
Do What You Love Interview – Cat Mills

Do What You Love Interview - Cat Mills thebiginterview13

Today’s rather unusual Do What You Love interview is with Cat Mills, a film-maker and writer. Cat is naturally drawn to the bizarre and seeks out the unconventional from every corner, whether that is attending gathering of UFO conspiracy theorists or battling it out tooth and nail at La Tomatina, the world’s largest food fight. This is what led her to start her web series, Wicked and Weird Around the World.  In the series Cat travels around the globe in search of some of the strangest festivals, competitions and celebrations known to man.

Cat Mills

1.    How are you leading a life ‘doing what you love’?

I’ve always been fascinated by subcultures, festivals and everything that is different.  With this project I get to travel, explore, learn and express – and I couldn’t ask for anything more.  I’m also getting back to my filmmaking roots, which I had somehow misplaced along the way.  It feels good to be creative.

2.    What did you do before this?

Prior to Wicked and Weird, I worked for an international film sales company in London for 4 years where I worked in the office and travelled to the Cannes and Berlin Film Festivals.  Before that I worked in Vancouver in film production under a national mentorship program with the CFTPA (Canadian Film and Television Producers Association, now known as the CMPA).

3.    What was you a-ha moment that pushed you to change / realise your passion in life?

My epiphany was a long time coming.  It hit critical levels when my old company was in the process of being bought out.  It left me uncertain of my future and forced me to ask myself what it was that I really wanted to do.  I had enjoyed film sales, but it wasn’t my passion.  Ironically, the idea for the project came from a job application.  In it you had to pitch a TV show idea, so I pitched a series on weird festivals.  I didn’t get the job, but it did inspire this idea, which grew on me more and more until I was in love with it.  I quit my job in August 2012 and have been busy working on Wicked and Weird Around the World ever since.

Do What You Love Interview - Cat Mills Cat Worm Charming
4.    How did you make it happen?

My partner received a job offer in Malta around the same time that I was considering leaving my job.  When we looked into it, we discovered that the rent was far cheaper in Malta than it was in London, which would make it easier financially as I worked to launch the project. I also made sure to tell everyone what I was doing so that I couldn’t chicken out of it.  You need support to pursue your dreams and I’m very fortune to have some incredible friends, and my partner, at my side. The important thing is to keep going and not to stop, despite your inner critic.

5.    What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?

The biggest challenge for me as always been deciding what I want to do and then going out and doing it.  Achieving things, once you set your mind to it, is not nearly as challenging as that first step.  It’s not an easy question, but taking the time to learn about yourself and what makes you happy is the most important thing you can do and giving yourself permission to do it is incredibly important. Making that initial leap of faith and going for it was my biggest challenge.

6.    Who is your role model and why?

My family members are my role models; they’ve all shown such strength and diversity in their talents, passions and abilities.  It is probably my father who has inspired me the most in regard to this project.  I remember my aunt telling me the story of how, when he was in his 20’s, he managed to convince his brother, sister in law and nieces and nephew to all venture out to a Shakespearean Night at the local restaurant, saying simply “We have to do this”.  Everyone made the crappiest makeshift costumes they could find with barbeque skewers as swords and headed out, only to find that half the people weren’t dressed up and the other half were in proper Shakespearean outfits.  Regardless, out of everyone at the restaurant they had the most fun.  I saw the same adventurous spirit in my sister when she convinced me to go to the Burial of the Sardine while we were in Spain.  It’s that spirit that keeps me doing it.

7.    What is the best advice you have received?

A friend once told me to always trust your gut. Your heart will deceive you.  Your brain will try to justify it. But your gut always knows what the score is.  She was right.  It’s your intuition.  It’s advice that I have applied to both my personal and professional life; keeping me safe and moving in the right direction.

8.    What keeps you awake at night?

Our kitten.  He keeps attacking my feet.

9.    And what gets you up in the morning?

The desire to keep moving and get through my agenda.  And that first pot of tea…it keeps me going!  Finding these festivals is a bit like a drug.  There isn’t enough time in the day to get it all done!

Do What You Love Interview - Cat Mills Cat at Maltese Carnival
10.  What is the big dream for your business?

The big dream is to reach a wide international audience and get the whole series funded, possibly for television. I’m receiving a great deal of support from festival organisers and tourist boards, which is really encouraging.  I’d also like to see more people attending these festivals and doing something a bit off colour.

[All images courtesy of Cat Mills.]

To find out more about Cat  connect on Facebooktwitter and Pinterest.


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