do what you love Page 16 of 94

How it all began

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This weekend we celebrate the 4th birthday of our partner site, Make It In Design, a collaboration I established with designer Rachael Taylor back when e-courses were almost unheard of. We met with our lovely team for an awayday, to reflect on times past and to look ahead, and I felt incredibly grateful to our whole community for being part of this adventure of business and life.

Personally I am always fascinated by how businesses start and evolve, and collaborations are even more interesting to my nosy-parker self. How did they meet? Whose idea was it? Who does what? How do they make it work?

Well if you are a curious type like me, you might be interested in this interview with me and Rachael, all about how Make It In Design came about and how we have grown it to incorporate a design school with over 5000 students (who have created more than 100,000 designs) and a digital design magazine that has had over 2.5 million views!

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We also wrote a heartfelt open letter to our community recognizing that we can only do what you love because of you. We are truly grateful and committed to providing ongoing support to help you do what you love. You can read that letter here.

If you are a budding designer yourself, you might want to check out the 2016 Make It In Design Scholarship which has launched today, in partnership with Print & Pattern. It’s worth over $2000 – find out more here.

On a personal note, I am coming to the end of my maternity leave and am preparing for reentry in the next couple of weeks! I look forward to taking back the reigns of this weekly email, starting next week with quite a story.

Until then,


Be brave, rise strong, come alive

Be brave, rise strong, come alive DWYL BLOG BYTHEBOOK 650X250PX LR

Our job is not to deny the story, but to defy the ending – to rise strong, recognize our story, and rumble with the truth until we get to a place where we think, Yes. This is what happened. This is my truth. And I will choose how the story ends.” ~ Brené Brown, Rising Strong

This post is written by our Senior Editor, Rachel Kempton.

We know, from our own unique experiences and from the inspiring stories that are shared within our community, how much courage it takes to make your dreams come true – and how incredible it feels when they do.

Taking bold steps towards doing what you love is exciting, exhilarating and rewarding, but the journey there isn’t always easy. At times we can find ourselves feeling lost, confused and vulnerable – especially when we’re figuring out who we are, what we want and how we’re going to get there. We can find ourselves feeling stuck and afraid – paralysed by fear, past experiences or painful emotions. Or trapped – by people, circumstances, or by the stories we tell ourselves about our personal and professional struggles.

Yet when we are brave enough to look at our lives with clarity, understanding and compassion and challenge ourselves to rise through the pain of hurt, loss, falls and failure, we come alive. We move into a place of honesty and freedom: a place where we can live more truthfully and wholeheartedly and be the master of our own destiny.

 Be brave, rise strong, come alive BY BECOMING BRAVE YOU COME ALIVE 550PX LR

One lady who knows all about the role bravery plays in living life with wisdom and meaning is social scientist, thought leader and best selling author, Dr. Brené Brown.

Brené is one of our biggest role models and someone who has built her career on exploring the deep dark places that many of us fear to tread: the issues of vulnerability, courage, worthiness and shame. They are issues that she has spent years researching and which have led her to a profound truth: Vulnerability – the willingness to show up and be seen with no guarantee of outcome – is the only path to more love, belonging, creativity, and joy.

Brené’s yearning to live a full and wholehearted life has inspired her three most recent books, which she sums up as:

  1. The Gifts of Imperfection – Be you.
  2. Daring Greatly – Be all in.
  3. Rising Strong – Fall. Get up. Try again.

 Rising Strong

We aren’t affiliated to this book; we are sharing it because we feel it is of value.

Overcoming the fear of failure

We can highly recommend all three books but if you have issues with failure (and who hasn’t?), Rising Strong is a must-read. In it Brené is open and honest about her own struggles, and how she worked through those to gain a better understanding of herself. She shares the idea that if, inevitably, we’re all going to stumble and fall, we shouldn’t be afraid to feel pain, hurt and discomfort. And that it’s the process of rising up again, regaining our footing in the midst of struggle, and dealing with our emotions that’s most important, as this is where our courage is tested and our values are forged. In her opinion: “Rather than gold-plating grit and trying to make failure look fashionable, we’d be better off learning how to recognize the beauty in truth and tenacity.”

According to Brené, regardless of situation or circumstance, the rising strong process is the same:

(1) The reckoning – walking into our story: recognise emotion and get curious about what we are feeling as this connects with how we think and behave.

(2) The rumble – owning our story: get honest about the stories we’re making up about our struggle/s and challenge them to determine the truth.

(3) The revolution – write a new ending to our story based on the key learnings from our rumble. Use this braver story to change how we engage with the world and transform the way we live, love, parent and lead.

