Search Results for "window"

Alternative meeting spaces


With Beth on maternity leave our working day looks a little different lately, but we still have Mr & Mrs K meetings to chat about things coming up, and to look ahead to next year.


One of the great things about living in a city like Brighton is the proliferation of cafes, and we like to meet there to chat somewhere different from our home office. A different environment never fails to spark new ideas… Lately one of our favourite places is somewhere that won’t be around for long – the ice bar next to the temporary ice rink, which has been built in the grounds of Brighton Pavilion.


With Beth heavily pregnant there may be no ice skating for us, but it is lovely to sit on their comfy sofas next to a sparkling Christmas tree, looking out through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the people skating round and round, laughing and stumbling and laughing some more. Ahh office life is hard!


What is your favourite place for meetings?

Our tiny handmade wedding!

Paul & Beth wedding

I have been wanting to share a peek into our wedding for a while, and ‘Love to create’ month seemed like the perfect time, as it was a tiny handmade wedding. It really was a very special day, which began with a beautiful storybook complete with diamond necklace gift, and ended with rings on our fingers, smiles on our faces and big love in our hearts. I have never had so much fun in one day…

We got engaged in a beautiful secluded Japanese garden in Kyoto on my 35th birthday last May. It was perfect for us. We were at the beginning of a six month sabbatical in Japan’s ancient capital, and felt like a whole new adventure was just beginning.


Life according to Mr. K – Finding inspiration


I had a chuckle with myself recently. This month’s theme is ‘Love to Create’ and ever since I have been devoid of all and any ideas. The irony!!!! What a time for writer’s block. The most creative thing I have managed this week is rustling up an ad-hoc meal with whatever ingredients there were left in the cupboard.

This actually did get me thinking about this topic from a very different perspective. It raises an interesting point about inspiration and what gets our creative juices flowing. I also think it is really important to consider what affects our creativity when as children we were often overwhelmed by our imagination and possibilities… in many cases making the impossible very possible!

We live in a world of technological advancements that would have been considered science fiction not too many moons ago. We are surrounded by huge achievements of engineering, art, literature, technology, science and architecture to name but a few.

Yet I would argue that our world – and more particularly our society – restricts and dampens our imagination. We are conditioned into processes and procedures, and bound by rules. We have our bubbles burst by doubters. We are hampered by the very people who we need inspiring the most. But it only takes one person to show the way.

Do we lack the courage and conviction to follow through with our ideas?

To create is not a whimsical philosophy. It takes courage, as Beth shared in this post, and as I will talk more about next week. It also requires inspiration.

Mother Nature is a constant reminder of what can be created and achieved, ‘life’ being the greatest example. Birds taking flight long before Bernoulli translated it into a mathematical formula. Nests, warrens and dams providing evidence of sustainable construction. It is all around us. We just need to look.


Life According To Mr. K – Love to Change (3)

Life According To Mr. K - Love to Change (3) lifeaccordingtomrk

In my last column I talked about the six month sabbatical Beth and I took last year. The change of location brought an obvious change in scenery, environment, food, culture, language, tempo and lifestyle. My physical surroundings had changed massively.

We had traded our considerably large and very comfortable 3 storey house for a postage stamp of a flat, – 12 square metres to be exact. We prepared food on top of the fridge and cooked on a single ring hob. The toilet design had been taken straight from a plane, it was three steps from the kitchen and the dining table was literally a foot from the bed. Compact to say the least (or cosy if you ask Beth).

We had no car, no phone and no TV. I had no idea how significant this was to become. These changes in circumstance prompted us to go out all the time. By going out I don’t mean going to the pub. I mean going outside and exploring. We cycled and walked everywhere. We spent time in coffee shops, by the river, at temples and shrines, in parks and public gardens. Okay and the odd bar!

I was reading, writing and drawing nearly every day. I felt alive. More importantly I felt that I was living every day.

There is no doubting that Kyoto is a magical place. It is so different it would capture anyone’s imagination for a while.

But I truly believe the most significant change for me was not the change in scenery, culture, people, language or food.

The most significant change was a shift to having less, doing less, rushing less. Less stuff, less technology and less noise led to more time, more laughs and certainly more adventures.

