Ponder this
In our lives we play many roles – mother, wife, daughter, husband, father, son, friend, confidante, lover, teacher. But none of those alone is who you are.
You are a unique combination of your genes, background, culture, experiences, environment, influences, memories, dreams, emotions, kindnesses, skills, strengths, attitudes and so many other things. And your unique personality is made up of many parts. It can sometimes seem strange that you love to party but like to be alone, or you are physically adventurous but terrified of talking in public.
Some stages of our lives (and the people in them) nurture certain aspects of us, and other aspects get buried, forgotten about, hidden. The world needs you to be all of you – and for that you need to know yourself.
To do what you love you need to do what feels right, do what feels good, and do what feels like YOU.