn’t find any, but it was peaceful out on the water, and some welcome respite from the steaming concrete.

Roadtrip #3: Boston & Harvard boston5

It was lovely to meet up with Jess Greene  of Seek Your Course for an afternoon. We sat at a cafe on Newbury Street, watching the world go by and eating the largest pizza I have ever seen!

Roadtrip #3: Boston & Harvard boston4

The man and I returned to Boston at the end of the trip and explored further – more on that later!

Next stop Concord… for a wedding!



Life-changing”, “Revolutionary”, “Awe-inspiring”, “Transformative – just a few of the ways former participants have described the Do What You Love e-course.

Do you fancy some of that in your life? Do you want to get closer to identifying your true passion and finding a way to do what you love, for life? Then this is for you!

The Do What You Love e-course is open for registration now. This is your chance to join a global tribe of like-minded people who will support and encourage you to find your way.

It could be the most influential six weeks of your life… Join now!



Roadtrip #2: Sharks and jellyfish


I have always loved the ocean.  I grew up by the sea, and I find aquariums a kind of blissful escape from the city.  While on our recent roadtrip around the US we visited the big aquarium in Boston. It drew us in with its huge central tank that runs over several floors (full of all sorts of ominous creatures – see above!) and its shark and ray touch pool (the rays felt kind of slimy if you are interested!)

But what surprised me was the slightly odd obsession I developed with the ‘moonjellies’.


Glowing an eerie blue colour, they pulsated in the dark waters. Silent, peaceful, squidgily beautiful.  I couldn’t take my eyes off them.

Roadtrip #2: Sharks and jellyfish IMG 1439

I also loved these graceful jellyfish, dawdling along trailing their stings like ink drips.

Roadtrip #2: Sharks and jellyfish IMG 1443.JPG

Roadtrip #2: Sharks and jellyfish IMG 1447

And of course the penguins are always delightful, although having sat among several thousand on an Antarctic island I would much prefer that they were in their natural habitat…

Roadtrip #2: Sharks and jellyfish IMG 1461.JPG

More tomorrow!



Life-changing”, “Revolutionary”, “Awe-inspiring”, “Transformative – just a few of the ways former participants have described the Do What You Love e-course.

Do you fancy some of that in your life? Do you want to get closer to identifying your true passion and finding a way to do what you love, for life? Then this is for you!

The Do What You Love e-course is open for registration now. The adventure begins on September 26 but places are limited so book now to secure your place. This is the last time it will run this year.

This is your chance to join a global tribe of like-minded people who will support and encourage you to find your way.

It could be the most influential six weeks of your life… Join now!