If you can do it, or dream you can, begin it…

This is one of my favourite ever quotes, because it puts the power in your hands. It reminds us that if we have the capacity to dream of something, we have the capability to make it happen, if only we begin…

“If you can do it or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” – Goethe

Back in 2010 I went on my first art retreat, and when I was there I distinctly remember picking up a copy of ‘Somerset Studio’, one of the beautiful magazines from American publishing house Stampington, and thinking “Just imagine getting published in a magazine like that.” Four years on and I am now a columnist for Stampington’s brilliant magazine ‘Where Women Create Business‘, and have been featured in several of their other titles in between.

If you can do it, or dream you can, begin it... 1WWB 1401 Where Women Create Business Winter 2014 600x600 e1495030185564

If I think about how it happened, it was a combination of…

  • Dreaming of what it would feel like to make it happen (Vision/Imagination)
  • Thinking “Someone has to do it, why not me?” (Boldness/Naiveity)
  • Deciding to go for it, because the worst that can happen is that an article proposal will be turned down, or ignored (Thick skin)
  • Getting out of my door to network, meeting people, and getting introduced to people who know people (Deep breaths/Connecting)
  • Getting clear on what I have to say, and then choosing to share that with the world (Authenticity/Belief that we each have something to offer)
  • Taking steps to make it happen, and keeping at it (Persistence)

However big or small the dream, it can often be made a reality through a combination of the things above.

What steps do you find help you make your ideas happen?

PS: The column in Where Women Create Business is jointly-authored with Kelly Rae Roberts. In this third of four articles we talk about the importance of choosing to deliver products and services which serve your audience and support your purpose. It is a fab magazine – you can get a copy in all major US bookshops or via the Stampington site here.


Alternative meeting spaces


With Beth on maternity leave our working day looks a little different lately, but we still have Mr & Mrs K meetings to chat about things coming up, and to look ahead to next year.


One of the great things about living in a city like Brighton is the proliferation of cafes, and we like to meet there to chat somewhere different from our home office. A different environment never fails to spark new ideas… Lately one of our favourite places is somewhere that won’t be around for long – the ice bar next to the temporary ice rink, which has been built in the grounds of Brighton Pavilion.


With Beth heavily pregnant there may be no ice skating for us, but it is lovely to sit on their comfy sofas next to a sparkling Christmas tree, looking out through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the people skating round and round, laughing and stumbling and laughing some more. Ahh office life is hard!


What is your favourite place for meetings?

Do What You Love Interview – Emma Brassfield


With Christmas on the horizon it has been impossible to ignore the amazing and magical gifts that are on offer. This is certainly true at Studio 7t7, a beautiful studio amongst the trees and greenery that is a haven for creativity.

Working to her own designs and to the exact ideas, themes and colours of her customers, Emma Brassfield weaves, moulds, glues and stitches leather and fabrics together to make stunning one of a kind pieces. Then the sparkle comes alive, attaching itself to all the petals, elements and pieces that make up the amazing creations. Emma has had a fascinating career in TV and film, but is now concentrating on creating unique gifts for children including magical fairy doors and personalised crayon rolls.

Emma Brassfield profile picEmma: Mother and Founder of Studio 7t7

This is how Emma describes herself: “I’m an artist, designer, and guerilla knitter. When I’m not working full time making creatures and costumes for films, I like to nestle in my garden workshop and make jewellery and children’s gifts for my small business; Studio 7t7, or I run around after my 2 year old.”


1. How are you leading a life ‘doing what you love’?

I really love being creative… so for me, I have to be doing something creative in my job. For as long as I can remember I’ve made things. I started Studio 7t7 as a way to be able to design my own range and to make gifts that people will love to give.


The Amazings: Keeping Knowledge Alive


We’ve all read articles, watched documentaries and had conversations about the unprecedented rate of population growth in the world today. The first billion in the world is thought to have been reached around 1800AD and by 1960 the world had reached three billion. Since then, in just over half a century, we have more than doubled this with over seven billion people now living on this planet. Quite astonishing statistics to swallow. And with this, our demographic is getting older as health care improves and life expectancy rises. Yet there still seems to be an attitude in our culture today that sees our ageing population as a burden to society, with members of the younger generation failing to engage with their elders. Perhaps, this outlook needs to be turned on its head – after all, isn’t it a great thing that we are able to spend more time in this world, experience more wonderful offerings and learn more and more with each day?

