do what you love Page 81 of 94

A promise, a gift, a passion and a deep heartfelt desire: Terri Conrad shares her story


Today’s shared story comes from artist Terri Conrad in the US.

Terri Conrad Image credit Terri Conrad DesignsImage credit: Terri Conrad

I am a working artist. This is how I earn my living and I love what I do.

I believe our life is a testimony of who we are and that each of us comes to life with a promise, a gift, a passion and a deep heartfelt desire. As we become aware of what each of these elements represent for us, life then becomes a quest of sorts, bringing our self into alignment with the experiences that will ultimately lead to self-realisation – being and doing what we love.
Crafting Vintage Style

The promise

Our promise is what we have come to life to master. We have made a promise to our self to overcome, resolve or heal some aspect of our consciousness. As we face our life’s experiences, we are given the opportunity to fulfill this promise. How we respond to our experiences determines whether we fulfill or break the promise we have made to our self.  One promise for me is to continue to overcome, resolve and heal the pain and discomfort I feel surrounding my sense of value and worthiness.  A self-taught artist, I wonder, am I worthy enough to belong to a community of professional artists? After all, it was just this May, that I participated in my first formal art instruction, and attended a week long art retreat. When I evaluate the question and answer it on an intellectual level, the answer is a resounding yes, for me, and for any artist who is self-taught.  I allowed the prompting of my spirit and its unique gifts to guide me to where I am today, licensing my art to manufacturers who sell my products domestically and worldwide.

A promise, a gift, a passion and a deep heartfelt desire: Terri Conrad shares her story TerriConrad DoWhatYouLove2

The gift

Our  gift is what we have come to give to life. It is the cornerstone of self-determination and self-actualization. Our gift constitutes our talents and abilities – the special things you do as only you can do them. Our gift is enhanced or diminished by how we do what we do and how we share with other those things that we do naturally or well. It’s been said that necessity is the mother of invention, and that is where the discovery of my gift began. After having both my girls, I knew I needed to return to work at some point in the then near future and did not want to return to the only thing I had done (and didn’t love) , working as a legal assistant. I had been playing with designing some pieces for my own home, hand painting furniture and signs when I began to turn my eye toward art licensing, thinking (wild high-in-the-sky how-dare-I kind of thinking), “I wonder if I could do this; work from home, earn a living and still be the primary caregiver to my daughters?” I began to slowly research art licensing, read books on the topic and even attended the art licensing show, Surtex, in NYC so I could learn as much as possible to determine if this was a path I could take.

Just as I was beginning to open my gift, and deeply receive what it had to offer, my plans were put on hold while I navigated some very painful life experiences, including the flooding of a newly remodeled home, a divorce from my husband, and then six months later, a house fire that was devastating to me on many levels. My resilience and determination were certainly called up during this time and it would have been very easy to succumb and pursue a more predictable & reliable path. Instead I chose to continue to listen to the prompting of my spirit. I have discovered through many painful life experiences that there are gifts hidden deep within the folds of  life’s challenges, lessons to learn, and much like the Sycamore tree that sheds its bark, fast & new growth to be experienced. I was determined to open the unique gift I believed was mine to give to life. My husband and I remarried each other, and began to rebuild our family life. In 2007 I launched my first licensed product and even in the midst of our tenuous economy, am oh so grateful for the sufficiency my licensing program provides my family, and that it continues to grow and prosper.

A promise, a gift, a passion and a deep heartfelt desire: Terri Conrad shares her story TerriConrad DoWhatYouLove3

The passion

Our passion represents those things that you pursue for the sheer joy of it – those things that you do that make you feel alive and meaningful; valuable and worthy. We are often frightened away from or talked out of our passion. We are made to feel it is inappropriate or useless. Imagine what life would be if we gave ourselves permission to pursue our passion, to do what we love.  I adore watching children play because they do so with abandon, without care or worry. They participate fully in the moment in the activity – to me this is passion, wholeheartedly pursuing and participating in that which brings you joy. I am passionate about creating art that will warm your heart and home. I want to connect with the heart of who you are, and for the heart of who you are to connect with my art. I am filled with joy when I receive a message telling me how something I’ve created has special meaning for someone. Our promise, our gift, our passion and heartfelt desire are a circle of self-love worthy of honor and recognition. It is irrelevant whether we earn our living with our passion. What is relevant is that we seek it, we open the gift, we explore it, we honor, recognize and share it. A gift is meant to be given, and the beauty is that when we give our gift, we receive so much in return.

