Do What You Love interview – James Scipioni


Do you dream of jungle adventures with playful orangutans and indigenous tribes in Borneo? Or of crossing Kyrgyzstan on horseback and staying with shepherd families in their yurts? Or of going back in time and learning Mayan traditions whilst discovering the secret archaeological sites, cenotes, caves, and beaches in Mexico? Today we bring you a fascinating interview with a guy who makes these kinds of life-enriching experiences possible for anyone.

James Scipioni is so passionate about travelling deeper, and travelling differently, that he started his own sustainable travel enterprise, Go Barefoot, which works globally, from policy to the grassroots, to ensure that tourism contributes positively to places and their people. Read on to find out more about the incredible travel experiences Go Barefoot offers, and get a special summer discount on your next big adventure… ~Rachel

IMG_0173Safari with Go Barefoot’s host family and friends in Rwanda


Play… it’s not just for kids!

Today’s post is written by our Senior Editor, Rachel Kempton. 

A few weeks ago I took my little boy, Zack, to Philadelphia. He’s toddling now and he was in his element in the airport ‘helping’ us steer the luggage trolley, pointing out the big aeroplanes and playing peekaboo with the little boy he’d befriended. To him every part of the experience was an adventure; an opportunity to play, to have fun and to learn. As I watched Zack climb onto his Gruffalo suitcase and squeal with joy as my husband pulled him along at lightning speed, a sweet lady smiled at me and said: “children have all the fun don’t they?!” Her words rang so true. As grown ups we’re so busy dashing from one thing to the next, juggling the endless responsibilities that come with work, family life and social commitments, that it’s easy to lose the sense of fun and freedom we had when we were young.

We know that play is vitally important for children, but it’s just as important for adults too. According to contemporary American psychiatrist Stuart Brown: “Play energizes us and enlivens us. It eases our burdens. It renews our natural sense of optimism and opens us up to new possibilities.”

[Tweet “”If it’s not fun, you’re not doing it right.” ~ Bob Basso”]

When you really stop and think about it, play is just an attitude. An option. A decision you make every time you do anything. Life really can be lighter and more fun if you choose to make it that way. If life has become one big routine for you, or if you find that your days lack joy and laughter, it could be time to change your attitude.

Need some inspiration? Here are our top 10 tips for living life in the fun lane…


Shabnah’s day at the Little Beach Hut of Dreams

Last summer, Shabnah became a Little Beach Hut of Dreams resident for a day. She had intended to use her time to plan her next big trip abroad, but when she arrived the tranquillity won over, and she ended up planning very little – which turned out to be exactly what she needed! Here’s how Shabnah spent her day by the sea. 

“I stumbled upon the The Little Beach Hut of Dreams during a google-search of things to cheer me up. The name was so enticing, the pictures pretty and Beth’s description enough to make me read everything on the website twice. I dismissed applying to be a dreamer-in-residence as it required what felt like the kind of bravery I was no longer familiar with. Also the deadline was a few hours after an interview for a job I didn’t even know if I wanted (hence the google-search distraction).

Still, I’d been preoccupied with the idea of pressing ‘pause’ on life for a while, and the idea of doing it in such soothingly stunning surroundings kept whispering to me. So an hour before the deadline, armed with a strong cup of tea and throbbing post-interview headache I completed the application, cringingly forced myself to record a youtube clip (since deleted), found a picture taken a summer ago on a day when all the stress and wrinkles had fallen out and pressed submit promising myself I wouldn’t think about it anymore.

The excitement I felt when Beth wrote to say I was successful was quickly overshadowed by suspicion and self-doubt: Why me? Would she regret it? I was also terrified – would I be able to deliver what I’d said I would do with the time, or would I ‘waste’ it stressing about the ‘right’ thing to do? All these emotions within the space of a few minutes on a Sunday evening! Despite briefly considering being a wimp and declining her offer because I was scared I’d fail at it, whatever ‘it’ was, I accepted, because obviously that was what I really wanted. And then I allowed myself to get excited.


