Do What You Love Interview  – Alison Qualter Berna


Every week in our Big Interview we celebrate people who have dreams, drive and passion. And one lady who has all three in abundance is the amazing Alison Qualter Berna. Alison is a mum, a businesswoman and an adventurer who thrives on helping to bring out the best in others. She loves a challenge and recently guided the first blind runner across the Grand Canyon. She can also do a headstand on a paddle board and we think that’s pretty awesome! If ever you needed inspiration to get out there, do what you love and live life to the max, this is it…  – Rachel

profile pic for linked in


Do What You Love Interview – Annie Sloan


Everyone is talking about Annie Sloan… the paint lady. I first discovered her gorgeous range of Chalk Paint™ in a little interiors shop in Baslow, Derbyshire, and I just had to buy a pot. After watching a couple of her online tutorials I got stuck in, transforming a tired old wardrobe into a beautiful new piece of furniture. I  couldn’t believe how easy it was! I loved the no-prep formulation and completely understood why Chalk Paint™ has become an interiors phenomenon. 

As well as being a paint designer, Annie is an entrepreneur with an ever-expanding empire which covers a mail order business, a website, a shop in her home town of Oxford and over 1,000 stockists throughout the UK, Europe and worldwide. She’s also a teacher and an author of 24 books, which have sold over one and a half million copies.
 We’re delighted to catch up with her and talk paint, passion and projects. And in the spirit of sharing this month, don’t miss her lovely Christmas giveaway at the end of this interview… 



Why next year has to be different

Rain walk
My little family – well again after a month of sickness telling us we need to slow down

In many ways this has been the most precious year of my life. In others it has been one of the hardest. With the birth of our baby girl on Christmas Day 2013 came a world of new priorities, warped time, new responsibility and so many distractions. At the same time our business grew exponentially, and a lot of exciting opportunities came our way, which we kept saying yes to.

The result? Burnout. For the entire month of October our whole family was sick (hence the unusual lack of newsletters from me!). We experienced every parent’s nightmare of hospital visits and paramedics, were exhausted but couldn’t sleep, needed nutrition but were too tired to cook proper food. It was really hard. And I think it was a massive lesson to us. Looking back now everyone is well again and all our big deadlines have passed, it seems like the universe was literally shouting at us to slow down.

I’ll admit – and not at all proudly – that this is something of a pattern for me. I work and work until I can work no more, take a break, refill the well and get re-inspired, then go 100 miles an hour putting all my new ideas into action. But this last month has told us that even if it sort of worked before, it is not sustainable with a new baby.

And so we have decided to take December off – no classes, no deadlines, no stress. A delicious month to slow down, enjoy the Christmas festivities and recharge for 2015 (which is already shaping up to be an exciting year). Our team will be running a few short programmes, including a free winter writing workshop (details coming next week!). But generally we will mostly be having a merry time with family and friends, hopefully laughing and sleeping a lot.

I have given myself the gift of saying no this December, because it’s OK not to do everything, all the time. And I really hope you will do the same, if that’s what you need.

This time of year is a good time to step away from the day-to-day and reflect on the year gone by, and make plans about you want from the year ahead. I am going to be using our New Year’s Revolution 2015 toolkit to help me do this and I’d like to offer it to you as a gift to do the same.

This completely free toolkit will help you work out what you really want from the year ahead, and then plan how you are going to get it.

We have updated and expanded this resource based on feedback from some of the thousands of people who downloaded it last year. (If you were one of those who gave us feedback, thank you. The feedback givewaway winner was DEBBIE BERNA)

Download your free New Year’s Revolution Toolkit here and start planning to make things different next year.

I know I need to take this really seriously and put things in place to be less frantic and less overworked, to create space for more adventure, more opportunities, and more fun. I hope you will too!



Do What You Love Interview – Jo Klima


This week’s interview is with Jo Klima, an Australian designer and artist who’s passionate about exploring creative projects which support our desire to live a beautiful and authentic life. Jo runs The Darling Tree, an art and design studio in Brisbane, where she spends her days creating stunning websites, custom art and pattern designs for amazing women, businesses and products.

ProfilePhoto by Carter & Rose Photography

I was introduced to Jo a while ago and I loved her work so much that I commissioned her to overhaul our branding and website. She’s one of those incredible people who has an uncanny knack of just ‘getting’ what you are trying to communicate and coming up with ideas that truly represent the heart and soul of your brand.

It’s been a while since our last interview so I thought it would be nice to catch up with Jo and find out about her blossoming business and exciting new product range – leggings for darling legs! Don’t miss her generous giveaway at the end of this interview!