A promise, a gift, a passion and a deep heartfelt desire: Terri Conrad shares her story TerriConrad DoWhatYouLove4

The heartfelt desire

Your heartfelt desire is the thing you most want to experience in life. Some want love, others want acceptance. Most of us want both. The difficulty we face is not losing our identity or integrity in the pursuit of the heartfelt desire. Like many of us, I do not give enough time & energy to my heartfelt desires. My days are filled with meeting deadlines, caring for my family and my home, and managing the business side of my creative work. As I reflect here though, I return to my promise above – I want to feel acceptance, I want to feel belonging. These are innate human desires that hold the potential for fulfillment when we allow our authentic, imperfect (self-taught artist) selves be seen in the wide open, and to reach out and engage with one another.

On a more material level, my BIG dream & heartfelt desire is for my creative business to be sufficient in wholly supporting and providing for my family, to travel to England & Paris with my husband for a work/pleasure excursion, and to have a home with a studio that overlooks the ocean– a girl’s gotta dream!

A promise, a gift, a passion and a deep heartfelt desire: Terri Conrad shares her story TerriConrad LoveWhatYouDo1

[All images courtesy of Terri Conrad]

It is an absolute joy to realise (albeit mid-life!) that my journey has actually manifested into my destiny. How blessed I feel to finally have this knowledge, to understand it and to be wise in sharing it. My deep heartfelt desire is to encourage, nurture & inspire  the unique beauty, beloved spirit, and unlimited possibilities in each of us, particularly the little girl in every woman. I hope through my art you are personally touched, and inspired to embrace the girl within, and to nurture fertile soil for her “bloomin beautiful heart.” Go for it girl! Weave a ladder of dreams, climb to the top. Be courageous! Have faith, and aspire!

Thank you, Beth, for the opportunity to share my love for what I do with your readers. Do What You Love is a beautiful community of creative spirits supporting and encouraging our collective journey to making our world a little bit of a better, and most certainly, prettier place to live.

Find out more about Terri by visiting her website or blog, or connect on Facebook]



Missed the retreat? Why not join the Do What You Love e-course?

This online adventure starts on June 6 and will take you step-by-step along the path towards doing what you love.

Read what a powerful impact it had on previous participants here.

Find out more and register here.

This is your life we are talking about…

Do What You Love interview – Emma Smalley


Emma Smalley is a maker, children’s book author, tea shop and gallery owner, and all-round curious soul with one of the most gorgeous websites I have ever seen.  I had a fascinating conversation with Emma about her latest venture ‘Temporary Measure’, based in the Keswick in the heart of the stunning Lake District in northern England.  She tells us about Lakeland village life, and creating a life she lives on her own terms.

Emma Smalley Temporary Measure


Do What You Love interview – Sania Pell


I have long been intrigued what it is actually like to be a professional stylist.  Today London-based freelance stylist and author of ‘The Homemade Home’ Sania Pell opens the doors on this profession, sharing what it is like to spend the day surrounded by beautiful things, see your work on the front cover of Elle Decoration and publish your own gorgeous book.

Sania Pell[Image: Julia Bostock]

Do What You Love interview - Sania Pell portfolio12[Image: Uli Schade for Elle Decoration]


Back by popular demand – the Do What You Love e-course is OPEN for registration!


When I put the Do What You Love e-course out into the world for the first time at the beginning of the year I had no idea the impact it was going to have on participants – and on me.  Every day of the six-week class was a new adventure, offering new discoveries about myself and others, opening up in new ways and sharing stories, tools and inspiration.  It thrills me to think that more people are on their path towards doing what they love because of it.