In chapter one, The Physics of Vulnerability, Brené talks about the ten Rules of Engagement for Rising Strong, and I especially love number 9: Courage is contagious. By sharing her own stories Brené reminded me that every single one of us is vulnerable – regardless of who we are and what we’ve achieved. She goes on to say: “In my work I’ve found that moving out of powerlessness, and even despair, requires hope. Hope is not an emotion: It’s a cognitive process… hope is learned.”

“We can’t rise strong when we’re on the run” ~ Brené Brown, Rising Strong

This week we challenge you to think about how you can be braver in your own life: What are you most afraid of? What’s the story you’re carrying behind those emotions and experiences? Are you willing to question that story?

We hope that this book empowers you to rise strong, recognize your story, and rumble with the truth until you get to a place where you think, Yes. This is what happened. This is my truth. And I will choose how the story ends. You can pick up your copy of Rising Strong here.



Christmas for free! Join our experiment in giving and receiving

Image credit BHS

Image credit: BHS

It’s Beth here, easing my way back into things after four months of maternity leave. I have so much to share with you from that time, which has seen us welcome a new baby into the world, move house and work on some exciting plans, but I’ll save all that for the coming weeks (once I have caught up on some sleep…)

For now I want to say a huge thank you for all your kind words when Maia arrived. She is an angel baby who has melted our hearts.

I also want to invite you to be part of an experiment.

To Mr K’s dismay, the Christmas carols went on today. I know it’s only November, but I love Christmas, and in my eyes the longer I can eat mince pies, listen to ‘Silent night’ and dream of snow the better. I have been talking to members of my family about this Christmas, trying to find ways to make it special without spending a fortune. Besides the seasonal celebrations we have four birthdays and two wedding anniversaries in our immediate family, and December becomes a never-ending stream of gift exchanges. My sister-in-law suggested we give each other ‘free presents’, and I loved the idea at once.


Why meditation can help you do more of what you love


Meditation is an ancient practice that encourages us to take responsibility for our own state of mind, and change it for the better, in order in order to transform ourselves and experience inner peace in the midst of worldly chaos.

Meditation brings many benefits. As well as helping us to relax and de-stress, it can boost concentration, increase self-awareness, improve health and wellbeing, slow the ageing process, and make us feel happier. It can also help us figure out answers to questions or decide which path to take whenever we find ourselves at a crossroads in life; something that happens, as if by magic, when when we open ourselves up to the universe and allow ourselves to be guided by intuition – the quiet voice within.

When we go enter deep meditation we find ourselves in a space of infinite possibilities, infinite correlation, infinite creativity, infinite imagination, and infinite power of intention. It’s from this space of freedom, clarity and inner wisdom that we gain valuable insights and discover solutions to the issues bubbling to the surface of our consciousness.

Just sit for a few minutes each day with yourself, with no distractions. See what comes up in your mind, try to quiet your mind, and then see what comes up again.

What is your inner voice saying? 

Are you facing a big decision?


If you are facing a big decision these articles might help:

And if you’re wondering how you can do more of what you love, or if you fancy a new adventure, why not join us for the Do What You Love e-course? Shake things up, expand your comfort zone, nurture your playful spirit and feed your creative soul. Identify your passion and make it a greater part of your every day life! Find out more and register here.

How can you make more time for yourself?

How can you make more time for yourself? time

Do you ever feel like life is running away with you? Well you’re not alone.

In our over-caffeinated, hyper-connected world it seems that living life in the fast lane is no longer a lifestyle choice, it’s the norm. As we hurry from one thing to the next, juggling family and home life with long hours at work and an endless stream of social commitments, it’s easy to be distracted by our busyness and fooled into thinking we are leading full and worthy lives. But as Henry David Thoreau said: “It’s not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about?”

“Between work, being a mum, managing the house and organising my husband I don’t get a minute to myself,” explains my friend Kirsten, 36, a university lecturer who has a two-year-old daughter. “ I’d love to bake more – and even start my own cake business – but after a long hard day I’m so tired and I end up in front of the TV or catching up with Facebook and Twitter – the time just goes.”

Sound familiar?

Busy is not inevitable

When we find ourselves feeling busy, overwhelmed and tired, it’s important to remember that being busy is a choice. We are never forced into a lifestyle of busyness. It is a decision we make. In order to become less busy we must first realise that we determine our own schedule and that we have the power to change it. After all busyness is, essentially, about misplaced priorities and it’s only when we slow down and listen to our intuition that life begins to flow again. By accepting it’s ok not to be busy, and by making sure our priorities align with our values and the contributions we’d love to offer this world, we open ourselves up to all sorts of exciting new possibilities.

FREE goodness to help you slow down, tune in and light up!

We have had a crazy few months at DWYL HQ, so we are dedicating October to quiet, reflective time. As we search for meaning in our busy lives it can be hard to relax, tune out the noise and listen to what we really want to offer the world.

