Joining B-School? Get our $2000 Complete Online Business Builder for free!

Registration for B-School is now OPEN here! This programme comes round just once a year, and is the single best and fastest way to learn what’s at the cutting edge of online marketing, and how selling yourself better can help you serve your customers better.

If you are thinking of joining B-School (and you should if you are serious about growing your audience and boosting your sales significantly), then be sure that you check out the various affiliate partner bonus offers available around the web. B-School has a small number of official partners, of which we are one, and each partner offers a tailor-made package of bonus goodies if you take B-School through them. This is a fantastic opportunity to get a ton of extra value alongside the full B-School experience, so we’d encourage you to do your research and go with the partner whose offer best suits what you need right now.

Of course we’d love you to join B-School through us if our offer is right for you. If you are looking to build your online business rapidly this year, particularly if you have skills, knowledge and experience that you want to package into an online course and sell worldwide, then our offer is probably perfect for you (and it’s worth nearly $2000).

Exclusively for B-Schoolers joining through us, we have created The Complete Online Business Builder, a one year programme which includes a host of classes, resources and support. You can find out more about it in our offer brochure here:

Download the brochure here: High res / Low res (recommended for mobile)

Feel right for you? Then join B-School here and secure your Complete Online Business Builder package worth nearly $2000 for FREE!


I deeply believe that we are seeing a paradigm shift in the way we live, learn and earn, and now is the time to grab that opportunity before the rest of the world gets in on the act. In the grand scheme of things, digital business and online marketing have only been around in a big way for a very short time – just a decade or so – but the developments in platforms, software and opportunities have moved forward light years in that time. It has never been easier or cheaper to start an online business and make it thrive, and we want to help you do that.

We hope you will join B-School through us* and commit to making your business fly this year.

Beth and team


About our partnership with B-School

Over the next couple of weeks you will probably hear a lot about B-School. That’s not surprising – as the top online marketing course out there, they know a lot about getting the word out. But I wanted to take a moment to explain why we are a partner of B-School.

In the early days of Do What You Love I bit the bullet and joined the course as a participant. It was at a time when I was really new to the online world of websites and digital marketing. It is no exaggeration to say that B-School was like manna from heaven. It told me exactly what I needed to know and do, how to do it, and how to get really excited about the potential of my business along the way. Within two years I had been nominated as a finalist in the Digital Entrepreneur of the Year awards. That’s what I call a result. The community is an incredible source of knowledge and support, and the material (all new for 2015) is top notch.

We are an official partner of very few programmes that we are not involved in producing, but we have proudly made an exception for B-School because it really works. We have put together an incredible package of year-long support to accompany the B-School programme for anyone who books the course through us – find out more and book here. It is ideal for you if you want to start or grow your business online as the B-School / Do What You Love combination will be rocket fuel for you.

*As a partner of the programme we may receive a referral fee if you decide to take B-School through us.  

Notes from the Arctic #1: When your worst nightmare comes true


Greetings from inside the Arctic Circle! Mr K and I have been digital nomads working at minus 15 this week, as we have spent an incredible few days in northern Finland. I’ll be sharing some of our experiences over the next couple of weeks, but first wanted to share a major lesson we have learnt on this trip.

I nearly didn’t book the tickets because I was worried about taking our daughter with us when she is still just a toddler. What if she screamed on every flight? What if she hated the cold? Or even worse, what if she was ill? But then I reasoned that they have toddlers in Finland too, and as long as we were well prepared with thermals and skiwear she’d be fine. So I stocked up on warm clothes and Calpol, and hoped for the best.

And guess what? She was a great little traveller on the flights, waving at everyone as they got on the plane like an air hostess in training. She coped with the weather brilliantly, proud of her new snow boots, and fascinated by the white world around her.


But then disaster struck and our worst case scenario came true – poor Sienna fell ill with chicken pox. Of all the places in the world to come out in a raging rash. We were a 100km round trip from the nearest hospital, and really worried about her.


Great business idea or great flourishing business? (+ scholarship opportunity!)