And now, by popular demand, it’s back…  There are less than two weeks before class begins for the summer session on June 6.  The Do What You Love e-course will help you expand your comfort zone, nurture your playful spirit and feed your creative soul.  It will help you identify your passion, and work out what ‘doing what you love’ actually means for you.  Don’t miss out on this important opportunity – it might just change your life.  Register now!

Don’t just take my word for it – here are some thoughts from the community of like-minded souls from all over the world that benefitted from the class last time…


By far the best e-course I have ever taken

“I was and continue to be floored by this course–it was so valuable. I felt like it helped me focus on me, my interests, my desires, and what was holding me back from those things. I was more painfully honest with myself than I have been in years, but I also allowed myself to play more than ever. Since joining the course, I’ve gone paragliding, quit my steady but unfulfilling job, participated in a 5k charity run, met tons of new people and basically blossomed into a new person. I feel like the course will continue working it’s magic for ages. It has a killer curriculum covering all the bases. I’m so absolutely pleased I chose this as a way to start turning my life around.”

“This class was liberating and awe inspiring.”

In the moments when I have down time, ALL I think about is this course – where it’s leading me, what I can do to bring more fun, creativity, and passion into my life, and it’s JUST what I need.”

My heart is bursting. How empowering and inspiring it is to share our stories and know that we aren’t alone and that there is always a way through.”

“Highly recommend to anyone on the brink of making important changes in their life!”

“Can’t believe it was just a 6-week course. I feel like a different person.”

 “I loved that this 6 weeks course made me put aside this time only for myself, away from all the noise in my life, and to really reflect on what I am doing, who I am and what direction I want to go in. During the course I got the tools to do just that.”

“This eCourse is a sparkling combination of creative projects, inspiring interviews and compelling worksheets. Beth has done a magnificent job of creating a fresh approach to uncovering what you love. Even if you know what you love, you’ll discover fresh insights as you go on this soulful adventure.”

“For 6 weeks it felt like a companion on a very exciting journey I hadn’t been able to take by myself.”

“Wow, wow and wow again.”

“Everything is changing because of this.”

In a post-ecourse survey 95% of participants said they were more focused and clear about what ‘doing what they love’ means to them. 100% of respondents said the e-course had had an impact on them and made them think about the changes they need to make in their lives.


You could be saying similar things in just a few weeks –

register now to join this online adventure and

find your path towards doing what you love

Do What You Love retreat: No (wo)man is an island

DWY team
The team (including our fab teachers!) from L-R: Ellie, Hannah, Lex, Rachel, Flora, Suzanne, Louise, Priscilla, Chris, Juliette, me, Paul  Image: courtesy of NavyBlur

It is not possible to deliver something like the Do What You Love retreat without an army of angels – and I was blessed with the best.

Shiny happy people, full of energy, initiative and creative love, they generously gave their time to help outside of class hours.  They gave the other participants a warm welcome, got up early, went to bed late, helped make the place look beautiful and did much behind the scenes – always with a smile (and frequently with a belly laugh and a mouthful of chocolate) – to help make everyone’s experience as special as it could be.

I am truly indebted to the retreat team who helped make it all happen, and proud to call them my friends.

Here is a sneak peek behind the scenes with the team hard at work…

Do What You Love retreat: No (wo)man is an island DWYL 758[Image: NavyBlur]

Preparing the site signage…                                                                                      

Chris Nicholls[Images above and below: NavyBlur]

Do What You Love retreat: No (wo)man is an island DWYL 111

Registering arrivals and showing them to their lovely lodges…              

Do What You Love retreat: No (wo)man is an island DWYL 109[Image: NavyBlur]

Explaining where to find everything…

Do What You Love retreat: No (wo)man is an island DWYL 650[Image: NavyBlur]

Breakfast meetings…                                                                                                    

wine and sparklers[Image: NavyBlur]

Serving wine and sparklers…

Do What You Love retreat: No (wo)man is an island DWYL 637[Image: NavyBlur]

Preparing for early morning yoga with the lovely Devi Kirin Kaur          

Do What You Love retreat: No (wo)man is an island DWYL 384[Image: NavyBlur]

Adding little touches around the place…

Do What You Love retreat: No (wo)man is an island DWYL 168[Image: NavyBlur]

Opening the tipi up for dinner…                                                                               

Do What You Love retreat: No (wo)man is an island DWYL 860[Image: NavyBlur]

… and checking the cakes taste delicious!

