Do What You Love interview – Kendall Marie Platt


Today we chat to a lady who is combining her two greatest loves – science and fashion – to ensure she lives life to the fullest. Kendall Marie Platt has been a forensic scientist since 2010 and last year she also decided to launch her own fashion business styling women across the UK. She loves that she earns a living from both her technical and creative skills and she is now mentoring other women as they start up on their own. Enjoy the interview! ~Rachel

Kendall Marie Platt

1. How are you ‘doing what you love’?

By day I am forensic scientist and by night I am an independent stylist with Stella&Dot, a boutique jewellery and accessories company. I offer pop-up shops and styling sessions, called trunk shows, in people’s homes. Usually a group of girlfriends will gather at someone’s house for coffee or wine and I talk everyone through next season trends and style them using the products I have in my trunk. There’s the opportunity for guests to purchase jewellery and accessories and the hostess gets free jewellery as a thank you!

2. Tell us about your background and how you’ve come to find yourself doing two dream jobs?

I’ve always enjoyed science and wanted that involved helping people. My school wanted me to study medicine but instead I chose to do Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Bath and a masters in Forensic Archaeology at Bournemouth University. During the process I applied for loads of CSI jobs and sent my CV to all the big forensic providers. I also did a number of short courses, including Forensic Photography and Forensic Entomology, to make my CV stand out. My perseverance paid off when I was offered a job at the Forensic Science Service (FSS) as a Forensic Biology Examiner in the Violent and Homicide team. The FSS, a government owned company, closed in 2011 and since then I have worked for nearly all of the private forensic providers in the UK. The current company I work for, Arrogen Forensics is a small, innovative company that is really going places and in my current role as Deputy Quality Manager I am enjoying contributing to the growth of the company.


My other big love is fashion. In fact in my school year book it said I was ‘Most likely to…. wear diamanté chemistry goggles’ – which is so apt! I first realised I could make money from my passion when I went along to a Stella&Dot trunk show (a pop-up boutique) at a friend’s house. I fell head over heels for the gorgeous jewellery so when the stylist explained that I could be a stylist myself, I jumped at the chance. Now, as well as earning good money, which will help pay for my wedding, I get free jewellery and helping other women style their own lives and even build their own business.


3. What do you most like about each job and how do they complement one and other in terms of your personality, interests, and skill set?

My day job taxes my brain in a technical way because I have to think outside the box and use my knowledge and experience to work out, for example, where tiny blood spots might have ended up on the trainers worn by a suspect during a fight. It’s quite intense and serious, and I don’t like to think too much about what the victims might have been though.

In contrast, being a stylist allows me to interact with people in a more fun and social environment, whilst indulging my creative side. I love seeing people happy so helping women to solve their fashion dilemmas while boosting their confidence and making them feel fantastic about themselves is wonderful. Both roles require me to be super-organised, consistent in approach and persistent in order to achieve my goals.

4. What does a typical day in your life look like?

I get up at 6.30am have a cup of tea, check my emails, shower and have breakfast, making sure to accessorise and take a photo of my outfit to post to my Facebook business page before doing the 40-minute drive to the laboratory. Mornings usually involve examining clothing for blood and blood patterns, examining exhibits for footwear marks and body fluids, creating test impressions for use in marks examinations, and conducting audits and running most aspects of the Quality System.

On my lunch break I try to make one or two customer care calls for my Stella&Dot business and maybe post on my social media pages about the latest offer or featured piece. After lunch I might put together a scientific supplies order and draft a checklist for that months audit. Unless an urgent case comes in I usually get in the car about 4.30pm to drive home. I make a couple more calls to book in trunk shows or to chat to potential stylists. If I have a trunk show in the evening I’ll arrive at my hostess’ house for about 7pm. I’ll set up in her front room or kitchen and chat to her about who is attending and what pieces she would like to get for free. Once all the guests have arrived and I’ve got to know them I talk a bit about the company and the fashion trends for the upcoming season and do some group styling. The rest of the evening entails personal styling, chatting with the guests, answering questions and taking any orders on my iPad.

image4My pop-up boutique inside a hostess’ home

5. What has been your biggest challenge to date, and how did you overcome it?

When a good friend of mine was diagnosed with terminal cancer I began to have panic attacks. I am a control freak, and tend to adopt the role of organiser in group situations, but I felt so helpless because there was nothing I could do to make my friend better. In the end I decided to go and speak to someone about my feelings. This made me realise that there wasn’t anything I could do, other than support and love him whilst he was still around, and then do my best to make him as proud as possible.

6. How do you think each of us can live the fullest life possible? 

Always be kind; kindness breeds fulfilment. And make sure you do at least one thing every day that makes you happy – if you can make that thing your job even better as we spend 70 per cent of our lives at work! It helps to make a list of everything that you enjoy – be it reading a book or going for a long walk – then schedule these things into your week.

7. What is the best advice you have received?  

My parents always said I could do anything I wanted to and they showed me that hard work and determination to succeed would get me there. They also taught me that I don’t have to stay in situations that make me unhappy because there’s always have a choice – even if it means working two jobs and seven days a week to get where I want to be.

8. What keeps you awake at night? 

Dreaming up new ways to build my Stella&Dot business, or thinking about tasks I need to do in order to complete my latest audit or update my case!

9. What gets you up in the morning?

The friend I mentioned sadly lost his life to liver cancer aged 26. He was a forensic scientist, a father, a party animal, pretty badly behaved and utterly loveable. The fact that he doesn’t have the luxury of living his life everyday is what motivates me to get out there and live my life to the fullest! I adore mentoring other women, giving them confidence in their own abilities and seeing them succeed is one of the things I’m most proud of.

Do What You Love interview - Kendall Marie Platt image5 e1441796189878Spreading the word about business opportunities with Stella&Dot at Mumsnet Workfest, London

10. Finally, what do you hope your life has in store? What are your big dreams?  

I hope to continue helping women to style their lives and grow their own flourishing businesses while fighting crime and building the most robust quality system in the Forensic arena. My big dream is to live a happy and healthy life with my wonderful husband by my side. Oh and world domination of course, but that goes without saying, right?