If you feel like this, or you find yourself saying: “I don’t have time” more often than you’d like, please gift yourself our free resource Making Time, a 31-day experiment in carving out more time for the things you love.

You’ll learn how to look up and rediscover the small wonders out there that make you happy, one day at a time, one minute at a time. Sign up here (it’s free!) and receive one email per day for 31 days, each one providing a specific prompt to encourage you to create, connect or just have fun.

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We’d love to hear how you get on. Connect with us on Facebook or Twitter and let us know what you do with your new-found time!

The Do What You Love team

What do you love about colour?

What do you love about colour? The Do What You Love team share their thoughts…

What do you love about colour? LOVE COLOUR BLOG 800PX LR

An interesting theme for me as it is not one I instantly think about. However when asked about what it is about colour I love then it has to be the way it communicates so much. It can lift the spirits of a person, change the mood within a room and dramatically alter landscape. – PAUL

My interest in colour started when I had my aura read years ago. I couldn’t believe that the colours in the photograph could tell me so much about my emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Now I’m fascinated by the energy of colour and how it can influence the way we think, feel and act. Colour is a powerful tool that we can all use on a daily basis to improve our moods, boost our energy levels, improve our health, heal our bodies, stay balanced, and attract love, happiness and much more. – RACHEL

What do you love about colour? COLOUR AND SHAPES BLOG 800PX LR

Colour is so essential to our everyday life. It can change our energy, our outlook and our mood in a split second. It can spark a memory – like a peppermint green will always remind me of the birthday cake my mum made when I was young (yes, I wanted a green cake!) and silver always reminds me of my first car, such sparkle! What I love about colour is that it is everywhere I turn – in nature, in my home, my food and I get to choose the colour I want to wear each day and how I would like to invite it into my life. – LOUISE

What do you love about colour? OUTSIDE THE LINES BLOG 800PX LR

What are your thoughts? What do you love about colour?

We’d love to know. please leave a comment below…

Colour in your wardrobe, home and food – how colour affects us

Last week, our senior editor Rachel talked about “Making your day more beautiful with colour”, today our Do What You Love team member and colour enthusiast Louise is looking at how different colours affect us with the clothes we wear, how we decorate our homes and the food we eat.

colorwheelalllayers Louise Gale

Imagine for one moment what your day may feel like without colour.

Colour is essential to our life. Using colour in our day to day affects us more than we realise, through our wardrobe, how we decorate our homes, the food we eat and creative life. Colour is also a tool that can be used to heal ailments and essentially change our moods, so today lets take a look around us to see which colours we are drawn to and which colours we use the most.

Colours in Your Wardrobe

clothingbycolor from Create Your Color Story

Image via

What are the colours that appear most in your wardrobe? Are your clothes hung or organised by colour? Which colours are missing? Think about the colours you like to wear and how they make you feel when you are wearing them. Here are recommendations for each:

Wear Red when you want to draw attention to yourself. Wearing red will make you stand out from the crowd, but avoid red if you are nervous, self-conscious or need to invite more calming energy into your life.

Wear Orange when you want to stimulate your creativity, socialize with other people, be cheerful and have fun. Orange can also motivate you and uplift your spirit.

Wear Yellow to encourage personal power, stability, confidence and happiness. Yellow can sometimes drain your energy levels, so avoid wearing when you are tired.

Wear Green when taking classes or learning something new as it signifies growth. It can also be a stimulating colour, so avoid it if you are a little restless.

Wear Pink to convey compassion and an open heart. Whether you are male or female, you will appear approachable and capable of loving others.

Wear {light} Blue to encourage peace and healthy self expression and to be open to receiving communication from others.

Wear Indigo to encourage intuition and insight.

Wear violet or Purple when you are going through a transition, want to attract new opportunities, or in a spiritual place or setting.

Decorating Your Home

Create Your Color Story - decorate you rhome

Image via

What colours do you live with? Do you have different colour accents in different rooms in your home? How do your rooms make you feel? Here is a little overview of how various colours affect us in our living space. Here are recommendations for each:

Decorate with Red: Add red into rooms where you want to invite more energy in or require warmth or physical activity. These are usually a playroom, hallway or kitchen. Red in the bedroom may generate a little passion, but it might also disturb sleep as it is too energizing on the physical body. If you would like to add red in your bedroom, try accents such as throw pillows, blankets or other ornaments in this colour.

Decorate with Orange: Many find orange a hard colour to live with in their environment, so finding a tone that is softer is a great way to bring orange energy into your home/office.  This can be in tones such as amber, peach, apricot, terracotta etc. Orange is a great colour for the digestive system so having this energy in your dining room is really good. You may find many restaurants use a tone of orange too!