I had been hoping only for dry weather but was fortunate enough to have unrelenting sunshine. Initially waiting by the wrong beach hut I finally arrived at the right place a little late, flustered and warm from rushing. I’d all but committed the pictures on the website to memory, the hut was even more beautiful in the flesh; perfectly kitted out with incredible attention to detail. By the time I’d said hello, sat down and taken off my coat, several layers of everyday-living-stress had fallen off. If this wasn’t enough kindness to a random stranger, Beth left me with a prettily-wrapped present which I decided to save till I got home; then opened twenty minutes later.

I’d come prepared with a case of books, notebooks, ‘to do’ lists and various other paraphernalia, determined to get the most out of my time here and not let anyone down by wasting it. Sadly this is how I’ve been living my life over the last few years – desperately cramming things in to prove to myself I am capable and moving forwards without stopping to think about what things would actually take me where I might want to go. Even on the walk down I’d mentally ticked off the order in which I would do things – update my to do list, a guided meditation because God knows I need to chill out, a few stretches, plan my upcoming trip overseas, a few creative writing exercises etc. etc. And I was going to list it as I went along so that when I got home and wondered what I’d done with the day I could show myself.

Luckily when I sat down with that uninterrupted view of the sea and the sound of the waves, all that unproductive nervous energy and everything I’d manically planned just evaporated in one big exhale. Instead of stretching I drank in every detail and sat there with a silly smile on my face. I read for a tiny bit, lay down to watch and listen to the waves, felt the sun and did absolutely nothing. For several weeks, maybe months, I’d been trying to get back to ‘being’ instead of ‘doing.’ In trying so desperately to achieve it I’d missed the point completely. There at the beach hut it returned to being the most natural thing in the world. My breathing got slower and slower and when I thought about all the things I ‘had’ to do they seemed very far away and really not that important.


A few people stopped to say hello, admire the hut and express envy. A random guy stopped to take my photo and a lady who had thought about applying herself sat down for a longer chat about work and the importance of making space for our creative sides, whatever form that may take.

For the first time in ages I found time to do a little writing, imposing no expectations on the quality of what I produced. I did read a tiny bit of my guidebook but planned little. The majority of the day was spent doing exactly what I had been craving when I first found out about the beach-hut – pressing pause and just being.


When Beth returned I was feeling pleasantly floaty, but wandering home was almost forcing myself to make that feeling last. Luckily since then I have put a few reminders of the hut around my home. Every time I catch sight of one I am taken to that silence within my previously overactive, second-guessing mind. When I applied I had been feeling lost and struggling with all decisions – I might make the wrong one, so best to make none. Being able to take a deep breath and return to how I felt that day makes it easier to listen to myself and make a decision that feels right in the moment, however small. Thank you Little Beach Hut built for dreaming for letting me clear enough of the chatter from my head for dreaming space.”

Since her residency, Shabnah has travelled to Peru and Ecuador, before spending January in Colombia, which she tells us was 100% unplanned and 100% perfect. 2 months ago Shabnah started the job she wasn’t sure she wanted – and so far so good. 

If you could do with a day by the sea, to plan, play or just to be, apply for a residency at the Little Beach Hut of Dreams this summer. It’s amazing what a difference a day for yourself can make. 

Take a walk on the wild side



Explore your wild side! We love nature and created this colourful word cloud to celebrate all the beautiful things it has to offer. We hope it inspires you to spend some time in the great outdoors.

  • When was the last time you took a break to admire nature?
  • How does Mother Nature inspire and motivate you… at home, at work, in your spare time, in your relationships, and in life in general?
  • What will your next outdoor adventure be?

You can download a high res version to print here.

On foot through India


Alastair Humphries


This is a guest post by adventurer, author and motivational speaker Alastair Humphreys. Find out more about Alastair here.

 “I could walk to anywhere on Earth from here, if only I choose to make the time. The road is free and open and waiting.”

If you love the Beatles, at some point in your life you will have to visit Liverpool. Elvis fans have Graceland. Baseball has the Yankee Stadium. And, if you love travel and are curious about the world, then you need to experience India before you die.

I call myself an “Adventurer” and a “Travel Writer”. I had visited almost half the countries on Earth. But I had never been to India.

That needed to change.