Do What You Love Interview – Amelia Critchlow


Amelia Critchlow is a Visual Artist living and working in London. After completing an MA in Fine Art in 2012 Amelia went on to open and co-direct ArtLacuna Space in South London. Her work encompasses collage, mixed media, photography and moving image. In this interview she shares an insight into how doing what you love is a requirement of the soul, but how the journey there is not always easy…

Amelia Portrait 2013


Why you should never give up…

“If you really believe in what you’re doing, work hard, take nothing personally and if something blocks one route, find another. Never give up.” – Laurie Notaro

We’re constantly inspired by stories of successful people who struggle for years to make it. People who endure failure after failure and knock-back after knock-back, but who keep moving forward because they believe in themselves and they know what they want to do with their life. People like Sylvester Stallone.

Image source This is a Book by Demetri MartinImage from This is a book by Demitri Martin

In this inspiring video Anthony Robbins explains how, after years as a dead broke unsuccessful actor facing put downs and rejection, Stallone finally scored the lead role in his own blockbusting movie franchise, Rocky, and went on to become a Hollywood legend. If ever you needed a reminder about why you should follow your dreams, this is it!

In Michael Pollock’s article, The Science of Perseverance: How Your Mindset Can Strengthen Your Motivation he explains that ‘according to decades of research, there are two fundamental mindsets that determine how people respond to struggle, setbacks and failure. In one mindset, you’re likely to get discouraged and give up on your goal. In the other, you tend to embrace the struggle, learn from the setbacks and keep moving forward – you persevere.’

Which mindset are you in?


Be an entrepreneur. Change the world.


Remember when you were a kid and thought you could do anything? Well you still can!

Here are our 5 top tips for building a business and creating more passion, more profit and a positive impact in the world…

1. Do what you love. Choose a product or idea that you’re interested in and passionate about. Not sure what you love or if it’s worth pursuing? Enrol on our 5-week Do What You Love e-course, which begins on October 13. It promises to open up a whole new world for you.

2. Dare to be different… Try something no one’s ever done; create a new product; or shake up an existing market by improving a service or delivery model. Think outside the box!

3. Do your research. Make the most of free online resources to help, support, inspire and motivate you.

4. Get a mentor. Team up with a successful entrepreneur or business leader. This person can help build your confidence and help you understand the risks and challenges of business while listening to your ideas, offering advice and even helping you find investors for your business.

5. Organise yourself. Running a business while studying, working another job or taking care of a family can be a challenge. Know what is required of you in your separate roles and use an online time/project management system to plan your time. Keeping your affairs in order from the start will prevent you getting in a muddle later.

Don’t be afraid to step back once in a while and take time out. Do something that you enjoy to relax and remind yourself that you’re not competing against anyone but yourself. Do whatever you can do today, and be proud of yourself and your achievements.

What did you dream about doing when you were little? What’s your business idea? What steps can you take to make it a reality?

The M word (= Talking about money)

In a recent survey of a group of our readers, we asked “What is stopping you from taking the first step toward a life of doing what you love?”  And the answer (from more than 900 of you) was resounding. More than two-thirds of you (67%) answered “worries about money”.

And that wasn’t all. Nearly half of you (43%) answered ‘lack of confidence’, showing that so many of you share the same fears and obstacles.


The good news? There are ways to deal with each of them, bit-by-bit until the walls come down. This is a huge topic, which we deal with in detail in the Do What You Love e-course, which starts on October 13. For now we are going to tackle these two major obstacles and answer some of your burning questions to help you get closer to doing what you love, starting today.

On the journey towards doing what you love, one of the big obstacles is money, so let’s look at this first. Many of you are, understandably, concerned about the major impact a change of career or lifestyle would have on your family and your finances.

The reality is that most of us really do need to bring in some money from somewhere. However, sometimes we have a tendency to think in black and white: ‘In order to do what I love, I need to quit my job, but if I quit my job I’ll be broke, so I have to stick with it — but while I stick with it I don’t have the energy or headspace to think of something else to do, and I just end up getting more frustrated and less motivated, but if I quit I’ll be broke…’ etc., and on it goes.

We encourage you to take a step back and have a look at your attitude to money. Consider your money mindset and journal your answers to these questions:

  • What is your view of money and what kind of relationship do you have with it? Why do you think that is?
  • What does financial security mean to you? Are your beliefs about security really true? (i.e. Is your ‘safe’ career choice really as safe as you think? Is a salaried position safer than working for yourself for instance? You won’t make yourself redundant.)
  • Is money the primary factor in most decisions you make about how to spend your time? If so, why is that?