I must also thank the wonderful Christine Boyd and Xander Neal of NavyBlur for all the fab photos, and Jack Benson and Rafael Gibbons of Nut Films for the film (which is in the works – so exciting!).  Can’t wait to share Do What You Love interviews with them in the coming weeks…

Thank you all!


For more of my posts about the retreat see: Gathering / Full of Love / Reflecting / Bloom True with Flora Bowley / Paper heaven with Rachel Hazell / Delicate wax and wire sculptures with Priscilla Jones



Missed the retreat?  Why not join the Do What You Love e-course

This online adventure starts on June 6 and will take you step-by-step along the path towards doing what you love. 

Find out what participants who took the course last time had to say HERE.

Find out more and register here.  

This is your life we are talking about…

Do What You Love retreat: Delicate wax and wire sculptures with Priscilla Jones

Bunting DWYL retreat[Image: NavyBlur]

In a sunny lodge on a hillside strung with vintage bunting, with floor-to-ceiling windows letting the light pour in, and a wooden deck perfect for tea breaks, a group of lovely ladies worked some kind of creative poetry. The delicate dreamy work that came out of Priscilla Jones’s class wouldn’t be out of place in Alice in Wonderland. It took a variety of fascinating techniques – painting with feathers on tissue paper, sculpting with florist’s wire, adding hot wax and a little bit of love…  and beauty emerged.  Here’s a sneak peek at a unique and inspiring class from a very gifted teacher…

Priscilla wax workshop[Image: NavyBlur]

Wax workshop DWY retreat Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

DWYL retreat - wax workshop Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

Priscilla workshop Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

Rachael Taylor sketching - DWYL retreat Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

workshop - Priscilla Jones - Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

Wire work in Priscilla's workshop DWYL retreat Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

Wax work DWYL retreat Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

Chris Nicholls DWYL retreat Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

DWYL retreat working with wax Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

Making at DWYL retreat Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

Hannah Nunn making a lamp with wax and wire Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

Finished wire and wax work DWYL retreat Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

Chris Nicholls teacup Credit NavyBlur[Image: Hannah Nunn]

Hannah Nunn lamp Image credit Hannah Nunn[Image: Hannah Nunn]

Wx and wire decoration Image credit: Hannah Nunn[Image: Hannah Nunn]

For more blog posts from participants in Priscilla’s class see: Hannah Nunn / Rachael Taylor

For more of my posts about the retreat see: Gathering /Full of Love / Reflecting / Bloom True with Flora Bowley / Paper heaven with Rachel Hazell / No (wo)man is an island



Missed the retreat?  Why not join the Do What You Love e-course

This online adventure starts on June 6 and will take you step-by-step along the path towards doing what you love. 

Find out what participants who took the course last time had to say HERE.

Find out more and register here.  

This is your life we are talking about…

Life as a costume designer: Jane Grimshaw shares her story


Today’s shared story comes from costume-maker Jane Grimshaw who has made costumes for films which have gone on to win Oscars for Costume Design.

Jane Grimshaw

When I was first asked to write this piece about myself I thought, “How hard can that possibly be?”  Well it turns out quite flippin’ hard actually. So I decided to tell you a story.  Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin.

Some time in the early 1980s a young girl was rummaging through the sewing cupboard. In a dark corner she found the cut off bottoms of a pair of enormous embroidered purple flairs her hippie mother had owned with pride some time in the not so distant past.  Now this was the 1980s, every thing to do with the previous decade’s fashion was defiantly passé.  Anyone with an ounce of self-respect would have stuffed these abominations back in to the dark corner from whence they came.  But not this little girl, she took them, cut them up and made them in to a very interesting skirt.