Alastair Humphries INDIA 2


Do What You Love interview – Kimanzi Constable


Do you want more from life? Do you spend hours thinking about your dreams? Can you visualize yourself doing what you love even if you’re not sure how to get there? You’re not alone! As our big interview with lifestyle entrepreneur Kimanzi Constable shows, you really can be the master of your own destiny…

For 12 years Kimanzi Constable lived a life of excuses and regret. Deep down he knew what he wanted but fear of failure held him back. Everything looked okay on the outside – the business he started when he was 19 was bringing in $500,000 revenue, he employed five staff in three states and he had a beautiful wife – but on the inside his world was falling apart. His finances were out of control, his business was in trouble, and his marriage had broken down.

Hitting rock bottom gave Kimanzi the push he needed to stop existing and start living. He left the job he hated, started an online business earning a living by writing and speaking, got fit, fought to save his marriage and fulfilled his lifelong dream of moving to Hawaii.

Now, as well as being a self-published author of two books, which have sold over 86,000 copies, Kimanzi is a contributing writer for The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Mind Body Green and weekly business editor at The Good Men ProjectHe also speaks and coaches on life and business all over the world. His mission is to help men and women create true freedom in life and here he offers some fantastic advice to help you take action and claim the life you truly deserve.

Kimanzi Constable


Intimate conversations with fascinating people (FREE webinar series)



Over the past few weeks I have had the great privilege of interviewing a series of fascinating people on the big questions that echo for us all. What is really important in life? How do we pursue our dreams? What is the future going to look like in terms of the way we work, learn and earn? How can we carve out our own path, and do things in a way which makes us happy? How can we be more creative, more adventurous, more inspired in our daily lives?

This journey of conversation has taken me to three continents, across many time zones, and it has both provided answers and sparked further questions.

We have recorded these in-depth interviews with thought leaders and put them together into a brand new FREE webinar series called Alchemy, and you are invited. It will stretch your mind, challenge your thinking and open your eyes to new ideas. I urge you to be part of it.

The videos will be shared daily by email from April 27 – May 3 to everyone signed up to the series. We will also provide an Alchemy Playbook, full of probing questions to help you squeeze all the goodness out of each conversation. And we will be hosting Twitter chats with some of our speakers at the time their interview is first broadcast, so you can ask them questions directly yourself.

And don’t worry if you are working that week, or travelling, or in a different time zone. We will provide info on how to access the videos after they have gone ‘live’ too.

So please, give yourself the gift of listening in to these vital conversations. Sign up now (remember, it’s free!)

This week we’d like to challenge you to take one minute to register for Alchemy, and then another minute to share it on social media and encourage your friends to get involved in these real and important conversations.

Thank you for caring about the big questions,

Beth and team


Do What You Love interview – James Hallett


In 2008, after 12 years of working for others, James Hallett decided he’d had enough of being “another number” and he turned to self-employment. This bold decision kick-started an evolutionary process, not only in his career, but in his personal life too. For the first time ever, James was able to look for opportunity where others only dared to and chase his BHAGs (big hairy audacious goals).

Discovering a passion for trail running opened the door to a whole new world. Inspired by his hobby, James launched his own business and started making adventure films. Then, in 2013, he founded Trails In Motion, an annual film tour designed to showcase some of the finest trail running films to audiences worldwide. He loves spreading the word about trail running and other outdoor adventure sports and is dedicated to building a global community which shares the same philosophies and ideals.

Profile_1Image credit: Andrew King

1. How are you doing what you love?

People call me a content marketer, but I call myself a story sharer. My passion lies in communicating things that in some small way or another might change peoples perceptions about what is normal or structured. I hated conforming. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a rebel. I’ve never had a Mohican or a nose ring (if those things constitute being a rebel) but I’ve always liked living more unconventionally. To be able to talk about, and work with, the global trail running community really affirms that. It’s an unconventional sport at heart and sharing other people’s experiences excites, and humbles, me.

What do I love most about my work? The fact that I can arrive at my office in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and ply my “trade” amongst a community of people who love or simply yearn to indulge in adventure, particularly in the outdoors. (more…)