Kendall’s snapshot…

Biggest ‘ah-ha’ moment: Realising that I could indulge my love of fashion whilst continuing my dream job as a forensic scientist.

Happiest place: At my parents house in France surrounded by friends and family.

Three things you do to relax: Hot bath, good magazine, digging in my garden.

Best way to stay focused: Lists, lists and more lists!

Mantra of the moment: Never let anyone dull your sparkle.

Most inspiring book you’ve read: Elephants on Acid by Alex Boese

Advice to anyone who isn’t doing what they love: Decide what truly makes you happy and go for it!

Quote you live by: “…life is too short to be anything but happy” ~ Karl Marx

Wish for the world: For everyone to indulge their passions at least once a day – we would all be more content that way!

If you love jewellery and fashion and would like advice about becoming a stylist or hosting a Trunk Show visit or contact Kendall via Facebook , Twitter: @KBev86, Instagram: kbev86 or email: [email protected]

Design a career doing what you love

Design a career doing what you love DWYL BLOG HOWTOMAKEITINTHEWORLDOF 650X250PX LR

Are you at that point in life where you’re thinking it’s time for a change? Perhaps you dream of becoming an artist, a designer or an interior decorator; maybe you have a talent that you’d love to develop but you aren’t sure how; perhaps you’re already on the path to doing what you love and need to hone your skills in order to take the next step; or maybe you finally have the time to indulge your creative side and you can’t wait to see where it takes you. Well now’s the time to do it!

Whether you choose to take radical action to change the trajectory of your life, or slowly and steadily move to the edge of your comfort zone – and beyond, sometimes you just have to trust your intuition – the niggling voice inside your head – and go for it.

DWYL story

Taking a leap of faith and stepping into the unknown might feel scary and overwhelming at first but fear can actually be a powerful ally when it comes to helping you recognize your vast potential. Embracing change can also be extremely exciting and exhilarating. By re-shuffling your priorities and making a plan that works around you and your life you’ll feel more in control, which can alleviate some of the fear and uncertainty you might be feeling.

Joining a global community of like-minded individuals can also be an invaluable source of inspiration, encouragement and support. As well as meeting people who understand what you’re going through, it can help to keep you motivated to achieve your goals.

Although your choices might not work for everyone – some people may find them inconvenient, or even threatening – if you believe in your heart that they are right for you, don’t be afraid to stand by them. By making time to learn a new skill, or pursue the thing that will allow you to spend more time doing what you love, you will be happier and in the long run, this will make those around you happier too. Remember, this is your life we are talking about.

Where do you start?

To make a change you usually have to stop doing something, start doing something, or try doing something differently. This takes a whole lot of courage so be gentle on yourself, make a plan, take baby steps, keep congratulating yourself on your new beginning and, most importantly, don’t give up!


Inspiring success – turning passion into profit

Every day we are surrounded by stories of people who have followed their heart and invested in themselves in order to pursue their passions and live a more creative life, doing what they love. People like these, on our sister site Make It In Design, who are applying what they have learnt on our groundbreaking Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design courses to turn their passion into profit.

Mel SmithMel took the Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design Modules 1, 2 & 3

Mel Smith started her own design business based in Hampton UK

“Rewind to 1998: the Changing Rooms and DIY SOS era. Home decorating TV shows were everywhere. And I got the itch. Studying Art & Design at college and then specialising in Interior Textiles at university set things up nicely for me to venture into a design career. I started off working with a greetings card company. It was a great experience but my heart was still in interiors so I also freelanced for a few years producing designs for kitchen linens, bedding and stationery before deciding I wanted to go it alone. In 2012 I completed the Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design e-course and Mel Smith Designs was born! Since the start I have seen my designs in high street stores such as Marks and Spencers & John Lewis, and my products in some wonderful indie retail boutiques across the country. I was also thrilled to get the chance to collaborate with The Original Muck Boot Company and Green Decore to produce vibrant designs for a selection of  outdoor products.”

Alice DartAlice took the Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design Modules 1 & 2

Alice Dart now runs her own studio based in Devon, UK

“Taking all three modules of The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design was the start of an exciting new chapter for me. It helped me in every element of starting my business and, being an e-course, meant I could complete the modules and tasks as and when I had time. By the end I was ready to go with a brand and business skills. I got a licensing contract with, from one of the live briefs on the course, and have gone on to work on several exciting freelance briefs and most recently, partnered with Not On The High Street to sell my illustrations.”

Elizabeth Olwen profile Elizabeth took Modules 1, 2 & 3

Elizabeth Olwen now runs her own surface pattern design business based in Toronto, Canada

“Two years ago I was very much at the beginning of my journey. I was an aimless doodler with fire in my belly. I’d make patterns for fun in my free time, but I didn’t have any direction and I felt very frustrated. I was trying to find the next step, a way to take my work to the next level, but didn’t know where to turn. I felt lost. When I heard about ABSPD I thought it could be just the ticket; an opportunity that would open me up to all the possibilities a career in surface design could bring. So much has happened since then. Cut to today, and I am preparing to exhibit at Surtex for the second year, I have fabric lines launching in both the independent and mass markets, I have a growing collection of products, I’m working with my dream clients, and have been featured in Magazines like Uppercase and Frankie.”

Wendy KendallWendy took the Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design Modules 2 & 3

Wendy Kendall from Staffordshire, UK, was inspired to become a freelance surface pattern designer

“When I enrolled on ABSPD freelancing was relatively new to me. Previously I worked in house as a textile designer but I noticed that the industry was changing. Designers were putting themselves out there via websites and social media and I wondered if I could do this too. One of the most valuable things I learnt was the importance of having an appealing website that showcases your style of work. Since launching mine I’ve gained lots of new customers through this, and my images being pinned on Pinterest. I have sold designs outright this way to UK and US retailers, which has been great! I also now have licensing deals with Deny designs, Wallpapered (after winning ideal home show wallpaper 2013) S-blinds and Dashwood Studio. Some of my designs were also selected for the print and pattern geometric book.”            