Ent quote

At its very heart, ‘Do What You Love’ is all about helping people understand that their life path is their choice, that they have the power to change things that aren’t working, and that they find their own way to happiness. It sounds pretty huge when you say it like that, but it is our fundamental truth.

We believe that the world would be a better place if everyone was doing what they loved (no commuting hell, no whinging or complaining, no stress-related health issues and on and on…) And everything we create or support is intended to help people find their purpose and live it, in whatever way makes them happy. That goes for you too.

Building a business around what you know, love and are committed to is one brilliant way to do what you love. By creating your own financial freedom through your hard work, you make yourself master of your own time, and determine your future. Running your own business isn’t for everyone, but if you have an entrepreneurial spirit there is nothing like it.

But the thing is, the best business idea in the world won’t bring you that freedom if people aren’t aware of it, or if they aren’t buying what you are selling. The missing piece of the puzzle? Marketing. In a truly purposeful business you are serving your customers with what you offer, giving them something they need. In a well-marketed truly purposeful business you are serving many more customers, and helping many more people get what they need.

Getting marketing savvy gets you and your business where you want to be much faster, and opens many new doors for you along the way. That’s why we are honoured to be a partner of what we feel is the best online marketing programme in the world – Marie Forleo’s B-School – and encourage you to check it out if you want to do what you love in business faster, more effectively, and with outstanding results.

If you are interested to hear more, check out this video, where Marie chats with some B-School graduates who have had serious success since taking the programme. You can also find out how to win a FREE place on B-School, through an exciting scholarship opportunity (inside the video).

Great business idea or great flourishing business? (+ scholarship opportunity!) BS3

And if you are being held back from going for it by fear or overwhelm, be sure to watch because Marie responds brilliantly to these seven common barriers faced by would-be entrepreneurs (see, it’s not just you!)

1. Will my friends and family think I’ve gone insane for wanting to run my own business instead of getting a “real” job?

2. There are people a lot smarter than me doing what I do, how could I possibly have anything new to share?

3. I’m so busy. How in the world can I find the time to do this?

4. Not only do I not have enough time, I don’t have the money for fancy new equipment and my own office space. How can I start a business with no cash?

5. Sure, she can do it because she has a team. How can I do this all by myself? I can’t afford to hire someone to help.

6.  How can I figure out all the techy stuff that I have to know to have my own online business?

7. I don’t have an outgoing personality, so why would anyone be interested in following me online?

If you want to hear the answers (which will definitely make you rethink your concerns) go here to watch now.


Five top tips for surviving (and thriving!) in the future


Louise ArmstrongThis is a guest post by Louise Armstrong. Read more about Louise here.

In my first blog I talked about how quickly the world is changing and why we need to adapt and evolve in terms of how we live, work and connect in order to overcome the challenges the future holds.

As Albert Einstein recognised: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” 

Of course, while we can never be sure of what lies ahead we can all adopt some simple techniques to help us navigate our way into the future. And the great news is that they don’t cost a penny!

These techniques are designed to unlock innate capabilities within each of us. All you’ll need to do is be brave, be willing to try new things, be ready to embrace new experiences and be disciplined enough to do them all regularly.

You can start today! Here are my five top tips for a flourishing future…


Why doing what you love is the key to success in business


We seem to be getting more and more questions lately about how to create and run an online business, as people are increasingly seeing it as a fantastic way to do what you love on your own terms. We have learnt a huge amount over the past five years, always trying to push the boundaries and stay ahead of the game, and are happy to share that if it inspires even more of you to go for it.

We are working on some fantastic new business resources which we will share over the coming weeks and months, along with links to some of our favourite business websites, blogs, magazines and books. We will also be sharing a number of our most valuable lessons through this newsletter and dedicating the whole month of April to online business – the pros and cons, ups and downs, opportunities and how-tos – so if you are interested in finding your freedom through being your own boss, stay tuned! And even if you have never even contemplated running your own business, try to have an open mind and consider all the possibilities. You never know what might spring to mind…

One of the keys to our rapid growth over the past few years has been our commitment to collaborations. We have built some really strong partnerships with leaders in their field, which have enabled us to grow together, and make more of an impact than we could have made alone. We are grateful to be in the position where we turn down many more partnership opportunities than we take up, but when we do take a new partner on board, it is always from a place of real belief in their work, their approach, their expertise, and the relevance of their teaching for our audience.

