Today’s shared story comes from healthy living coach Heather Lentz, who transformed her life and started doing what she loved after her car was hit by a drunk driver.
[Image courtesy of Heather Lentz]
On May 3, 2009, I was in a severe car accident caused by a drunk driver. As a result, I was hospitalized for 5 days and had brain shearing, internal bleeding, bruised kidney, bruised liver, rib fracture, fractured vertebrae, fractured tibia, cervical sprain, rotator cuff tear and extensive soft tissue damage. This was a major turning point in my life. I decided that something positive had to come from this accident, so I began to focus on healing myself. My goal was to get back to the condition I was in before the accident.
I started on a healing journey. I went to physical, occupational and speech therapy appointments almost every day for over a year. My pain slowly decreased and I began to get my range of motion back. I also quit smoking, quit drinking alcohol, quit drinking caffeine, quit drinking pop, started taking supplements everyday, started exercising, started walking 5Ks and lost 30 pounds. Even though I had experienced a lot of progress, I still had shoulder pain, back pain and constant headaches. I decided to look into other ways of healing. I began acupuncture and shiatsu massage.
I tried thai massage, cranial sacral massage, blocking, rolfing, yoga, hula-hooping and even colon hydrotherapy. My healing journey brought me to the Muskegon Yoga Center. I practiced as many days as I could and still continue to. As a result my muscle strength and flexibility have improved, as well as the connection with my body and my soul.
My goal has shifted, I want to be in better condition than I was in before the accident
and in many ways, I already am.
At the Muskegon Yoga Center I was introduced to High Quality Supplements and a 5-Day, Low-Glycemic, High-Fiber, Sugar Cleanse. I wanted to get my cravings under control and lose more weight. I was amazed that after the first day my residual pain from the accident had greatly decreased. I also tried a Healthy Low-Glycemic Energy Drink and loved it. It gave me energy all day without the crash and was a nutritional alternative to high sugar energy drinks. Then I tried the Preservative-Free Skin Care and I couldn’t stop touching my face. The idea that my skin could be nourished with holistic products free from chemicals and parabens, fit right in with my plan to be healthier. I love these products so much and want to tell everyone about them.
When I discovered this company, it was like a light bulb went off.
My passion is to help people heal and Be Healthy is my vehicle to do that.
People always tell me that I should write a book (maybe someday I will), honoring all the people who helped me heal along the way and include everything I have learned, how to deal with the insurance companies, what it takes to heal yourself and different modalities to get you there. I want to be an advocate for others, to teach them what I have learned. I no longer regret being in the accident, because it helped me change in ways I never would have. It was the Universe’s way of telling me that I needed to follow my passion and do what I love.
Although I am still on my healing journey, I am ready to take others along with me.
I unexpectedly ended up here in a place where I can do what I love…help others heal and Be Healthy. My business, We Be Healthy, is dedicated to supporting others in their journey towards a healthy lifestyle. I help you Be Healthy by sharing what I have learned – from low-glycemic cooking (and eating) to preservative-free skin care; from reducing your toxic load to creating a healthy home. I am not a doctor or nutritionist, but I have been through a life-changing event and learned a lot along the way.
I truly hope you will learn ways to make positive changes in your life and find a way to do what you love too!
Find out more about Heather and her business ‘We Be Healthy’ on her website or connect on Facebook.