You can find lots more alumni success stories here.                                                                 


It’s your time to shine! 

If you have ever dreamed of seeing your designs on stationery, homewares, fabric or other products, then The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design is for you. This series of interactive online courses are a definitive guide to becoming a surface pattern design professional. Thriving surface pattern designer Rachael Taylor will guide you along this exciting creative path from developing your signature style, to putting a collection together, and from protecting your work to monetising your designs. With a rich combination of design inspiration, practical advice, demonstrations, fun exercises, valuable resources and insightful interviews with leading industry practitioners, this is the go-to guide for anyone wanting to develop their design skills and break into the industry.

Our next classes begin on Monday, September 21, 2015 so there’s still time to secure your place and make your design dreams a reality. This really is your time to shine! For more information and to register, click here.


Do What You Love interview – Meredith Langer


Today’s big interview is with super-talented calligrapher Meredith Langer, who discovered her gift for creating beautiful handwriting by chance. “I loved typography but it wasn’t until a had to work on a project that involved copying a font that I fell in love with it,” she explains. “I began to notice how certain letters are formed and became obsessed with creating my “perfect alphabet” with angles and spacing that looked best.”

Meredith Langer 1Image credit: In the eye photography

Her love of scripts and hand lettering led her to start her own business as a calligrapher and sign maker. “I am a firm believer in living life to the fullest and making everyday meaningful,” she says. “This means that I fill my days doing things that I enjoy doing: making place cards for someone’s special day, creating signs for a local restaurant, addressing envelopes, or wood burning a custom gift, logo or packaging design.”

Meredith Langer - mirror

Meredith is also passionate about sharing her knowledge with others and she regularly teaches traditional pen and nib techniques, as well as more experimental forms of calligraphy. I had the pleasure of taking a workshop with Meredith earlier this year and I can highly recommend it. ~ Rachel

1. What is your background?

I have always been drawn to creative endeavours and I love learning new skills. I’ve obtained so many random skills that I’ve been told that I am modern day renaissance woman, which always makes me laugh. I have had no formal training in calligraphy, but I majored in art in college and I often pull from the skills I learned in school.

Meredith Langer 2

2. How would you describe your style and approach?

I am definitely drawn to the handwritten touch. So much of what we see on a daily basis is typed or super perfect. I love doing things with a purpose but embracing the one-of-a-kind feel.

3. What are your favourite tools?

My best tool is definitely my Le Pen. Supposedly the pen was invented for left handed writers because it dries so quickly. I love it’s fine-point felt tip. I am a pretty hard writer, so when I break it in and hit a sweet spot, it’s like heaven! I am also a huge fan of any writing implements made by ZIG. I often use their Posterman pens for chalkboard signs.

Meredith Langer - materials

When working with traditional calligraphy, I love working with india ink or mixing my own colours with powder pigments/gauche, water and gum arabic. Finding the right paper is key for calligraphers (your nib will catch on anything too fibrous) but solid white bristol is my all time favourite to write on. I have a collection of Hunt, Brause and Gillott nibs that I always alternate between.

4. What are your absolute necessities to get your creative juices flowing?

Honestly… Instagram! I follow a lot of typographers and calligraphers that are constantly inspiring me and pushing me to try new things. I also have a nice little library of books. Molly Thorpe’s Modern Calligraphy & Eleanor Winters’ Mastering Copperplate Calligraphy are both a must. Oh, and putting on a good record or podcast really helps me stay motivated when I have lots of work to do!

5. Talk us through your design process…

It really depends on what I am doing. When I am working on a large scale sign, like a seating chart, I start with a typed document which lists everyone’s name. I format the names so they are laid out as I would like to write them. Then I measure the sign and figure out the math for the spacing (this is not a glamorous part of the job, but it is an important one). Once this is done, I can focus on the fun creative bit while sitting in front of the sign.

Meredith Langer - wedding seating chart

6. You’ve worked on countless projects; what have been your favourites so far?

I love doing large scale signs in chalk! Most of the work I do for clients is with waterproof paint markers so it’s great when someone allows me to work with good old fashioned chalk! I did a large scale menu sign for Wynnewood Station Cafe that I love. It’s on a wall in an old train station that was built in 1870 and the building has a lot of charm.

7. When did you realise you could turn your passion into a business? How did you go about it?

For the past five years I’ve been freelancing here and there while working a full time job. The past two years have been very enlightening for me as I found I had more and more work coming my way. One day I sat down and looked at how much I was making in my full-time job and how much I was making with my personal work. It was then that I realized that I could be potentially making more doing my own thing. And, honestly, I wasn’t happy in my full time job so I made the jump and left. It’s been hard work starting my own business! I constantly have to motivate myself and it’s not always fun work. But it’s totally worth it and now I get to I get to share my knowledge and sills with others too.

Meredith Langer - teaching workshop

8. What do you most enjoy about running your own business, and what have been your biggest challenges?

I really have enjoyed how empowering having my own business is! It is super rewarding to drive down the street and see my own signs along the way. I also love how I can make my own schedule.

That said, managing my time can be tricky. I have learned that I have to give myself one office day a week to get organised, plan my week ahead and respond to e-mails. I also find it difficult to say no to people, but experience is teaching me to be realistic about what can be achieved and I’m also careful not to undersell my time.

Meredith Langer in action

9. What projects are you currently working on?

I am currently working on a photograph quilt for a client’s wedding. The couple has been together for 20 years, so I will be sewing together a photograph from each year. I will be embroidering dates and names to the quilt, which I am really excited about. It’s nice getting the dust off of my sewing machine!

10. What is your dream commission?

My dream commission… such a good question! One that is a repeat customer. I do a lot of wedding work, which I love because it’s all of one big magical day. But thats it, once the wedding is over, the works over. I love creating a relationship with someone where I update or modify the work overtime and watch it evolve.

