What makes a good marriage?

Save the date - Paul & Beth Kempton

Today is my parents’ 41st wedding anniversary. 41 years. That is a long long time. Longer than I have been alive.

As I prepare for my own wedding next year, it is fun to get excited about all the plans and ideas for the big day itself, but what comes after that is even more exciting. The fact that I am going to be married to my favourite person, hopefully for the rest of my life.

Thinking of my own parents’ very long marriage, it has made me wonder what it takes to make it work for so long. So I thought I’d ask you. What do you think makes a good marriage? What do you wish someone had told you just before you walked down the aisle?

Are the things that make a good marriage the same things that make a good life?

Please share your advice and thoughts in the comments below for this bride-to-be…

Do What You Love interview – Lisa Reinhardt, Wei of Chocolate (& DWYL birthday giveaway 3: Chocolate!)

Lisa Reinhardt


Now you all know how much I absolutely adore chocolate, so it was with much fascination that I interviewed Lisa Reinhardt, founder of Wei of Chocolate, who spends her days surrounded by tons of it. But this entrepreneur’s chocolate is not just any old chocolate. It is virtually guilt-free, very special chocolate indeed…  (PS – keep reading for details of our 3rd giveaway – some of Lisa’s chocolate!)


A week of giveaways! Celebrating DWYL’s 2nd birthday

A week of giveaways! Celebrating DWYL's 2nd birthday dwylhq1

Two years ago, after a big a-ha moment in the mountains of California, I registered Do What You Love as a company  (in the middle of the global recession) and began the most fantastic adventure. Armed only with my laptop, blog and a clear idea of who I wanted to serve, I set out on a most wonderful adventure. Along the way I have met some incredible people, learned so much, built a flourishing business fast, and been proud of helping thousands of people in more than 100 countries worldwide to do what they love. And this is just the beginning…

Do What You love - sparkler heart

Image: NavyBlur

As a celebration of our second birthday, and a huge thank you to all of you for your support along the way, we are doing a special giveaway every day this week! You can enter as many of them as you like, anytime from when they are published until midnight GMT on Sunday 2 December.

This is what we have up for grabs:


My own bed

Beth shadow

Since leaving Japan three weeks ago I have been a nomad, living out of my suitcase and sleeping in about 12 different beds.

I am hugely grateful to friends and family for putting me up while tenants remained in our house, but tonight I am excited to be able to sleep in my own bed again.


The kindness of strangers

 Mrs Tanaka with a bowl of azuki kake-gori (shaved ice with azuki beans)

Mrs Tanaka with a bowl of azuki kake-gori (shaved ice with azuki beans)

It never ceases to amaze me what an important role strangers can play in our lives. Many years ago, when I first went to Kyoto at the tender age of 19 to study, this particular lady made a huge difference to my time there.