There are many ways to do what you love, with some of them meaning that you earn money from doing it, and others meaning that you use the money you earn to allow you to do it.

Whether doing what you love means starting your own company, quitting everything and leaving on an adventure, finding a new way to generate income or simply finding more balance in your current situation, the best way for a smooth transition is planning. Doing what you love is a project – something you have to think about and map out. Not only will planning help you focus on what you want to do and how, it will also increase your confidence that you really can do this.

Your top 3 questions answered

1. How do I find enough money to start a new project?

It sounds like you already have an idea for a new project, which is great. That’s a major step in itself. And if you don’t know exactly what to do, why not give yourself a ‘test project’ (like a new adventure, or a piece of equipment to help you progress with something you are good at). Finding the finance to start it can be daunting, but you can break it down into some simple, practical steps.

  •  What will the new project cost to set up?
  • What will it cost to run until you get a decent return from it?
  • How much do you actually need in the bank to be ‘enough’ to live on while you get it going? What is the magic figure?
  • What income would you have to forego in the short-term to get the project off the ground?

(These figures might be scary, but at least you have your eyes wide open)

Now think about your current situation:

  • What funds do you have access to right now?
  • What other funds could you get access to if you really had to?
  • What income are you likely to generate over the next few weeks/months? (Your timescale will depend on the scale of the project you have in mind)
  • What value can you place on your skills, that you could exchange for things to help you do what you love?
  • Where can you cut back on regular spending for the next few months, and how much would that free up towards your project?
  • Where can you cut back on planned/luxury spending for the next few months, and how much would that free up towards your project? (For example, would you be prepared not to go on holiday this year, in order to get your project off the ground?)

(Looking at the detail helps you get REALLY clear on whether or not you really want to do your project!)

While doing this, you will also have to think about what money means to you. Changing your attitude to money can make a huge difference in realizing how much you actually need, both practically and psychologically.

2. How do I transition from a well paid job to a life doing what I love?

There is an idea that the change will be radical, definitive and happen overnight. When this does happen, it is usually due to something out of your control (like being made redundant), or an extreme situation (like work getting absolutely unbearable). Usually this is preceded by a painful, stressful or worrying time. So why wait for that?

Take control, and plan your own escape. The more you plan your transition, the smoother it will be.

Firstly, get really clear on your current situation. What really makes you unhappy in your job? Is it about the job itself, or the people, or the commute? Are there any changes you could make right now to make more space for you and for doing things that you enjoy? Are there any ways you can use your job to get you closer to where you want to be (training, connections etc)? Can you put a transition plan together that would allow you to work on your next move while still being employed? Include clear milestones at 3, 6 and 12 months, so when you get there you don’t feel like you are ‘still stuck in your job’, but instead can see how much closer you are to where you want to be.

Then be sure to share your plans with those who will be affected by them. Get your family on board by showing them how much you have thought it through, including the impact it will have on them, and help them understand why things will be better for everyone after the shift. Smaller changes that gradually build will seem less drastic and scary to both you and your family.

And remember, doing what you love does not necessarily mean you will earn less in the long run. When you are interested and enthused it may well surprise you what other opportunities arise and just what is financially possible.

3. How do I get my family onboard with me doing what I love when it might have a negative financial impact on them?

You are a family. That means you are a team. If you are going to be happy as a team then all the team members have to be happy. Communication is key. Sacrifices may have to be made but these should be short term ones with everyone understanding that they are made to serve your long term family happiness.

Involve them in your project. The chances are the people who are doubtful about your project have a rational mind. Involve them in the planning. Show them your calculations and talk to their left brain. Draw diagrams, show them your vision board. Let them see that you have a plan and are serious about it. Listen to their concerns and talk about the benefits for them. Make it fun – challenge everyone in your family to find ways to cut back to fund the bigger dream.  Make it exciting. You will find that people will love your energy and it will become contagious. Help them feel like it’s their dream and their success too!


Don’t spend, invest

It’s really important that you invest in what you value, as well as what you need. If you’re a graphic designer, you need to invest in software. If you’re a marine biologist, you need decent diving gear. If you’re a makeup artist, you need makeup. These are the tools of your trade. And if you need to learn things in order to do the thing that brings in the money, then do it. Invest in it. Invest yourself in it. Then you’ll see the rewards.

Every time you use money to get closer to your dreams, remind yourself that you are not SPENDING it (Poooufff! Gone!). You are INVESTING it (sowing the seeds now to reap the harvest later!)