11. What are the current trends in calligraphy?

Calligraphy is such an old tradition. There are many aspects that never go out of style! For example the classic black ink on white never gets old. But I think that it is definitely trending to use unconventional inks: watercolor, gauche, gold or white. Brush pens are also really fun to play with. I personally love applying calligraphy skills on unconventional surfaces. Wood burning in script is always super fun.

Meredith Langer - wood burning

12. Finally, what are your top tips for anyone who’s never done calligraphy before? 

  • Getting good requires lots of repetitive practicing.
  • Don’t settle on one tool, try several until your find your favorite!
  • Use a calligraphers grid under your paper to help keep your lines straight.
  • When first starting, just focus on lower cased letters so you don’t get tripped up on capitalizing.
  • Begin by focusing on each letter in the alphabet and perfecting each letter.
  • Get inspired by what other calligraphers or sign makers are doing. (I love using Instagram to get inspired)
  • Try to copy the inspiration and see if you can do it better!
  • Don’t get discouraged if you are struggling, ask for help because it might be a silly mistake or a tiny hair caught in your nib. (I have cats, so this happens often for me!)
  • Take a calligraphy class.
  • Don’t forget to have fun!

For more information about Meredith and her work visit her website:

Get out your rainbow colours and make today beautiful

RainbowA magical reminder that the world is a kaleidoscope of colour. Image credit: Jamie McCaffrey

Colour is a powerful thing. It can open the door to the mind and the soul and heal us on all levels, it can improve our health and boost our sense of wellbeing and it can also help us to create a happy harmonious home. So forget black, white and grey (yes, all fifty shades of it!) it’s time to open our eyes to the bold, the bright and the beautiful.

Here are our top tips for inviting more colour into your life…

1. Wear clothes that light you up

We all love neutrals but by stocking our wardrobes with the same fail-safe shades we could be missing out on the health benefits implicit in colour. As our very own colour expert Louise Gale says: “Colours can have a big psychological effect on us. Warm, bright colours, such as pink, yellow and orange, instantly put us in a cheery mood and make others feel that way too. Green is calming and soothing, blue can help you feel relaxed, and purple is associated with creativity and luxury and like red, it can also boost your energy levels.” Look for beauty in what you have in your wardrobe and bring your outfit to life with a bright accessory, like a bag, a scarf or a piece of chunky jewellery.

mandcoFloral Gypsy Top £26, Jeans £20, Knitted Scarf £12, Tan Belt £5, M&Co

2. Rock bold lips

It’s a small thing but lipstick makes a massive difference to the way you look and feel. As Coco Chanel said: “If you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack”. Bright lips are back this season and the enduring classic red offers a shade for every complexion; orangey-reds work
well on ‘warmer’ faces with yellow undertones, while reds with a hint of blue look great against cool-toned skin.

Get out your rainbow colours and make today beautiful Lipstick1 e1441308017984Lipsticks, £12, Iconic London

3. Love your walls

While it’s great to have a neutral scheme that goes with everything, all that white, cream and beige can start to get you down. Your home is your playground and your sanctuary, so it should feel that way! Vibrant splashes of colour here and there can brighten your mood, stimulate lively conversation, inspire work, hobbies and interests and help you wind down too. If you’re not sure which hue is for you, take this The Paint Personality Test before you get out your brushes and go bold.

House to Home

Image credit: House To Home

4. Give your living space a lift

A colourful cushion or a well-placed throw can change the focus of a room in an instant, while a quirky accessory will ensure your home reflects your personality and makes a style statement to see you into autumn.

houseoffraserLinea Justapose living room, House of Fraser

5. Go potty for plants

As Oscar de la Renta said: “Gardening is how I relax. It’s another form of creating and playing with colors.” So with cooler weather on its way now’s the time to pop down to your local garden centre and find inspiration. Add a pop of dramatic colour to your garden with containers filled with beautiful autumnal blooms like Violas, large faced Pansies, Heuchera, Nemesia, Snapdragon, Dahlias, Chrysanthemum or Camellia.

homebaseImage credit: Homebase

6. Spread a little sunshine

Show someone a little love today by giving a colourful gift – like a candle, photo frame or journal – wrapped in beautifully designed paper or decorated with bright tape. Your act of kindness is guaranteed to brighten their day.

dotcomgiftshop_66139916748386912Floral fabric sticky tape, £3.95, Dotcomgiftshop

7. Polish up your act

Dark manicures, brilliant brights, jewel tones, matt finishes and a splattering of nail art, when it comes to painting our fingers and toes there are so many wonderful ways to create our own unique and colourful look this autumn. So now’s the time to step out of your comfort zone and try something new.

NailsMatte nail polish, £2.99, New Look

8. Eat right, eat bright

Multi-coloured plant foods don’t just look good on your plate, they’re good for you as well. Each colour relates to different phytonutrients, which boast specific health benefits for the body and mind. Find out more here.

flirting_fig salad_watermark - credit: https://consciousbitesnutrition.comImage credit:

9. Bring the outside in

Flowers have a wonderful healing energy, which can instantly lighten our mood or transform the atmosphere in a room. “The best way to appreciate the colour, scent and beauty of fresh flowers is to place them in your hallway and in your bedroom,” according to event-stylist-to-the-stars Matthew Robbins. “That way you enter your living space in the morning to something fresh, organic and inspiring and you end your day seeing something natural and beautiful.”

dunelm flowersBotanical vases, Dunelm Mill

10. Connect with creativity

Ask yourself which colours you are especially drawn to right now and use these as a basis for a new creative project. Draw, paint, knit, sew, scrapbook, take pictures, bake – do whatever you love to do – or try something you’ve never done before. To find out how your colour choices reflect what is going on in your life right now, click here.


Which colours make you feel happiest? What’s your favourite colour and what does it mean to you? Which colours would you like to surround yourself with and why? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

An update from DWYL HQ – August ’15


This month’s DWYL news round up is brought to you by our Senior Editor, Rachel Kempton.