Fast forward to the summer this now-not-so-little girl turned 18. This time she kept herself in beer and crisps for the long break after A-levels and before college by making patchwork shorts for everyone she knew (and a few she didn’t). She even made some with a padded bum for a bicycling boyfriend.  And what did this little girl want to do for a living?  Social work.  Oh come on!  Thankfully the aforementioned boyfriend with the padded bum had other ideas.  His mother ran the costume department at our local drama school and he talked her in to giving me a job.

A year later I am at London College of Fashion, having a whale of a time, meeting lifelong friends and apparently training to be a costume maker.

Life as a costume designer: Jane Grimshaw shares her story Scan 6 include noteThis is a costume made in Nora’s workroom last year for the production of Adriana Lecouvreur at The Royal Opera House in Covent Garden

20 years later here I am, still making costumes.  Big ones, small ones, thin ones, very very fat ones.  Some of its glamorous, some of it isn’t.  Glamour comes in the form of films (Elizabeth, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The End of the Affair, soon-to-be-realised John Carter on Mars, you get the drift).  I have in fact made costumes for not one, not two but three films that have gone on to win the costume design Oscar: Shakespeare in Love, Gladiator and Elizabeth the Golden Age.  The non-glamourous bit comes in the form of constantly having to remake the same set of costumes for West End shows. (Phantom of the Opera, We Will Rock You, Lion King, Chicago  – again you get the picture).

I am currently working on Tim Burton’s new film ‘Dark Shadows’, Lion King and Phantom of the Opera.  Somehow even after all of this time I do still enjoy it.  Well most of the time. Constant deadlines can get to even the best of us from time-to-time.  But then that is why I write my blog. It helps to have something else to focus on that isn’t costume related! It helps to keep things in perspective, and join the disparate parts of my life, -costume making, family and constant side projects.

I do feel very lucky to think that what was once my hobby has become my way of making a living.

[All images courtesy of Jane Grimshaw.]

Find out more about Jane by visiting her blog Flaming Nora.



Missed the retreat? Why not join the Do What You Love e-course

This online adventure starts on June 6 and will take you step-by-step along the path towards doing what you love. 

Find out more and register here.  

This is your life we are talking about…

Do What You Love retreat: Paper heaven with Rachel Hazell

LOVE Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

For someone who loves both paper and journeys as much as I do, Rachel Hazell’s class ‘Maps, Charts & Other Discoveries: An Extraordinary Expandable Sketchbook Journal’ sounded like heaven to me.  And wandering around her class during the Do What You Love retreat, that’s exactly what it appeared to be.

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 18 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

There was folding, cutting, tearing, sticking, sewing, writing and all sorts of other things going on.

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 17 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 16 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 15 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 14 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 13 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 13 - Rachel Kempton [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

And I have never seen so many supplies – paper, ribbon, fabric scraps, pens, lace, bits of old maps, stamps, stickers –  ohhh so lovely!

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 12 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 10 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

At times loud laughter would shake the walls, at others there would be complete silence as everyone got in the zone making their beautiful tiny books.

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 9 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

At other times there would be singing, oftentimes there would be tea drinking, and I believe much chocolate was also consumed.

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 7 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

And if that is what it takes to create book magic, then let that be the recipe!

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 6 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Rachel herself is such a treasure…

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 5 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

And the  story-filled books that emerged from her class took my breath away

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 3 [Image: Hannah Nunn]

[Image: Hannah Nunn]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 2 [Image: Hannah Nunn]

[Image: Hannah Nunn]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 1 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

For more blog posts from participants in Rachel’s class see: Catherine Redfern and Louise Gale

For more of my posts about the retreat see: Gathering /Full of Love / Reflecting / Bloom True with Flora Bowley / Delicate wax and wire sculptures with Priscilla Jones /  No (wo)man is an island



Missed the retreat?  Why not join the Do What You Love e-course?

