Love is in the air! Time out for good reason

Love is in the air! Time out for good reason dwylhq1

There are some times in life that are so precious they just have to be savoured, for as long as possible. Getting married is one of them, which is why I have decided to take five weeks off work to enjoy every moment of my upcoming wedding and honeymoon.

Wedding dresses

“What will she be wearing?” they all asked

I am so grateful that Do What You Love gives me the flexibility to do this. Please know that the team is still here to support everyone involved in our courses, and we will still be blogging over the next few weeks (if a little less regularly) – and then I will be back with photos of hand made loveliness, tales of romantic adventures and a brand new name! (Along with a LOT of exciting changes and new things to share with you…)

A living worth scraping

making a living worth scraping - Mickey Smith

Image via Mickey Smith

I don’t believe that doing what you love always has to be at the expense of a healthy income, but if ever there was a good argument for ‘making a living worth scraping’ this is it!

I promise it is worth 6 minutes of your time to watch this brilliant short film by surfer Mickey Smith.

Where does your heart beat fastest?

Alive. Brave.

Beth - scarf

Nothing like a long walk in the countryside on New Year’s Day to clear the mind and open it up for what lies ahead

My man and I choose a pair of words to guide us each year.

Last year it was ‘growth’ and ‘adventure’ (and we certainly took them to heart!)

This year our words are ALIVE and BRAVE.

We have promised each other we will ACT BRAVELY and LIVE FULLY every step of the way this year.

We already know there are changes ahead – big leaps for Do What You Love, possibly a house move, definitely a marriage, and who knows what else.

We know there will be times at the edge of each of these experiences when we will be elated, afraid, on a high, uncertain. But in spite of – or because of – all of these we are going to make 2013 a year of going for it, and building on everything we have done so far to make stuff happen.

Exciting! Scary! Let it begin!


What is your word for 2013?

Why taking a sabbatical can be good for business

Beth outside temple - Japan

‘Working’ in the grounds of Honpoji Temple, Kyoto [image: Takeshi Kohari] 

I have recently got back from a six month ‘sabbatical’ in Japan. When I headed out there I was determined to get a change of pace in my work and home life. There were many business-related reasons to go, but in order to make it happen I had to put the brakes on some projects, let go of others, take on freelance support and really take a step back from the craziness that had gone before. But the results have been surprising.


Choosing how you use your fear

Mountains of Tottori Prefecture

Over dinner a friend told us of an extraordinary place, deep in the mountains of Tottori Prefecture. When a long-time Kyoto resident says their favourite temple is one NOT in Kyoto, you know must be worth a visit. Without giving us any details, they piqued our interest enough to make us get in the car and drive for several hours to see it.


The one thing you absolutely have to do if you are planning a big adventure

Tottori, Japan

Tottori, Japan

A lot of people ask me for tips on planning adventures, and going on big trips. I have been fortunate enough to live, work and travel in more than 50 countries across the world, on every continent (including Antarctica!) so I know a thing or two about packing and preparing.

People ask whether the most important thing is to have a very clear budget, or to sort all your visas out in advance, or to learn some of the language before you go. They ask whether they should read a book about the culture, or buy a new rucksack, or make sure they get their house rented out. They ask whether the most important thing is to find a good travelling partner, or find somewhere to stay ahead of time, or pack for all weathers.

Actually it is none of the above.