Do What You Love HQ has been buzzing with activity as Beth and Paul enjoy precious time as a family and bond with their new baby daughter, Maia. While Beth takes some well-deserved maternity leave (and pursues her own special passion project during Maia’s naps!) Paul and the team are as focussed on work as ever and there’s lots of exciting news to report:

1. On a mission: Our Marketing Manager, Vickie, has been on a quest to discover if becoming a digital nomad can help people to sustain a happier life while doing what they love. As part of her mission she flew out to Berlin to attend the first-ever global digital nomad conference,, an event which helps people discover their passions, find out more about starting a location independent business that fits their lifestyle and balance work and travel. She then stayed in Berlin for a week, living like a local, and working remotely. You can read about her experience here. And if you’d love to see if life on the road is for you, download our brand new FREE resource, Are you cut out to be a Digital Nomad?here.


2. Loving reading week: When work gets busy we often find ourselves going about our daily business, ticking off things on our to-do lists and forgetting the bigger picture. So this August the team decided to spend five days away from email, Skype, the blog, and social media – and instead spend the week reading. We all read a book on a subject we feel passionately about and then using this for inspiration, drew on our own personal experiences and skill set to come up with plans for new resources to help support people who may be in similar situations. It’s not often that we make the time to focus on one big project without distraction but it’s been amazing to see what happens when we do. Watch this space!

An update on our collaborations

Make Art That Sells (MATS):


1. The Global Talent Search has started and we’ve had over a 1,000 participants! The Grand Prize winner receives two years’ international representation from Lilla Rogers Studio, plus a host of covetable product licenses, and a series of prizes to support the development of their professional career – you can read all about them here. Good luck to everyone who’s taking part!

2. MATS Part A + Part B start in October: If you want to learn how to make your art more commercially-viable n the hottest markets while staying true to yourself then join us for Make Art That Sells, Part A or Part B starting October 19, 2015. These five-week e-courses will give you a great insight into the industry while helping you to build a professional portfolio. You can find out more and register for MATS Part A here, or for MATS Part B here.

Make It In Design (MIID)logo

1. Register for September’s surface pattern design courses today! If you’re interested in becoming a successful surface pattern designer, or are new to surface design and want to hone your design skills and discover more about what the industry can offer you, check out the latest courses from The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design: Module 1 – Designing Your way; Module 3 – Monetising Your Designs and The Ultimate Portfolio Builder. All three courses start September 21, 2015.

2. ‘How to build a brand’ video series – coming soon! When it comes to building a thriving business, branding is vital. It takes time and effort to get your branding right, but as anyone who has a successful business knows, it is absolutely worth it in the long run. In Make it in Design’s brand new five-part video series, Rachael Taylor and Patricia van den Akker from The Design Trust take you on an incredible journey to discover what it takes to create a truly brilliant brand. This fabulous new resource is completely FREE and videos start on Monday, September 7, 2015. Sign up here.

3. Rachael at Printsource New York… On August 11 & 12 Rachael Taylor hit NYC for Printsource New York – one of the top surface and textile design shows in the world. Rachael joined the likes of Pantone and Trendstop to deliver two presentations on ‘The Rise of Surface Pattern Design’ and ‘Blazing a New Trail in Surface Pattern Design’ which were really well received. Rachael was thrilled to have the opportunity to meet so many talented creatives from the Make it in Design community who came to see her talk. Read more here.

4. Summer SchoolHundreds of designers from over 35 countries took part in this year’s Summer School, where they had the opportunity to work on challenging briefs, connect with other designers and even win some cool prizes. The Make it in Design galleries are now bursting at the seams with awesome designs in response to creative briefs inspired by WGSN trends. Join the waiting list to be the first to hear when Summer School 2016 returns and to be inspired by all the amazing patterns created during the event.

5. Welcome to the HOME edition of MOYO Magazine! Issue 8 of MOYO, the world’s first on-line magazine dedicated to surface pattern design, is out now! This issue is all about the home and it’s packed with ideas and expert advice to help you style-up your house and make it truly feel like yours. Wherever you are on your design journey there’s plenty to inspire you with design briefs, colour stories, student showcases, travel features, news, trend updates, and fascinating interviews with industry experts, including:

  • Sophie Robinson (our cover star), one of the UK’s top interior stylists who specialises in magazine features, photo shoots, room sets and high street style
  • Heather Moore, founder of the wildly successful blog, shop, and online business Skinny laMinx
  • British textile designer Emily Burningham
  • Keith Stephenson and Mark Hampshire, the dynamic duo behind the contemporary interiors brand Mini Moderns
  • Ceramics expert Kate Thorburn of What Kate Loves

For all this FREE goodness, and much more besides, download your copy of MOYO Issue 8 here.0.MOYO_ISSUE8_COVER_KC_550PX_LR

To make sure everyone you know gets to MOYO Magazine too, we’d love you to share it on your website, blog and social media using the following link: and hashtag #MoyoMagazine

Thought of the month… a little time can go a long way 

“Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life.” ~ Brian Andreas

During reading week I read Arianna Huffington’s insightful book Thrive, which challenges us to redefine the commonly accepted definition of success. She likens our drive for money and power to two legs of a three-legged stool; it may hold us up temporarily, but sooner or later we’re going to topple over. In order to live a healthy, productive, and meaningful life, she believes that we need a third leg – a Third Metric for defining success – one that is made up of four pillars: well-being, wisdom, wonder and giving. And that these four pillars are pulled together by an overarching goal, which is to reconnect with ourselves, our loved ones and our community.

This section in Chapter 2: Wisdom rang so true for me during my reading week when I parked my usual work duties, removed digital distractions and focussed on nothing but my exciting new project.

“Slow thinking is is intuitive, woolly and creative,” wrote Carl Honoré. “It’s what we do when the pressure is off, and there is time to let ideas simmer on the back burner. It yields rich, nuanced insights and sometimes surprising breakthroughs… the future will belong to those who can innovate – and innovation comes from knowing when to slow down.”