That’s exactly why I have chosen to dedicate this blog to this inspirational, relatively new organisation: The Amazings. Back in 2011, the founders decided to embark on building a startup that looked at the ageing population in a different way. Their basis for their mission was simple:

‘Society has always learned from its elders but somewhere along the way we have lost that connection between generations – which means losing rich, valuable and rare skills.’

amazings croppedThey believe that ‘wisdom is one of the greatest untapped resources this planet has’ and as such have built a fantastic business around looking at our elders in a positive light, taking the attitude that we should all learn from them, rather than view them as a generation we need to help. The Amazings have built a network of talented, skill-rich elders and are creating a series of online craft classes to inspire individuals with their next project and teach skills to following generations. From how to patchwork a geometric cushion to learning how to handsew an heirloom patchwork quilt, there are lots of succulent craft skill lessons to get your creative juices flowing.

I for one certainly feel very fortunate to have grown-up with two loving grandmothers playing important roles in my life right up until my late twenties and have many fond memories of learning from them both: whether being taught how to cook a generations’-old secret fudge recipe or spending hours in front of a log-fire cutting out patterns to cross-stitch hand-made Christmas presents, it was always a happy occasion and I hope my children will also be lucky enough to experience such lessons with their own grandparents.

Our education system is currently failing to encourage and offer opportunities to pupils to pursue vocational training careers but we must be careful and wary of losing such valuable skills in our society. We must appreciate and learn from our elders the generation-old skills they have to offer and keep creativity alive.

 ‘Try something old.  Learn something new.’

What did you learn from your grandparents?  Is there something that you have always wanted to learn from an elder but haven’t yet done so?  Why not make it your mission to learn this weekend? 

If you would like to find out more about The Amazings and the work they do you can visit their website.

There are a whole host of companies that will inspire you to learn, to look at life from another angle and ask questions of society: there’s something for everyone and it’s worth taking the time to browse the web and find those little gems that resonate with you. Whoever you are, these companies cannot fail to get you thinking so why not start by assigning yourself a few hours to kick-back and enjoy exploring some of my personal favourites:

  • Gooda global community of, by, and for pragmatic idealists working towards individual and collective progress. 
  • Do Lecturesinspiring talks from people who are changing the world.
  • Springwise – if you’re looking for a fix of the best new entrepreneurial ideas out there then Springwise is the place to go.  Springwise scans the globe for the most promising, unique and innovative business ventures, ideas and concepts that are ready for regional or international adaptation, expansion, partnering, investments or cooperation.
  • TEDa well-known and well-loved nonprofit devoted to ‘Ideas Worth Spreading’.
  • Daily Goodpromotinng positive and uplifting news from around the world through daily and weekly newsletters.  It certainly feels good to receive some upbeat news in your inbox everyday… 


 I’d like to introduce myself to you.  My name is Susannah Keene and I’m back to lend a helping hand to DWYL whilst Beth is busy preparing herself for motherhood!  I first met Beth working together at UNICEF in London and since then have spent a couple of years working in Ghana, moved back to the UK to get married and am now expecting our first baby in the New Year which is very exciting.  I’m enjoying exploring new opportunities for DWYL’s development and sharing growth ideas with Paul for 2014 so watch this space…

If you know other any other inspiring companies please share them by leaving a comment below.

Do What You Love Interview – Forest Foundry



Today’s interview iForestFoundry-logos actually with a collective of talented artists from around the world, who ‘met’ each other through our Make Art That Sells course (with Lilla Rogers) and have gone on to form a business relationship which allows them to pool resources, access a wider audience and support each other. We love this idea, and were intrigued to find out more about the artists behind ‘Forest Foundry’.


This is how they describe themselves: “Forest Foundry is an art collective of eight artists from around the world, who believe that beautiful art should be accessible to everyone. We create art that is colourful, and evokes the imagination. We try to make sustainable choices whenever we can, to help the future of our planet.”

The Forest Foundry consists of Katy Tanis (KT), Karma Voce (KV), Ine Beerten (IB), Victoria Weiss (VW), Zoe Ingram (ZI), Miriam Bos (MB), Neiko Ng (NN) and Kat Kalindi Cameron (KKC).

1. How are you leading a life ‘doing what you love’?

KKC – My life at the moment is a bit of a juggling act. I have two small children (aged 5 and 3) so I have to balance the school run and home stuff with my love of designing and illustrating. I am working on a few licensing projects at the moment which is my main goal as an artist.

MB – It’s pretty easy doing what you love when the thing you love doing the most is creating. I get up, start a doodle in my sketchbook while having breakfast. Then I get behind my computer to check emails and social media, and when I have had my cup of tea I start working on whatever project I have at that particular moment. My days are like this almost every day. Even on the weekends. It’s hard to stop.

