
Do What You Love interview – Ai Kawauchi

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Today I am thrilled to share this interview with Japanese contemporary lighting designer Ai Kawauchi. I met Ai when fellow lighting designer Hannah Nunn came out to Kyoto to visit recently. Ai is featured in Hannah’s upcoming book ‘Illuminate‘ which showcases contemporary craft lighting from around the world. Ai’s work is unique, fascinating and other-worldly – here is a peek into her world.

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Image by Hannah Nunn

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1. How did you get to be doing what you are doing?

When I was a child, I was quiet and reserved. I found my fun in drawing pictures and creating things with my hands, using paper and clay. In art I could express myself in a way I couldn’t in conversation. It came naturally to me and after studying art at school, I spent three years studying textile design at Joshibi University of Art and Design in Tokyo, Japan.

2. Please tell us about your work – what do you make?

My speciality is lighting design. I have been designing and making lampshades since university. Having said that, I love making all sorts of different creations including jewellery, and do not want to limit myself just to lamps. I am a designer/maker, and an artist – in fact sometimes I love so many things I am not sure exactly what to label myself!

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3. How do you make your unique and beautiful lamps?

I tie silk organza around many glass balls/beads and then, using a technique similar to tye dyeing, I soak the organza for some time in a carefully calculated liquid solution (the secret ingredient!) Once it has been removed, I wash it thoroughly and leave it to dry completely. It takes on a fascinating bobbled effect. This then forms the main part of the lamp which is attached to a base made from many layers of traditional Japanese ‘washi’ paper.

4. How did you discover this process?

Whilst studying textiles at Art College, I was surrounded by and introduced to many new materials and techniques, as well as the designs of my fellow talented classmates. Because of this stimulating environment, I naturally felt the urge to investigate and experiment using the materials I had around me. I then used my existing skills of ‘tie dye’ and this evolved into the unique technique I now use to create the shape and forms in my work.

5. What is it about lighting that you love so much?

Each of my handmade lights are feels like a person to me. My works are formed like vessels, just as we humans are vessels for love and light. As each of us is different, so is each of my pieces.

I truly love my work. Light shines out and into the eyes of each of us without prejudice, regardless of who we are, and where we are from. It has a particular effect on each of us. I love that I can make something which also has a real practical value in the spaces we live in, and this is something I want to explore further in my work.

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6. You live in a remote rural part of Japan. How do you stay connected to your creative community?

The internet is very important to me! I am also fortunate to have made many personal connections from the time I spent living in Tokyo, and the two years I lived in London. Living here I do have to make myself look for ways to meet new people and always tell myself, “Go out, go out!”. It sometimes takes extra energy but it is really important for my creativity and really helps my work so I make myself do it.

7. What were you doing in London and how was that experience for you?

Living in London changed my life. It helped me become more confident to walk my own path. During my time in London, I supported myself and covered my material costs by working part time and selling my collection independently.  I also took part in the Origin Craft Fair in London (in September 2009).  I loved London so much and it was a really exciting and memorable period of my life.  I also had the chance to meet many artists and fans of contemporary craft which was wonderful.

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8. What does your daily life look like as an artist?

I’m not working full time artist at the moment but that is my goal. Step by step…

9. What are the challenges you face with the business side of art?

My main challenge is getting my work out in front of people. I am thrilled to be featured in Hannah Nunn’s upcoming lighting book Illuminate and look forward to sharing my work with the world in new ways in the coming months and years.

10. What inspires you?

I love interacting with people so I find inspiration from speaking to friends or people around me, or when I receive letters from my closest friends.  I am fortunate to also have friends in different fields like architecture and photography, which enables me to see things from a different perspective, motivating me and helping my work to evolve.

11. Who are your favourite Japanese artists and designers?

Tatsuo Miyajima and Shiro Kuramata

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12. What is your big dream for your creative business?

To be able to continue this work that I love, live in England or another foreign country again, and to share my work with people all over the world.


[All images courtesy of Ai Kawauchi unless otherwise stated.]

Find out more about Ai and her work on her website here.