And that is why we have chosen to partner with Marie Forleo in the promotion of her upcoming (awesome) online marketing course B-School. You may have heard a fair bit about B-School lately. That’ll be because Marie and her team are the best at what they do. But we have chosen to be a partner because the essence of what they teach – how to get your products and services in front of a huge audience of people who NEED them – is absolutely key to doing what you love in business.

Think about it for a minute – if you get clear on what doing what you love means to you, and you find a way to make that into a business, you have overcome the first hurdle. But if you don’t find the customers who want and need what you are offering, you have no business – certainly no long term sustainable business. And that will just leave you frustrated and sad. Great online marketing is a non-negotiable in this digital age, if you really want to carve out a place for yourself running a business doing what you love. You can have the best product or service in the world, but if no-one knows about it, your dream isn’t going to last.

If you want to find out more, here are two really useful free training videos from Marie, which explain a bit more about why this is so crucial to your long term success:


The big idea


Lara profile NEW


This is a guest post by Lara Tabatznik. You can find out more about Lara here and read our interview with her here.

I wish I could tell you that this has been my dream since I was five years old, that I have thought about it every day of my life, and that I knew this was what I wanted to do with every ounce of my heart, but this is not how the story goes.

In some ways I have been a seeker my entire life: searching for answers, searching for meaning, and always searching for happiness, but it wasn’t until I turned 28 that I formally set out on my journey of self-discovery.

On a retreat

I remember the moment so clearly; I didn’t realize it back then but it was the beginning of a whole new chapter. I picked up a magazine and started reading an article about the Hoffman Process*. I had heard about it years before as my cousin did it and it had a profound affect on her. The headline read something like: ‘The equivalent of eight years of therapy in eight days – a process that will change your life.’ The words spoke to my soul, and I just knew I had to try it. I wasn’t sure what it would involve, or why I felt so compelled to go, but I trusted the voice deep within me. (more…)

A changing future


Louise Armstrong

This is a guest post by Louise Armstrong. Read more about Louise here.

With an eye to the future the only thing we can be sure of is change. We are living in a world of flux and often, without us even realising, this alters the way we lead our lives.

I’m excited about the opportunities that lie ahead, but at times it feels like everything I once knew and expected, and the assumptions I had about how my life would play out, are gradually being erased.


10 Schools that are changing the way that we see education


Ben profile NEW

This is a guest post by Ben Keene. You can find out more about Ben here.

My first experience of a ‘school for life’ was as a volunteer gap year student in 1999 at Glengarry — a spectacular outdoor campus set in the sumptuous Kangaroo Valley, Australia. Yes, there were a lot of kangaroos.

Since then I’ve followed and been involved with a number of innovative education projects. It is interesting how strong the sense of ‘mission’ the leaders of such projects are. I admire them hugely. So, here are my ten favourite ‘schools for life’.


An interview with guest blogger Lara Tabatznik

Today we’re excited to bring you a Q&A with one of Do What You Love’s new guest bloggers, Lara Tabatznik. Lara is the Founder of 42 Acres, a modern rustic retreat centre, set deep in the hills of Somerset, England. 42 Acres opens in April this year and Lara will curate retreats which focus on healing and transformation. Her unique approach to self-development combines inner and outer work and she hopes it will become a model for social change. 



New Year, Richer You. Begin today.


A lot of people tell us that they want to do what they love, but they can’t because of a lack of money. But when we dig down into it, money is rarely the problem. The issue is usually (1) a perception of how much it takes (too much) or how much they have (not enough), or (2) a fear of not knowing their financial reality if they take a leap from something they know, to something new.

The fact is, security as we know it has all but evaporated in the past few years. Jobs for life don’t exist any more. People are being made redundant left, right and centre from ‘professional careers’. Pension pots are shrinking, and the future is more uncertain than ever.

What if it was actually more secure to do your own thing? To take control of your time, of the way you earn money, of the people you spend time with, in where you live, and how you work?
