do what you love Page 47 of 81

A week of giveaways! Celebrating DWYL’s 2nd birthday

A week of giveaways! Celebrating DWYL's 2nd birthday dwylhq1

Two years ago, after a big a-ha moment in the mountains of California, I registered Do What You Love as a company  (in the middle of the global recession) and began the most fantastic adventure. Armed only with my laptop, blog and a clear idea of who I wanted to serve, I set out on a most wonderful adventure. Along the way I have met some incredible people, learned so much, built a flourishing business fast, and been proud of helping thousands of people in more than 100 countries worldwide to do what they love. And this is just the beginning…

Do What You love - sparkler heart

Image: NavyBlur

As a celebration of our second birthday, and a huge thank you to all of you for your support along the way, we are doing a special giveaway every day this week! You can enter as many of them as you like, anytime from when they are published until midnight GMT on Sunday 2 December.

This is what we have up for grabs:


Illuminate! Introducing Hannah Nunn’s new craft lighting book

Illuminate! Introducing Hannah Nunn's new craft lighting book il10IlluminateIlluminate! Introducing Hannah Nunn's new craft lighting book ill7

Saturday was such a lovely day. It was wintry and clear, and perfect for a train ride to Hebden Bridge for the launch of Hannah Nunn’s new book. The launch party was held at her lovely lighting shop Radiance, which was buzzing with family, friends and shoppers cooing over the book and over all the delights the store has to offer.


Teaching what I love: shared story by Eileen Nishi

Teaching what I love: shared story by Eileen Nishi DWYL BLOG SHAREDSTORIES 650X250PX LR

Today’s shared story comes from Eileen Nishi, a photographer based in the USA, who has made some bold choices to allow her to do what she loves. Eileen was one of the first people to share their story, back in March 2011 soon after we launched the series. You can read her original post here. She is back to tell us how her story has unfolded since then. This story is a testament to what can happen when you truly commit to something you are passionate about.


Why taking a sabbatical can be good for business

Beth outside temple - Japan

‘Working’ in the grounds of Honpoji Temple, Kyoto [image: Takeshi Kohari] 

I have recently got back from a six month ‘sabbatical’ in Japan. When I headed out there I was determined to get a change of pace in my work and home life. There were many business-related reasons to go, but in order to make it happen I had to put the brakes on some projects, let go of others, take on freelance support and really take a step back from the craziness that had gone before. But the results have been surprising.



birds flying

We are back in our house at last. After six months away, nearly a month on other people’s sofas, and a lot of packing and unpacking, we are in.

While we were away we had horrible tenants in our beautiful home who treated it like a student house, so we are repairing, redecorating, reorganising.


My own bed

Beth shadow

Since leaving Japan three weeks ago I have been a nomad, living out of my suitcase and sleeping in about 12 different beds.

I am hugely grateful to friends and family for putting me up while tenants remained in our house, but tonight I am excited to be able to sleep in my own bed again.


We need your help! How can we serve you better?

We need your help! How can we serve you better? button dwylhq1

As we approach our second birthday here at Do What You Love HQ, we need your help!

We are undergoing a BIG overhaul of our website and online presence, and we want to hear from you. What do YOU want from us? How can we serve you better?

Beth - kohari

Image: Kohari


Noren making 1: Sketching out

Noren making - studio in Japan

My workspace in Miura-san’s beautiful studio

As promised in yesterday’s ‘Behind the curtain’, this is the first in a series of posts sharing how to make a traditional noren curtain – something I learnt under the watchful eye of talented kimono designer Miura-san.
