Today’s shared story comes from Rachelle Panagarry who lives in the UK with her husband and children, teaches full time, creates art and loves life.

Some people might say that from the outside appearance, I’m already doing what I love, but those who really know me can see that I’m actually just beginning to do it. I know this might not really make too much sense but let me explain.
I’m currently working full time as a school teacher in a school that is full of fun and challenges and no two days are ever the same. What’s more, I LOVE that place and I feel in a very honored position to have a part in educating the children that come into my care.
My true love, in fact what I now believe to be my true life as well as love, is my art.

After taking a break from teaching due to illness, and having much needed breathing space, I have rediscovered what I knew to be true all along. I am an artist. Yes, I said it. I AM an artist. This is my true calling, I know it and feel it and the desire to be creative grows stronger every day.
For so many years now, I have watched and admired other artists from the sidelines. I’d read about them, collect artwork, view websites and wonder ‘what if’ I’d pursued my art rather than teaching. Well due to what could have been a real negative situation, but actually turned out to be the best, the illness (heart related) has given me that push to go do it for myself. If I’ve learned one thing this last twelve months, it’s that life is short so GRAB it and DO WHAT YOU LOVE.

I realized that if I want to be taken seriously, then I had to take my art seriously myself. I started to blog, tentatively at first, and put my artwork ‘out there’ for the whole world to see. I wasn’t really prepared for the response that I got. Like many creative folk, I too suffer from the ‘my art’s not good enough syndrome’, so it was a real shock when the response was positive. But even better was an email in my inbox asking if I’d like to have my art included in a book to be published by Suzi Blu. I think I actually screamed out loud when I read the message. Of course I said yes, and this year it was published. A dream come true for me, but better than that, it gave me the confidence to really believe in myself and to go after what I want. I want to do what I love, and what I love is making art.

Things are starting to go from strength to strength and I can feel a bright future ahead of me now, something that I didn’t see before I was ill. It’s so exciting… I can’t wait for this creative journey ahead, I just know I’m going to LOVE it.

[Images courtesy of Rachelle Panagarry.]
Find out more about Rachelle on her website.