This online adventure starts on June 6 and will take you step-by-step along the path towards doing what you love. 

Find out what participants who took the course last time had to say HERE.

Find out more and register here.  

This is your life we are talking about…

Do What You Love retreat: ‘Bloom True’ with Flora Bowley

Flora Bowley (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

American painter Flora Bowley has woven her magic once again – and this time it was here in England, for the first time ever.

Painting class Flora B (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Having taken a fantastic class with her last year I just knew that Flora would be perfect for the kind of retreat I wanted to create – where the painting class would be about so much more than painting, and where people would feel uplifted, excited, challenged, supported and oh so happy!

Flora Bowley (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Just look at the gorgeousness that emerged from her class at the Do What You Love retreat last week…

Painting Flora Bowley class (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Painting class with Flora B (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Painting (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Painting workshop Flora Bowley DWYL (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Being creative - painting (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Painting getting messy(Image: NavyBlur)

(image: NavyBlur)

Painting (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Finished work (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Work in progress - painting (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Focussed on painting (Image: NavyBlur)

(Image: NavyBlur)

Rachel Kempton writing DWYL retreat (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

In nature - painting (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Painting - playful and messy (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Paintings - INSPIRED BY NATURE (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Flora's painting (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Laughter in painting workshop (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Painted hands (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

You can read about the class in posts from class participants here: Lisa WrightMoyra Scott / Rhiannon ConnellyTara Leaver / Beth Nadler /Helen Agarwal /  Kat Sloma / Juliette Crane

And more posts from me about the Do What You Love retreat here: GatheringFull of Love / Reflecting / Paper heaven with Rachel Hazell / Delicate wax and wire sculptures with Priscilla Jones / No (wo)man is an island



Missed the retreat?  Why not join the Do What You Love e-course?

This online adventure starts on June 6 and will take you step-by-step along the path towards doing what you love. 

Find out what participants who took the course last time had to say HERE.

Find out more and register here.  

This is your life we are talking about…

Do What You Love retreat: Reflecting


(Image: NavyBlur)

Wow.  The inaugural Do What You Love retreat was everything I hoped it would be and more.

People connected, created, laughed, cried, shared, opened up, grew, made friends – and more than a handful said it changed their life. 

It was a beautiful thing to be part of, and I thank everyone involved from the bottom of my heart.

DWYL retreat - freedom (Image: NavyBlur)

(Image: NavyBlur)

Over the next few days I want to share a few posts on each class, on the creative enterprise sessions, on my amazing team, on the magical place we called home for a few days, and on the other things that made it special.

For now I just want to share a few of my favourite photos from the wonderful Christine and Xander of NavyBlur, our official photographers.

For me these capture the essence of the retreat, and as I reflect on the journey of the past few months, and the days of the retreat itself, it is these images which are so close to my original vision.

String hearts

(Image: NavyBlur)

flowers (Image: NavyBlur)

(image: NavyBlur)

Bunting (Image: NavyBlur)

(Image: NavyBlur)

Wax & wire workshop (Image: NavyBlur)

(image: NavyBlur)

Painting at DWYL retreat (Image: NavyBlur)

(Image: NavyBlur)

Painting (Image: NavyBlur)

(Image: NavyBlur)

handmade book (Image: NavyBlur)

(Image: NavyBlur)

Bookbinding (Image: NavyBlur)

(Image: NavyBlur)

Brownies (Image: NavyBlur)

(Image: NavyBlur)


For more posts about the retreat see: Gathering / Full of Love /  Bloom True with Flora Bowley /Paper heaven with Rachel Hazell / Delicate wax and wire sculptures with Priscilla Jones /  No (wo)man is an island



Missed the retreat? Why not join the Do What You Love e-course?

This online adventure starts on June 6 and will take you step-by-step along the path towards doing what you love.

Find out what participants who took the course last time had to say HERE.

Find out more and register here.  

This is your life we are talking about…