It also served as a valuable reminder that gaining a sense of time affluence – the feeling that you really do have sufficient time to pursue activities that you enjoy and that are personally meaningful – genuinely can lead to greater wellbeing and deeper wisdom.

What activities are meaningful to you in your life and how can you make more time for them?

Until next month,


Do What You Love interview – Matthew Robbins


Today’s big interview is with event-designer-to-the-stars, Matthew Robbins. Matthew runs his own successful business, Matthew Robbins Designs in New York, and he’s planned weddings and celebrations of all sizes, for all budgets. He really is the go-to guy when it comes to big day quandaries and making events extraordinary. 

Matthew’s talent for bringing a client’s vision to life in a way that truly reflects their personal tastes and style is why he is now Martha Stewart’s right-hand wedding expert – a collaboration that’s been going strong for 15 years. As well as contributing regularly to Martha Stewart Weddings and Martha Stewart Living, he has appeared many times as a guest on both the Martha Stewart Show and on Martha Stewart Living Radio. He also features regularly in O Magazine, Sweet Paul, Coastal Living, The Knot, Bridal Guide, InStyle Weddings and Style Me Pretty, and he writes an ongoing blog for The Huffington Post and Stylelist

Matthew Robbins profile

Beth and I had the pleasure of meeting Matthew when we took his workshop, ‘Inspired tables’, at The Sweet Paul Makerie, Philadelphia, earlier this year. Together we created four stunning tables by combining a beautiful mix of décor and craft techniques which left us bursting with ideas for how we could make our own celebrations and intimate every day gatherings all the more special back home.

After seeing Matthew in full creative flow, doing what he loves, I just had to find out more about him. I hope you enjoy the interview. ~ Rachel

Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 16.30.00

1. How are you doing what you love?

My professional background is rooted in art and art history. I studied painting and art history in San Francisco and during my college years I worked for many of San Francisco’s best and most renowned event designers. This was my introduction to the world of event design and event planning. It was a natural transition from art making to floral arrangements and beautiful spaces. My love of colour, texture and form are all easy things to find in floral and event design. The same rules for good design still apply. I moved to New York City to continue my art career and of course, I had to work to pay the bills. In working as a freelance designer I slowly developed an interest and a small following. With that little bit of buzz around town I had the confidence to open my own floral and event design studio. I started really, really small and during my first year of business I was lucky enough to be discovered by Martha Stewart.

MR events -wedding6

2. What is it about flowers that captured your heart?

I was immediately in love with floral design because it felt like painting but in a three dimensional form with amazing natural materials. It’s all about the layering of colour, form and texture. It’s about telling a story in the same way a painting tells a story with all of these elements. My mentor, Maria Vella in San Francisco, really opened my eyes to the beauty of a garden and how the essence of a flower can inspire an entire colour palette, mood or overall design. Flowers are also so temporary and I love the fleeting beauty and inspiration they provide. For me, flowers were the perfect route into the event design world, and they have helped me to carve out my own style and business. Now I take a more holistic approach to design, flowers are just one element of the overall vision I have for an event or space.

MR events -wedding3

3. How would you describe your signature style?

My signature style is what I like to refer to as contemporary romantic or effortlessly chic. I love classic, refined and romantic details combined with clean lines, simple and bold shapes and vibrant colour palettes. The combination of old and new is very much a part of my signature eclectic style.




Nature is a constant source of inspiration for me 

4. When did you first start working with Martha Stewart Weddings and how did this collaboration come about?

I met Martha and team during my first year of business. I was very lucky to have friends who own a fabulous millinery shop where Martha and her team love to shop. Some of Martha’s top editors were in the store one day and my friends suggested they all check out this new kid in New York City doing great, natural, beautiful work. They followed up and in true Martha style they reached out immediately after seeing some of my work. Before the first year of my business was complete I had a huge feature story in Martha Stewart Wedding and I did the cover of the magazine. I remember the day I was in the Martha Stewart Weddings office reviewing the feature because Martha called in to say how impressed she was and how she wanted me on her show right away. That was the beginning of 15 years as contributing editor to Martha’s magazine and company, along with styling some of the most signature flower stories in the Weddings magazine.

Matthew&MarthaMe on the Martha Stewart Show talking about my book

5. Who inspired you to write your first book Matthew Robbins’ Inspired Weddings? 

I was lucky enough to do design a wedding for a fabulous literary agent in New York City. She happens to own the agency and when I did her wedding she suggested it was time to do a Matthew Robbins book. I thought it was a glamorous idea but I didn’t feel I was ready. I waited a few years, strengthened my relationship with the press and gained more accolades and finally decided it was the right time. I felt inspired to create a book that offered a new way of thinking about weddings and design for events. Many of the books out there are just filled with over the top, old school designs and they don’t really provide any real tools or inspiration for how to think like a stylist or an artist. I wanted to empower the client, the reader, or the bride or groom to find his or her own vision and style. My book is a wonderful resource for design inspiration, even if you aren’t planning a wedding!

Matthew Robbins Inspired Weddings

6. In the introduction to your book you say: ‘I like to encourage couples to think of their wedding as the largest dinner party they’ve ever thrown’. Is the secret to planning the perfect event?

This is the foundation of my philosophy and my approach and it is very much an integral part of how I plan and design events. For most people a wedding is the first opportunity to really define their sense of style as a couple and for their new life together. It’s a wonderful moment to infuse an incredible celebration with a personal and authentic style. If you think of the wedding as a fabulous dinner party it not only removes some of the stress but it allows everyone to enjoy the details and remember that they are hosting and entertaining. Being a great host means considering the small details but also making sure that your unique style, personality and vision for your perfect party shines through.

MR events -wedding

MR events -wedding4

7. What floral trends are you seeing at the moment, and which flowers and colour schemes do you love most right now?

I’m seeing a return to using vibrant colour. For many years it was all about soft, dreamy blush and vintage tones but I think trends are moving away from these muted palettes and embracing clean, crisp colour again. Purple is very popular at the moment along with deep blue tones and copper as a replacement for gold or silver.

