Here at DWYL HQ we receive emails almost weekly proposing new collaborations. We spend time evaluating each one closely, but most of the time end up saying “Thank you but we have to say no.” Sometimes this is because we simply don’t have the capacity to turn the project around in the time suggested, but more often than not it is because it doesn’t quite fit with our mission.
So what is different about those emails which get the response, “Hell yeah!”? Well partly it is if the project idea lights us up, and partly if we are excited to work with the person proposing it. It matters to us if they have their own following, as that shows their work resonates with others. And it matters to us that they have thought about our company, and why the proposal would work for us – and ultimately for you, the Do What You Love family. But in the end the decision always comes down to a gut feeling. In the end you have to ask yourself, “Does this feel like a ‘Hell yeah?’” If it does, go for it. If it doesn’t, politely walk away.
It’s the same in life outside work. Time is too precious to spend with people who don’t lift you up, doing things that don’t feel good, in places that don’t inspire you.
This month’s blog theme is ‘Love to learn’ – and we want to spend the month embracing all nuances of that word ‘learn’. As a provider of online courses of course we are big believer in the value of education, whether formal or informal. We also know from experience that if you want to do something different, or better, in an evolving world you will need to be constantly learning.
But we also want to reflect on the learning to be had in our every day lives. Learning to listen to ourselves, learning to notice the world around us, learning what makes us happy. Every day this month ask yourself, “What have I learnt today?” Your answer might surprise you.
Happy learning!
Beth and the team

Want to learn about online marketing? Or about how to create an online course that sells? If so, read on…
Do What You Love has grown rapidly over the last three years, and in the past year alone we have sold over $1 million of online courses, supporting the dreams of thousands of people in 50+ countries worldwide.
But we didn’t always know how to create e-courses that make a real difference, or how to market our offerings and generate an income online. We had to learn it. We learnt about e-courses the hard way – by investing thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours in taking other people’s, by experimenting with technology, by making mistakes and correcting them. We learnt about online marketing the easy way – by taking Marie Forleo’s B-School in the early days. We are now a proud affiliate of B-School because we know that it works – and we want to enhance your B-School experience by teaching you how to create an online course which you can then market with your new-found online marketing knowledge – the perfect combination!
So if you want to learn how to package your expertise into a profitable virtual programme, reaching people in every time zone, 24/7, and if you want to learn how to sell that expertise online, we have the perfect opportunity for you. If you take B-School with Do What You Love, together we’ll show you how.

As a proud affiliate of B-School we are offering a special package to help you build on your B-School experience.
Having taken it myself, I know that many people come out of it with a grand plan to launch their own online course, as they realise that it can be both powerful and lucrative, allowing them to work with people all over the world without leaving their desk.
The problem is, they don’t know how to do it. Fear of technology, perceived lack of resources, writer’s block or a host of other reasons holds them back from sharing their genius with people all over the world, and getting paid well to do so.
But if you take B-School with us, we will share our secrets to building an online course which makes a difference, and makes you profit you can be proud of. This is literally priceless, because it is not on general sale.
Here’s what you get in the Do What You Love B-School bonus package:

*Click here for the small print
Please note that in order to benefit from this bundle you need to click on THIS REGISTRATION LINK before you make your purchase.
Registration closes on Wednesday 5 March. Don’t miss out!