Wow, half way through Making Time already! Can you believe what you’ve achieved in the last two weeks? We hope you’re as proud of yourself as we are of you. You’re doing so well! Keep making time and you’ll never look back.
Your Day 16 Making Time challenge:
For 16 minutes… phone a friend you haven’t spoken to lately
“We all want to be happy, but we often mistake a rush of excitement for happiness. Well-being is more of a sense of contentment, peacefulness, and connection with a place and people.” – Anna Black in ‘Living in the moment’
When we were young, we didn’t really need to work too hard at our friendships. We’d spend hours playing at school, hanging out at college or socialising at university. But as we get older and work, family life and other commitments demand so much of our time, it’s not as simple. We have to invest time and energy in our friendships and we have to value and nurture them if we want to keep them alive.
Luckily these days, you don’t have to meet up with people in person to say hello or catch up. Mobile phones make it easy for us to talk to anyone at anytime, wherever they are in the world.
So be a good friend today and call someone who matters to you. Let them know how much they mean to you and remind them that you’re always there to support them, to listen to them if they need to talk, and to help if you’re able to. Or just to have a laugh together. As the title of that famous Beatles song goes: “I get by with a little help from my friends”.
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New to Making Time? Start at the beginning anytime here.