Decorate with Yellow: As yellow stimulates the brain,  using pops of yellow in your study or work area will improve your concentration or when you need to expand ideas. Some yellows can feel a little sickly, so golden yellows, primrose and buttery creamy yellows. Decorating a whole space in yellow with yellow light can have a negative affect and is not recommended as it encourages irrational behavior and nervousness.

Decorate with Green: Green is the colour to use when you want to feel calm and balanced in your space. It reminds us of nature, so if you do not get to enjoy the outdoors much, bring it inside with accents of green and plant life. Be careful to use clear or soft greens only. Muddy, dirty, olive greens have a negative effect indicating decay.

Decorate with Pink: As pink has energetic red in it, if you decorate with a hot pink or deep rose pink, you will be getting some of that vibrancy shine through (and maybe passion too!). Pink is also a muscle relaxant and relaxes our emotions too.

Decorate with Blue: Blue rooms and lighting create a calm, relaxing, expanding space. Many waiting rooms decorate with blue as it reduces anxiety.

Decorate with Indigo: Indigo helps us open up to our intuition and acts as a sedative. Suitable for more ‘quiet’ places. It works well in bedrooms or treatment rooms. Some people find indigo is helpful for studying so using in a library or study could work well.

Decorate with Violet/Purple: Violet and purple create an air of royalty, luxury and mystery. Many might use this colour for entrance halls or areas of worship. For the home, it is recommended to use small amounts, combined with other colours.

Eat a Rainbow

Create your color story eat a rainbow

Image via

By including all the colours of the rainbow from fruits and vegetables, you are ensuring that your body is receiving all the nutrients and colour energy it needs to stay healthy and balanced. Like everything in life, balance and variation bring us everything we need.

What colours do you notice the most in your meals? Are there any colours missing, do you eat one colour more than others? Here are some benefits for each:

Red food: In addition to vitamin C and folate, red fruits and vegetables are also sources of flavonoids, which reduce inflammation and have antioxidant properties. Cranberries, another red fruit are also a good source of tannins, which prevent bacteria from attaching to cells.

Orange food: Thanks to the huge amount of nutrients associated with orange-coloured fruits and vegetables, consuming orange foods can help your overall health. The abundance of antioxidants, vitamins, fiber and phytonutrients in orange foods are good for your skin, eyes and heart, and they may also decrease your risk of cancer.

Yellow Food: The colour is sunshine, yellow food includes water soluble plant pigments that function as antioxidants. There is also an abundance of vitamin C. Studies suggest that these nutrients will help your heart, vision, digestion and immune system.

Green food: The natural plant pigment chlorophyll gives fruits and vegetables their green colour. Green foods that are rich in isothiocyanates, induce enzymes in the liver that assist the body in removing potentially carcinogenic compounds.

Blue/Purple food: Foods that are this colour are rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids are the most abundant and powerful of all the phytochemicals contained in the foods we eat. They help make our blood vessels healthier, meaning a healthier cardiovascular system and lower risk of heart disease. They are also very beneficial in reversing the short-term memory loss associated with aging. They also help improve our motor skills, from walking and sitting to smaller delicate movements such as using our hands, wrists, fingers, and toes.

How else does colour show up in your life?

What colours are missing from your life?

How can you invite these colours into the different areas above?

Have a beautiful and colourful day

What do you love about adventure?

What do you love about adventure? The Do What You Love team share their thoughts…


VICKIE: For me, adventure is always accompanied by a sense of excitement, anticipation and novelty. Maybe even a little bit of fear, but in a good way! There is something strangely comforting in finding yourself alone with your backpack on the other side of the world. Letting go of what I know makes me feel like I am a part of something bigger and it is very refreshing.


RACHEL: This year my mantra is: “say yes to new experiences”. So instead of questioning why an opportunity has come my way, I just embrace it. I figure that by saying yes instead of no:

1) I have nothing to lose, and lots to gain!

2) I’ll feel more positive and excited about life

3) I’ll learn and grow

4) I’ll enrich my quality of life and make possibility a reality for me, and my family.

5) I’ll be more confident when it comes to making big decisions.


LOUISE: Life is an adventure! I like to think of everyday as a new start, a new journey, a new adventure. Letting the flow take me, embracing what may show up. Adventure to me is also growing, expanding and trying something new. Following our intuition will lead to many more new adventures.


PAUL: My sense of adventure had been repressed a little until I met my wife. She reminded me of the wonders that lie just an adventure away. I didn’t need a destination just a desire to go. We live in a world full of inspiration and allowing ourselves to be inspired is the first step towards the courage to venture forth. I look forward to sharing my adventures with my girls.

What are your thoughts? What do you love about adventure?

Leave a comment below…