Whenever you make a choice – what to do this week end, where to go on holidays, what books to read, what volunteering groups to join – keep your end goal in mind and choose the things that will help you to do what you love. Everything you do now is an investment in your future life.

Combine things, it will allow you to save money and time. You’re an accountant and are passionate about travel? Find an accountant job in a travel agency and learn all about the industry you love while having an income. Or maybe your passion is for gardening but you don’t know how to create a website to start selling your services? Check out skill swap websites (see “Resources” below) and find a local web developer to help you in exchange for weeding their garden.

I’ll be back soon with thoughts on that other huge barrier – confidence. Sign up for our newsletter here if you want these straight into your inbox.

In the meantime, look around you, keep an open mind, get planning and keep going.



Some money resources we love:

The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist

Happy Money: The New Science of Smarter Spending

Service swap websites

Why you need a side hustle

Career paths that pay you to play games

And two extra resources kindly suggested by our survey respondents:

The Renaissance Soul : Life Design for people with too many passions

The Smiling Mind app (meditation)


Do What You Love Interview – Catalina Guirado


Catalina Guirado was discovered as a model by Vogue at the age of 15, became a television favourite in the late 1990s after appearing on Channel 4‘s cult hit show TFI Friday, hosted by Chris Evans, and has since appeared on many TV shows. Her exciting career has taken many turns, but most recently she launched design label ‘Guirado Designs’ with her first collection of luxury silk scarves, fabrics and bespoke wallpapers. These use  HD prints of chosen enlightening works by her father, internationally acclaimed Spanish surrealist-essentialist artist Juan Antonio Guirado. These beautiful products are available exclusively at luxury concept store The Clerkenwell Collection in London and online at www.theclerkenwellcollection.com. We asked her to share her inspiration, motivation and advice on doing what you love. 

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Catalina is a half Spanish/British designer and model. She describes herself as “an art, fashion, gypset, rock n roll, horse obsessed, animal loving, champagne darling!”

1. How are you leading a life ‘doing what you love’?

Before I became a model and TV host I actually studied art and textile design. I grew up surrounded by art and attended gallery openings since I was a baby, as my father was an artist. Since his sad death, my life has come full circle and I have returned to what I originally loved and have always wanted to do. I love fashion and design and the creativity of my life. I am extremely grateful that I am able to do this and mean to excel!

Make 2014 the year you commit to your art career! (MATS is back…)

Make Art That Sells

Happy new year! We have a feeling that 2014 is going to be a very exciting year, and hope it is a great one for you. Why not make this the year you commit to your art career, invest in yourself and pour everything into making a living from your talent? If you are ready to take your art from good to great, and start to truly flourish as a professional artist, we have some special things in store for you. Read on…


Make Art That Sells Part A& B is back! Registration is now open for the March 2014 class (begins March 31). These are two 5-week e-courses which give you everything you need to know to make and sell commercially-viable art in the hottest markets, learning from someone who has sold art for products worth over $100 million! Find out more and register here.

Want to know what kind of impact this course can have on your career? Here is what alumnus Emily Balsley had to say about it:

“I went into the course a fairly “green” illustrator and I have come out of it ready to take on the world one illustration at a time – with new skills, self-confidence, focus and drive.

When I first signed up for the course, it was hard for me to justify paying so much for this class when I was hardly making any money as an illustrator! But that was the point of the course, right?!? With encouragement from my husband, I decided it was time to do something for myself and look at it as an investment for my career. And now that it’s over, it was worth every penny. I can’t imagine how many hours of planning went into this class, but thank you so much for putting in all the effort. It really shows.

This is what I’m supposed to be doing, and I couldn’t be more excited about what opportunities lie ahead.”

Read Emily’s full review of the course here. Find out more about the course and book your place here!



Our brand new online experience Make Art That Sells: Assignment Bootcamp is filling up fast, ahead of class beginning on February 3. This is a  structured six-month program of monthly assignments to help you build a strong body of work. You will get five professional-level art assignments over six months to help you create great pieces that are ready to sell. Each month you will have three weeks to complete the assignment. You will then have the option to post your work to a public gallery where it can be viewed by peers, art buyers and industry experts. Find out more and register here.



The Global Talent Search will soon be back – this is your opportunity to win two years’ representation from top art agent Lilla Rogers, along with a host of licensing deals. This is a highly regarded and fiercely contested opportunity, so if you want to maximize your chances of winning we would strongly encourage you to take one of our Make Art That Sells classes to help you understand what sells, how to present your work, and how to create great art that is commercially viable. More details on the Global Talent Search coming in the Spring…

So what are you waiting for? Take the leap, make the commitment, and get cracking!