Well it certainly doesn’t feel like a month ago that I was writing my last monthly update. There is so much exciting stuff going on behind the scenes here at DWYL. I will try and update you without divulging too much of our top secret work.
I mentioned last month that we had taken on new staff. In fact, we more than doubled our team in a matter of weeks. A little scary but it is very necessary. Our driving goal is to provide you with a place to come that will help you build your own roadmap towards a life of doing what you love. And more than that, to offer you the tools and support you need along the way to make sure the changes you make are sustainable and life changing. A big promise, I know, but a promise we wholeheartedly believe in.
Last month we had the great pleasure to introduce you to Henry and Rachael. This month I am delighted to introduce our Digital Strategy and Marketing Manager – Victoria Binz, who joins us after several years with Saachi & Saachi and other top ad agencies. It took less than a week for Vickie to demonstrate what great skills and expertise she possesses and we feel very lucky that she has chosen to share them with us and ultimately you.
And there’s lots more exciting news to report…
image: Holly Booth Photography
1. All the work on The Little Beach Hut of Dreams is complete. Will you be our first ‘dreamer-in-residence’? You can find out about how to apply and much more in next Monday’s newsletter. (Sign up here for our newsletter if you aren’t already on the list!)
2. In order to make DWYL more accessible and to inspire even more people we’re making some cool changes to our website over the coming months. We can’t wait to get your thoughts – stay tuned for that!
image: Holly Booth Photography
3. Our little girl had her first professional photo shoot(!) recently ahead of Beth’s next column in Where Women Create Business, all about online business with a baby
4. Beth has been locked away hard at work creating the content of an amazing new business e-course. I may have said too much already.
5. We’ve been busy getting ready for Making Time, a 31-day experiment in making time for the things you love. Sign up here to get an inspiring email into your inbox every day for 31 days, with daily prompts to help you make time for something you love. It’s completely free and a great way to start the day – why not join us
An update on collaborations
Make Art That Sells: The Global Talent Search 2014 – Commenced on August 5th. With over 1200 participants form over 50 countries the work submitted was both fantastic and diverse. The Top 50 were announced and they are currently working feverishly to secure their place in the final 6. Someone’s life will change forever.
Make It In Design: The FREE Make It In Design Summer School – for beginners, intermediate and advanced artists has been a hub of amazing energy over the summer. The work produced has been fantastic. I am constantly amazed at the quality of work that is created. Everyone is currently hard at work on their final brief.
Most importantly, we were over the moon to discover that on August 27th Rachael gave birth to her baby boy Blayke Lennon Davies. Mother, baby and father are all just great. Congratulations Rachael and Matt.
Our thought for the month: No one else can live your life except you
It was last Friday and I was busy doing a little last minute shopping. Whilst standing in the queue I over heard at least five different conversations in the space of a couple of minutes. Each conversation revolved around the topic of being “…so bored at work”. In fact two of them were already considering what excuses they could give not to go back on Monday.
I know we all look forward to our weekends and we need time to re-charge our batteries, and sometimes what we say is just a turn of phrase. But what alarmed me was that each of these conversations involved people no older than 24. I was stood there wondering why they didn’t find a more interesting job or ask for more interesting things to do. What a waste of precious time to be constantly bored.
We live in an age when we have so much information at our fingertips. The world is connected in a way that it never has before. There is literally an adventure waiting to happen everywhere you turn, you just need to give yourself the opportunity to notice them.
Add a little bit of adventure into your life and start living. Don’t accept being bored. Change it, no one else will. To give you a helping hand I can highly recommend having a read of Micro Adventures by Alastair Humphreys.
Have an adventure filled weekend.
Mr K