MR events -wedding7
8. What are the biggest challenges facing you in your business and in the floral/events industry in general?

The event design or any design related industry is faced with many challenges now as there is an abundance of images and inspiration available for free and online. Clients often feel they have seen it all because they spend hours on Pinterest and they are obsessed with everything being original. I find it disconcerting that most people tend to forget that everything is related and design and art has a real history. Good design is always referential and it circles back to trends, rules and inspiration form the past. Nothing is truly original but what is original is how we all interpret these things and make them our own. The wedding and event design world is flooded with new businesses and this is also challenging, especially as many of these new businesses have no background in design. Having a background in design is essential because it enables you to navigate your way through all the different challenges you encounter in this industry, from client briefs, to new projects to the ups and downs of daily business as creative entrepreneur.

9. You are working on a new book – what can you tell us about it?

Well (hopefully!) it will be out by Spring 2016. In it I go back to my roots, and explore my love of art and flowers. It will focus more on designing events for smaller parties, like entertaining easily at home with family or friends, rather than ideas for big celebrations or weddings.

MattRobbinsInspireWedd_p89Designing for a more intimate gathering

10. As well as running flowers schools and design workshops all over the world, you’ve recently started hosting big design events. What can people expect from an inspired luxury excursion with you and when and where is your next one?

MR Beijing workshopTeaching workshops at Flower School Beijing, June ’15

My next excursion is to Guatemala on November 1-7, 2016. This will be a trip filled with some seriously gorgeous inspiration including locally made textiles, traditional cooking classes and even a Mayan cleansing ceremony by a local Shaman. We have a few spaces available for anyone looking for a great adventure filled with beautiful details! Email [email protected] for information.


11. What advice would you give to someone wanting to do what you’re doing now?

Be persistent and really, really believe in your vision. There will be many obstacles and challenges financially, emotionally and in general it’s just not easy starting your own business in a very saturated market. If you want to develop a name for yourself you must be persistent in all of your efforts to network, get noticed, develop a brand and a clear vision for what your work is all about. I also recommend growing your business slowly. Focus on the goal or goals that really matter and try to ignore al of the other chatter.

12. What’s your ultimate dream?

My dream is to live somewhere far away from New York City with a fabulous interior design/home design boutique in a chic, coastal village somewhere warm and tropical. I also want to have a whole series of books all focused on design and entertaining along with a line of beautiful products. All of these dreams are in the works so I will keep you posted!

13. Finally what are your top five floral arrangement secrets?

  1. Keep your selection of flowers limited. Don’t mix too many things or too many colours. Going monochromatic and simple will lead to an easier and more beautiful final product.
  2. Stay seasonal. Get inspired by the season and allow these materials to inspire your designs.
  3. Always start with foliage. Create a shape and a structure by starting with beautiful foliage or branches. This allows for an easier and more natural arrangement.
  4. Don’t cut your flowers too short! I see this problem in many of my classes. Students will often chop a stem much too short for their vase before they have a structure or shape developed.
  5. Allow the natural shapes and movement of the flowers to define the shape and spirit of your arrangement. Don’t try forcing things to do things they wouldn’t do in nature.

Hunter:gatherer1Hunting and gathering for inspiration

Matthew’s snapshot

What flower would you be and why? Sweet pea because they are effortless, light and unfussy.

Where should there always be fresh flowers in a home? In the entry area or hall and in your bedroom. These are two great places to enjoy flowers and/or plants. You enter your living space in the morning seeing something fresh, organic and inspiring and you end your day with something natural and beautiful.

Biggest career highlight to date: That’s a hard one… probably seeing my first book finished, published and on bookshelves across the world – it’s an amazing feeling and incredibly rewarding. I’m proud of many other things too – there are too many too list!

Three designers who most inspire you: Kelly Wearstler and Alberto Pinto from the interior design world and from flower world, Christian Tortu.

Best way to overcome creative block: Travel to a new place.

Place you go to feel inspired: The ocean or a beautiful garden.

Quote you live by: “Be curious, not judgmental” ~ Walt Whitman

Wish for the world: I would just love for everyone to open their eyes to the inspiration and beauty found in the small things, in the details. We live in a world of sweeping generalisations and where everyone strives to do things bigger and better. It would be nice if we could all appreciate the small things that inspire our big plans and grand ideas.

For more information on Matthew’s work and his book, visit

MOYO issue 8 is out now!

Welcome to the HOME edition of MOYO Magazine!

With autumn almost here, we’re not only rethinking our wardrobes, we’re also wondering how to integrate new-season home trends into our interiors. Luckily help is at hand! This issue is packed with inspirational ideas and expert advice to help you style-up your house and make it truly feel like yours.



Wherever you are on your design journey you’ll love this issue – and it’s completely free!

Our 111-page ‘Home’ Issue 8 is packed with design briefs, colour stories, travel features, reviews, student showcases, news, trend updates, and fascinating interviews with industry experts, including:

  • Sophie Robinson, one of the UK’s top interior stylists who specialises in magazine features, photo shoots, room sets and high street style
  • Heather Moore, founder of the wildly successful blog, shop, and online business Skinny laMinx
  • British textile designer Emily Burningham
  • Keith Stephenson and Mark Hampshire, the dynamic duo behind the contemporary interiors brand Mini Moderns
  • Ceramics expert Kate Thorburn of What Kate Loves


  • Top tips for building a brand from surface pattern design brand Surfacephilia
  • Tricks of the trade show with award-winning illustrator and surface pattern designer Abigail Borg
  • Behind the scenes on a Make it in Design photoshoot
  • Practical advice on protecting your work from Dids Macdonald
  • Make your own mouse pad with Bonnie Christine
  • Designer Diary: Laura Slater
  • Your guide to designing for wallpaper by Jessica Hogarth 
  • More information about upcoming surface pattern design courses with Make it in Design
  • And much more besides!