ZI – When I realised I was about to hit 40 this year I decided to take the bull by the horns and do Lilla Rogers’ Make Art That Sells e-Course which was absolutely amazing, and following on from that I entered the Global Talent Search, which I won! I am now doing something that I absolutely love with a passion and I believe that Lilla’s course came at the right time for me.

VW – I think for most of us that are also mothers, it is a real test of how deep do you love what you do creatively. Every time my day is about to go downhill I ask myself why I am doing what I am doing, and this gets me back on track. It is simply so much fun. It’s magical and mysterious and I can’t imagine my life otherwise.


Business book giveaway winner announced…

Let My People Go Surfing

The winner of our giveaway of the brilliant book ‘Let me people go surfing’ by Yvon Chouinard is…

Shari Sherman

Congratulations Shari! We will be in touch by email shortly. If you missed our inspiring interview with Lucia Griggi, one of the world’s only female pro surf photographers, you can find it here.

Do What You Love Interview – Jo Packham


Jo Packham is something of a wonder woman. She has had a fantastic career in publishing, has reinvented herself several times over, and through her gorgeous magazines and books has helped celebrate and promote creative women. I have been lucky enough to be featured in her flagship magazine Where Women Create, and with Kelly Rae Roberts I co-write a column in her brilliant Where Women Create Business magazine. Today I am thrilled to share this interview to give you an insight into what makes this amazing lady tick – and what keeps her inspired. – Beth

This is how Jo describes herself: “I am Creator/Editor in Chief of, and partner with Stampington & Company to publish, Where Women Create, Where Women Cook, and Where Women Create Business magazines. I also partner with Quarry Books to publish books under the imprint of WWC Press. Where Women Create consults with Create-ologie, an on-line shopping site established on the concept of a creative community supporting each other through social media and retail sales. I believe that everyone has a story to tell, that women are creative in all that they do, and that they should be given an opportunity to tell their story in their own words and from their own perspective … and I make it possible for them to do that.”

Jo Packham

 Jo Packham

 1. How are you leading a life ‘doing what you love’?

I created my own publishing business 35 years ago. I think I was more of an entrepreneur at the time than a publisher. Publishing just presented an opportunity and I took it. Over the years we have re-invented ourselves from self-publishing soft bound needlework books, then to packaging hard bound how-to publications for major publishers, now to magazines and back to books. I love publishing because it gives me the enviable position of working with the most talented artisans in the world today. Through the magazines and books I am able to give these women the opportunity to tell their story, in their words, from their perspective. They can, for a minute, act as if they have their own magazine to tell their readers what they would most like them to know.


Do What You Love Interview – Nicole Burnett


Nicole Burnett is the founder and publisher of Pretty Nostalgic, a British vintage lifestyle magazine. If you haven’t yet seen this gorgeous publication, take a look. It is a visual feast of British handmade and vintage loveliness, packed with delicious photos, illustrations and writing. Nicole has been on a fascinating journey to get to where she is now, bringing all the pieces together to put her in the perfect position to publish this magazine. Why not take a moment to read this and ask yourself what would YOUR magazine be about? ~ Beth

Nicole Burnett profile - RHS Hamption Court

Nicole says, “I still know very little about the publishing world, but I think that’s a good thing. I am trying to break the mould of traditional magazine publishing and as I don’t know the rules it’s not a problem for me when I break them! I am loving it – I get to be creative, can follow through on whatever ideas I want and work with totally amazing people. Every 8 weeks we produce a beautiful magazine and as soon as it goes to print I get to start all over again – I have a very low boredom threshold, but will never tire of this!”

1. How are you leading a life ‘doing what you love’?

Looking back, I think this is what I should have been doing from the very beginning, but I couldn’t have done it without the experiences and people I have met over the past 20 years. Now I am doing the perfect job at the perfect time in my life. I have had a fascination with historical objects and design from an early age and the founding of Pretty Nostalgic was an evolution of many things coming together. It has allowed me to combine everything I enjoy doing and hopefully build a very successful brand and business from it too.


Life According to Mr. K – Big company vs small business


“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over” – Richard Branson (Founder, Virgin Group)

Over the last three weeks I have provided you with a little insight to how our company was conceived (part 1 / part 2 ). We have taken a different route than we first expected and we serve our market in a very different way than we first planned. Even so, our manifesto has not changed and is still the core message for what we here at Do What You Love believe.

