Summer is upon us and I really can’t believe where the time has gone since I joined the company back in April 2013. We’re in the midst of very exciting times here at DWYL and I wanted to take this opportunity to catch my breath and update you on the work going on here behind the scenes.
It’s all going on at DWYL!
As individuals we all have our own limits. We simply cannot do everything alone. And this is something that’s become very apparent for our company as well. At DWYL HQ we’ve been working passionately and tirelessly from day one to let you know that you have choices and a place to come to help you make your dreams a reality. We want to inspire you to take that first step. And more than that, offer you the tools and support you need to make sure the changes you make are sustainable and life changing. A big promise, I know! But a promise we wholeheartedly believe in. To ensure we keep our promise, and reach even more people worldwide, we need help to take DWYL to the next exciting level. So, over the past few months we’ve been recruiting…
Five new employees have joined the DWYL team! They are all amazing in their own right, with unique skills, stories and experiences. And more importantly, they’re all at a point in their lives where they want to contribute to something larger and more profound. They’re fully committed and driven to help you make changes to live the life you imagine. We hope that during their work with us we can also help them fulfil their own dreams and aspirations. Henry and Rachel have already made themselves at home and they’ll be joined by the other three who I look forward to introducing you to in the coming weeks.
And there’s lots more exciting news to report…
1. We’ve bought a beach hut! The aim is to provide you with a unique space to escape the daily grind and make time for yourself and your creative dreams. The Little Beach Hut of Dreams is that very space. Will you be our first ‘dreamer-in-residence’? Find out more here.
2. Our website is getting a makeover: in order to make DWYL more accessible and to inspire even more people we’re making some cool changes to our website over the coming months. We can’t wait to get your thoughts.
3. We’ve emerged from hibernation… Last month we were privileged to be invited to the Hibernate retreat along with other businesses and inspirational individuals who are striving to make a difference in the world. The concept behind it was a digital detox. That simple. Leave emails for Monday morning, turn of the phone and socialise. And as always, Sienna quickly became the star of the show!
On top of the world… in our treehouse!
We discussed our businesses, the challenges we’re facing, and more importantly, how we could help one another. The power of community is huge and I’ve witnessed this first hand with the DWYL, Make It In Design and Make Art That Sells communities. On this weekend we definitely found our own little community. Subsequently, the ideas flowed – and continue to flow! Of course we’ll be keeping most of them a secret while we work hard to bring them to life here at DWYL HQ! What we can tell you however, is that over the coming months we’ll be introducing you to some very interesting and inspiring guest blog columnists… watch this space!
An update on collaborations
Make Art That Sells: The Global Talent Search 2014 – Starts August 5th. Registration closes on July 31st. Last year’s competition changed the lives of two very talented people (Zoe and Daniel) and they haven’t looked back. Don’t miss this opportunity to change your life.
Make It In Design: Fill your Summer with inspiration and creativity, by joining the Make It In Design Summer School – for FREE! There are three options – beginner, intermediate and advanced. Please feel free to sign up for one or more options, and use this opportunity to stretch yourself and grow your portfolio.
Most importantly, we await the arrival of Rachael’s baby with eager anticipation! We look forward to sharing the good news with you soon.
Our thought for the month: you’re never too busy to play
Beth and I love what we do but that doesn’t mean that work doesn’t overwhelm our thoughts from time to time. It really is important to take time out, relax and have fun. Last week we had our first SUP (Stand Up Paddle) boarding session – SUPing to the regulars. It was brilliant! We were out in the ocean, sun blazing down and we did nothing but laugh at each other falling in. For two and a half hours we were just Beth and Paul. We were not directors, we were not parents, we were simply two people in love.
The beauty of SUP is that there’s no big long tutorial so we were out on the waves within minutes of starting our lesson. It was the perfect break, just what we needed, and I can highly recommend it.
Beth showing great form
Make sure you make time for yourself to play – whether it’s having an adventure, drawing, painting, taking a new class, or chatting to a friend over a cuppa in your garden. Those precious moments will improve your daily outlook no end.
Have a great day.
Mr K