Food for thought at The Little Beach Hut of Dreams


In the spirit of summer we’re delighted to bring you this post from lifestyle blogger Niomi Smart who packed a delicious picnic to enjoy at The Little beach Hut of Dreams….

Niomi Smart
Last week I was lucky enough to spend the day in the ‘Little Beach Hut Of Dreams‘ in Hove, Brighton, so I whipped up lots of delicious food in preparation for a delicious picnic by the sea.

The beach hut is beautifully decorated in greys, whites and pale pinks, and there are comfy seats with big fluffy cushions to help you get comfortable while you dream the day away. As it’s the height of summer (although you’d never know from the windy weather!), I thought I’d make this video to share a few of my fresh and healthy recipes, which are perfect to pack up and enjoy on-the-go. They’re all listed below, too. I hope you enjoy!

Fruit skewers

  • strawberries
  • blueberries
  • raspberries
  • melon chunks
  • grapes

1. Chop the strawberries into chunks, and slide onto a skewer. Follow with a blueberry, then a raspberry and finish with another strawberry chunk.

2. Repeat with the melon and grapes.

Corn on the cobs

  • 2 corn on the cobs

1. Pre-heat the oven to 200C.

2. Wrap in tin foil and place in the oven.

2. Bake for 30-40 minutes.


  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes
  • 1/4 red onion
  • 1/2 lime, juiced
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 red chilli
  • Himalayan salt & pepper to taste
  • handful fresh coriander leaves
  • 1/4 cucumber, chopped

1. Place all of the ingredients into a food processor apart from the coriander and cucumber and pulse until the tomatoes and onions are chopped to the consistency that you would like the salsa.

2. If there is a lot of liquid from the tomatoes, spoon out the excess liquid. Transfer into a container with a lid.

3. Chop the cucumber into small chunks and pick a handful of coriander leaves and stir into the salsa.

4. Store in the fridge for up to three days.

Butternut squash & buckwheat salad

  • 1 cup uncooked bulgar wheat
  • 1/2 butternut squash
  • salad leaves
  • 1 cup chopped cherry tomatoes
  • 1 tsp dried mixed herbs
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
  • handful fresh coriander

1. Peel the skin from the butternut squash and chop into about 1 inch thick chunks. Steam for about 20 minutes or until soft.

2. Cook the buckwheat according the the instructions and allow to cool.

3. When the buckwheat and butternut squash are cool, transfer to a large bowl and stir in all the remaining ingredients.

Fresh mint & orange water (serves 2)

  • 10 fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 large orange
  • 1 lime

1. Slice the orange and lime into slices and divide into two glasses.

2. Add the fresh mint leaves to the glasses and top with water.

Naomi’s outfit: Dress – ASOS, bag – Skinnydip, shoes – ASOS, sunglasses – Quay Australia

To find out more about Niomi, visit her website.

A week in Berlin: a taste of life as a digital nomad

Today’s post is by Vickie Binz, Marketing Manager at Do What You Love.

Image credit: Stefano Borghi,
Image credit: Stefano Borghi,

I wrote this article while sitting on the floor at Berlin Schönefeld airport waiting to travel back to London. My plane may have been delayed for 5 hours but I felt lucky…

  1. This was a great opportunity to get ahead with work
  2. The WiFi at the airport was really fast
  3. My computer still had 57% of battery life
  4. I was eating a free sandwich bought with vouchers from the airline
  5. I had a carry on bag containing everything I needed to be comfortable
  6. I could stay with friends in London since my plane was getting in so late – and we love an impromptu catch-up!
Waiting for my delayed plane

Rewind a few days and I was excited to be flying to Berlin to attend the first-ever global digital nomad conference, The Do What You Love team works remotely so I was intrigued by the prospect of meeting people who work the same way, or who’ve taken it one step further.

My mission: find out more about digital nomads and their lifestyle to then spread the word about a movement that seems to be well in line with our values: sustaining a happy life while doing what you love.

And because I love to visit new places, experience new things and meet new people, I decided to stay on for a week, and live and work in Berlin as a “local”.

So what did my experience teach me about the life of a digital nomad?


Can Being Bored Make You More Successful?

Today we bring you a guest post by Charles Scott, an endurance athlete and family adventurer who believes that embracing new experiences is the key to living a full and happy life. 

Charles Scott

The broad adoption of anywhere anytime computing into modern culture has transformed not just office productivity and modes of communication. It has also reset expectations. We expect immediate gratification from our devices, instant responses to our texts, and in perhaps the least analyzed transformation, the promise of release from boredom. But [Tweet “think twice before eliminating boredom from your life – it may turn out to be your key to success.”]

When I worked in the mobile products group at Intel Corporation a decade ago, we often discussed the nirvana represented by anytime anywhere computing. Intel had not yet launched its Centrino platform, which would integrate wireless technology into laptops. And most people used handheld devices primarily for checking their e-mail and calendar. We often discussed how great it would be to have the Internet at our fingertips at all times. A decade later this is old news, of course. And although many companies tried, Apple had the greatest success in bringing the anytime anywhere vision to the consumer market with the iPhone and iPad.

In making the Internet and an endless collection of apps available on demand, the iPhone represents the monetization of spare time. The term “micro-boredom” appeared in a Marketing magazine article in 2001 to describe an emerging usage model among Internet users looking to “kill a few minutes of spare time.” Since then, filling spare moments of boredom has emerged as a massive business opportunity for the technology industry.

Stuck in line at the grocery store? Sitting in a dark theater before the movie starts? Waiting for the subway? Don’t let your mind sit idle – play a game of Angry Birds, send a text, or check Facebook.

Driving? Out to dinner with your spouse? In a yoga class? In a meeting at work? Don’t get bogged down with a sustained focus on your responsibilities – check your e-mail or see how the stock market is doing. I won’t even pretend to admonish you to avoid these last examples.

We all know better, but for some reason, we just can’t help ourselves.