It has been seven months since I joined the company and it has gone in the blink of an eye. After working for over 12 years in the construction industry as a Civil Engineer it has taken a little time to adapt to my new role, but my life is very different (and infinitely better) as a result.

I thought it would be interesting to compare the differences I have noticed between working for a very large company and now working for our own small, younger company. The main areas of diffference are lifestyle, perceived security, self-actualisation, reward, diversity, politics, ethics and productivity.

The greatest difference I have noticed is how my lifestyle has changed. My previous career demanded long hours and required me to be at a certain location for a specific number of hours a day. I now have a much greater flexibility to enable me to be fully in control. And the result?  I work harder – a lot harder – than before.

As we work from home there is no mindless commute (I will never miss sitting in traffic), I can decide when I want to do my exercise, how many breaks I take and even where I choose to work (office, lounge, roof terrace, cafe, beachfront etc). The flipside to this is you can find yourself working earlier in the morning and longer into the night.

If you have ever taken an Effective Time Management workshop you might have done one of those exercises which helps you understand how you work. I discovered that I work much better in the morning. I have adapted and modified my whole working environment and structured my day to allow me to do work when I am most productive. Working in an office does not always provide this opportunity.

The most exciting part of the lifestyle change is that I will be at home for the entire time my baby will be growing up. That is something I cannot put a price on. I don’t want to miss one second. (I have a feeling I may spend large portions of my day staring at her instead of working…)

I know one thing for certain. I have never had so much satisfaction from my work. Every piece of work that we put out in the world is a reflection of what we believe, and is created from a place of wanting to support others pursue their dreams. It is mindblowing to think that our community really is in all corners of the world. It is definitely worth all the effort.

 “Work like there is someone working twenty-four hours a day to take it all away from you” – Mark Cuban (Owner, Dallas Mavericks)

The downside if there is one to my current lifestyle is switching off. I cannot leave the office on a Friday and not give it a second thought until Monday. This just doesn’t happen. In the beginning we were constantly chatting about what is working well, what isn’t and what we can do better. Of course we are very passionate and love what we are doing but it still isn’t healthy to do it 24/7.

We have recently got more strict about not talking about work in the evenings, or purposely going out to a cafe to talk about a specific project (rather than just brainstorming as soon as we think of it). I have removed an email account (work) from my phone and try not to check any social media site after 19:00 at night unless there is a specific launch or other one-off event on. Small things like this make a big difference.

Anyone who has moved from a large company to a small company (or vice versa) will be aware that the smaller the company the more diverse your role becomes. Basically there just aren’t the numbers of people available and it is not financially viable to have individual people for every individual job role.

Within a large company you can be ‘pigeon holed’ into doing one activity. This has its obvious advantages as you attain a confidence in your micro world and become very knowledgeable about a small yet integral part of the business. If you need something else doing you would normally just pick up the phone or email that department and they would ensure it is done. However, this can be detrimental to a company’s flexibility, and can restrict an individual’s development opportunities. You can become overly dependent upon others. You can lack the variety of work to allow for greater growth and satisfaction. You begin to question your intrinsic worth to the company. Can they simply replace you as you are defined by a role? Do you lose the ability to think on your feet and find solutions yourself instead of asking someone else?

Here at Do What You Love our roles are many and varied. They incorporate upholding the company’s manifesto in all decision making, branding, pricing strategies, marketing, partnership development, course content, course delivery, web-site development, financial and risk management and data entry – all things that you would find in any company. But the difference is that we all do a bit of many of the things required. We also do a fair bit of laughing, tea drinking, finding inspiration online and offline, creative thinking, going for long walks to dream and plan, and other ways of doing what we love.

Staying true to ‘doing what we love’ has allowed us a certain clarity as the business has grown and become busier. There comes a point when you realise there are just some tasks that are better off done by others with the correct expertise – accounting, website design and bookkeeping to name but a few.

Our bookkeeper and accountant have been on our journey with us since day one. I cannot stress enough the importance of this. Having clear, readily understandable and available accounts has allowed us to make all decisions with confidence based on what we need and what we can afford.

The coding and design of our numerous websites are now in very safe professional hands and hosted accordingly. I can promise you that if something goes wrong when your site is live and there is heavy traffic you would pay anything at that point to fix the problem. So why would we not pay the same to ensure our sites are maintained and serviced by professionals? If you have an online business then investing in decent tech support is one of the most important things you can do.

