We have the great pleasure to continue our themed interview season with our dear friend Louise Gale. Louise has encountered a lot of change in her life and her interview provides an insight to why her life is now a much happy and wonderful place to be!
Louise is a mixed media artist, passionate about colour, patterns in nature and living a creative life from the heart. She says, “I believe we are all more powerful than we think we are and that the answers lie within us all. I believe that living a life from the heart can open a world of possibilities and heal the world around us. My mission is to create artwork and workshops (in person and online) that bring joy to others, to connect deeper with nature and support other creative souls with their businesses.”
Image by navyblur
1. How are you leading a life ‘doing what you love’?
I recently moved to south Spain and now live right on the ocean where I combine many things I love in my everyday life; creating, colour, connecting with nature and working flexible hours helping other creative souls in their businesses or own creative journey. I am also part of the Do What You Love team working on amazing projects helping others do what they love!
Being back in Europe also means I am closer to family and friends and for the first time in a long time, I am leading a completely balanced life, straight from the heart.
One of the many heart stones I have found on my beach
2. What did you do before this?
Before moving to Spain in February 2013, I moved from the UK to NYC for 8 years and spent part of that time in a corporate job. I loved the whole experience of being in such a vibrant city (this is where I started two businesses!) I also reconnected with my true creative self again during this time and found the courage to create a new life for myself. I also went through life coach training where I focused on learning more about energy – energy within us and the world around us – this was an amazing personal journey and was the big leap towards starting a collaboration website with other creative souls to spread positive energy into the world. The time in the USA was such an important part of my life – it helped me move confidently to where I am now.
“Colour energy” by Louise
3. What was your a-ha moment that pushed you to change things and realise your passion?
One big a-ha moment was working in a windowless office in my corporate job in 2009 and longing for a greater sense of freedom in how I spent my day. The moment I feel constrained and get an awkward sickly feeling in my tummy is when I know it’s time to change my situation and I have listened to this feeling throughout my life.
This has meant many a-ha moments and ‘detours’ and that is what I love about this life. It is ever changing and evolving as I discover more about myself and the world around me. Every chance meeting, experience and decision has led me to where I am and back to a creative life.
Louise’s vision board for 2013. Vision boards are an integral part of attracting the positive change we want in our lives.
4. How did you make it happen?
I am a big believer in the law of attraction and that the universe sends us messages constantly, so I created vision boards and simply listened to my intuition and the world around me. Once I started to focus on how I wanted to feel and what my ideal day would look like, opportunities and chance meetings starting to occur. I started to connect with an amazing network of artists in person and online, explored mixed media techniques and created my own online courses to help others. On a practical level, I reduced my expenses and had savings to support myself as I made the transition. I left the corporate job in May 2010 and have never looked back.
5. What has been your biggest challenge along the way and how did you overcome it?
I think it has to be having sooooo many ideas that my head was in a spin most of the time! Which at first was where all my energy was being focused. I was definitely trying to “spin far too many plates.” So I decided to just go with it for a while. I tried lots of different things to work out where I really wanted to focus my creative energies. I am so happy with the balance I have now found.
“Full Moon energy” by Louise
6. What is the best advice you have received?
“Turn off the TV and do something less boring instead!” This is actually a line from a TV programme I used to watch as a child to encourage youngsters to get outside and play. Getting rid of my TV in 2009 has to be one of my most significant moments (along with getting rid of my cell phone too in 2011). Without these constant distractions and outside influences, I feel like I can connect to who I truly am and what life I truly want to create for myself. I spend much more time doing what I love.
7. What kept you awake at night before you made these changes? How about now?
Having so many ideas in my head and putting pressure on myself to pursue every single one of them! This was exhausting and I soon realized I couldn’t do everything. I still generate lots and lots of new ideas, which I write in my journal, but am at peace with myself knowing that I don’t have to do them all this year! Now I sleep soundly knowing I am on the right path for me and focusing on what truly makes me happy; having creative time for myself, running workshops and helping others in their creative businesses.
“The love of the lotus” by Louise
8. Why do you think change is important?
Change keeps us growing and evolving. There is always an opportunity to learn and experience new things in this inspiring life! I have discovered so much about the world and this helps me make changes to my life that are aligned with what is important to me. I am also a huge believer in the energy of our thoughts, feelings and how this changes how we see the world.
I check in with myself on a regular basis on what I am thinking and feeling to ensure I am focusing on the positive energy within. I believe change happens first within ourselves and that we can all make a difference to our own life and others by doing so.
9. What is the biggest noticeable difference in your life since choosing this new path?
I find joy in everything and I accept all experiences as the fun filled fabric of life. I have always been a “glass half full kind of girl”, and now I really focus on living more in the moment, enjoying every aspect, whatever pops up. Even if it’s something challenging, it’s an opportunity to learn.
I also see how simply wonderful life can be without so many distractions of technology filling our days. Another difference I have consciously noticed is, being less attached to ‘things’. Letting go of material objects is something I chose to do when I left the USA to move to Spain. It really has taught me a lot about how emotionally connected we are to “things” and how letting these go, can free us. It is hard, but oh what an amazing feeling!
Louise’s journal for her upcoming “Creative Colour Energy workshop
10. Finally, what is key to making a big change in your life?
I believe that listening to our hearts and connecting to our true selves is what is key. Knowing what brings us joy and focusing on that everyday to inform every decision we make. I also try not to be too attached to outcomes or have big expectations. This enables me to go with the flow of life and let my intuition guide me. I highly recommend trying it, you never know what exciting direction life will lead you in!
You can find out much more about Louise at her website or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.