This brings me to a point that I have been asked about the most since giving up my previous career. Security. Is there more security working for a huge company? The simple answer is “I don’t know”. What is security? A company can make you redundant, or fire you, or take away benefits, pretty much whenever they like. Although with our own business we have to be responsible for bringing in enough money to support us and our team, the truth is I have never felt more secure than I do now, master of my own time and in charge of my own destiny.

We are young, dynamic and flexible. We are constantly reassessing where we are, what opportunities are on the horizon, and how we can spread our risk. This is all part of having a viable, sustainable business. Huge companies generate mammoth turnovers but if the numbers do not stack up there will not be any hesitation to cut thousands of jobs. As the old adage goes, “Turnover vanity, profit sanity”. The previous 5 or 6 years are a reminder of this.

Another major difference is the level of personal contact within a large company. If you work for a business with 500+ employees, how likely is it that you will get the chance to have a chat with your CEO or Managing Director? Would he or she stop to say hello or ask you how you are? The likely answer is no. Not because they are not great or polite people but because it is not a practical or efficient use of their time. They also have to make decisions most of us would never want and would have nightmares about if we did.

So do any of us have secure jobs? I would like to ask you this question in a slightly different way. Do you feel in control of your job?

There are a few aspects of my previous job that I do miss, mainly the people. I had the great pleasure of meeting so many diverse people on a daily basis. I have and always will be a people person and I miss the daily ‘site craic (crack)’ immensely. That said I am beginning to ‘meet’ some very inspirational people from very different circles in my role. The problem is I have hardly met any of them in person as most of what we do is online. We may need a brainstorm to do something about that…

Nearly all of my communication is now over email, which would not be my chosen medium, but reaching out globally does not allow eye-to-eye contact with every single customer – not until another meteoric advancement in technology anyway. We do strive keep a feeling of personal touch by responding to every email individually, even if it takes a little while.

I also find myself sat behind a computer for longer periods of the day. This is personally not ideal but is just a short-term situation based on the development of our company and what is required at this moment. We have plans in the pipeline that will hopefully  rectify this for me. I will keep you posted!

The reward I now receive from this job wins hands down. In fact I struggle to think what my reward was at all during the final few years in my last previous job. At a very basic level, the monetary rewards are greater here at Do What You Love – and there is a pride in that pay packet that I have not felt in a long while.

For me though the wider rewards now are plenty, and perhaps more important. Writing this part has made me think about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs for the first time since college. The self-actualisation aspect is now being met. The work we do is really helping others and the thankyous we receive will always be our greatest reward, knowing that we have helped others improve their own lives. I couldn’t write better testimonials for our courses if I tried!

The direction and ethical stance we take as a company is ours to define and control. Noone else will ever dictate this. There are no politics to adhere to. Of course there are always customers to consider, and the way we want to serve them defines much of how we do what we do. But the main difference is that we have CHOSEN our customers. How is that possible? By getting clear on why we do what we do, who we want to serve and what we can deliver that will enable to do that. Then communicating in a way which attracts exactly the kind of people we want to serve – it works, I promise. We strive everyday to look for improvements and efficiencies but never shortcuts! The quality of what we deliver has to be our signature.

So there we have it – a few of my thoughts on big versus small and working for yourself. Doing What You Love will always mean something different of each and everyone of us. In terms of business we are very passionate about helping others find what this may mean. We love our customers and hope to serve them the best we can for many more years. The main thing we are giving it a go!

If you started your own company what would it be and how would you succeed? Or if you are already a business owner, how do you make sure that what you provide your customers is truly special?

Until next time…

Mr K

Do What You Love Interview – Caroline Hardman of Hardman & Swainson


Caroline Hardman is a literary agent and founding partner of Hardman & Swainson, a dynamic boutique literary agency with a diverse range of clients. We have shared several interviews with authors here on Do What You Love, but thought it would be fascinating to interview someone on the business side of books, who plays a vital role in helping authors get their books to market and into readers’ hands – so here you go… ~ Beth

Caroline HardmanCaroline

Caroline says, “We pride ourselves on our personal, hands-on care of our authors. I have a firm belief in the value and power of books and the magic of reading, and love working with authors to get books to market that people will enjoy and want to talk about.” 

1. How are you leading a life ‘doing what you love’?

As a fan of books and reading, working in publishing is an ideal career for me, and I think all the people we get approaching us about jobs would agree. I was lucky enough to find my metier within that broader industry: agenting. Being able to see a book through to publication from the very early states is incredibly rewarding and I love the key elements of working as an agent: close editorial work with writers, and, of course, negotiating deals!