Maybe less is more! I never really appreciated this saying before my trip but it certainly do now. When you think about it in this way, it is actually possible to make small changes anytime, even starting right now. Small changes can have big results.

“True life is lived when tiny changes occur” – Leo Tolstoy

I remember sitting on the shinkansen (bullet train) and noticing that every single person was transfixed by their phone or tablet. I guess this is pretty much true of any commute, in nearly every industrialised society. And I used to be part of that. But not this time.

I spent the next couple of hours gazing out of the window, watching mountains and paddy fields pass by. My mind was free to wander aimlessly. I felt so relaxed, enjoying the details in the moment. Maybe if we try to be a little less obsessed with what is ahead, we can let ourselves enjoy the journey, and the view, a little more.

“True change takes place in the imagination” – Thomas Moore

I have made so many big changes recently, from changing career, to learning a brand new skill (Japanese) to getting married and now moving house.

I wonder why, after a decade of inactivity/ doing the same thing, there have suddenly been a flurry of changes? Is it my age? Is it the influence of my wife and the ethos of Do What You Love? Or is it that I changed one thing and that went well, so I had more confidence to change another, and another? Once I opened the floodgates I realised that there wasn’t that much to be fearful of, and a whole lot to be excited about. I suspect it is a combination of all the above.

How about you? What small steps could you take right now, to simplify your life and make changes today that will get you closer to feeling how you want to feel?

Until next time…

Mr K

Do What You Love Interview – Iain Moncrieff (with gorgeous giveaway!)

Do What You Love Interview - Iain Moncrieff (with gorgeous giveaway!) thebiginterview

Today’s interview provides a perfect example that ‘doing what you love’ doesn’t just happen. You have to be willing to make changes in your life and have the conviction to chase and fulfil your dreams, even if things don’t go right first time.

Brothers Iain and Gray Moncrieff have been on a rollercoaster these past few years with major highs and lows, but they have not let life’s obstacles and disappointments stand in their way.

Former professional musicians, they scored a top record deal with Sony and had a dream of superstardom, but the rug was pulled out from under them just as they were on the brink of major fame. Whereas many people would have just given up at that point, Gary and Iain crafted a new dream, which is now starting to flourish after hours of blood, sweat and tears.

The brothers now run a hand crafted clock business (EG Clocks) which they absolutely love. They make clocks from various hardwoods and slate which allows them to be creative and artistic in their job, as well as bringing people pleasure through their beautiful products.

Iain and Graeme Moncrieff Gray and Iain

1. How are you leading a life ‘doing what you love’?

We work together very close to home doing something that we really enjoy doing. It’s amazing and we love it!

Do What You Love Interview - Iain Moncrieff (with gorgeous giveaway!) BurrMantleOblique

Burr Mantle clock

2. What did you do before this?

We both dreamed of being rock stars when we were young and our first full time job was when we were offered a record deal with a major label just after we started university… so I suppose really we started our working lives doing what we love.

We instantly left our courses and signed the deal. We released an album and singles in England and Japan and toured for four years. We recorded at some of the best studios in the world and played massive gigs to thousands of people (and small gigs to about 4 people!) It was an amazing time in both our lives, but one day it all disappeared. The day it fell through and we had to get “normal jobs” was a very difficult one to accept.

At the time we were trying to secure another deal and so we ended up in jobs we didn’t enjoy as we had to start earning money quickly. It’s so true that you can fall into doing a job that you never had any intention of doing, or a job based on choices you made when you were young and encouraged perhaps to become an accountant just because you were quite good at maths.

Sometimes you have to stop and ask yourself if this is the life you chose, or the life that chose you. This is what happened to us after a few years of working at these jobs that we “just fell into”. Personally (Iain) I have worked as; a rock star (Ha ha!!), in sales, at an alcohol distributor, as a window fitter and as a self employed plasterer and carpenter…. it’s been a mixed bag!

3. What was your a-ha moment that pushed you to change things and realise your passion?

I realised that after the band, my CV was just a list of things that I wouldn’t really associate myself with. Although I enjoyed running my own business, I had a dream of having a workshop, working with wood, and also songwriting.  One day my brother and I just started talking about it and it turned out that we both really wanted to make it happen. We decided that there was nothing stopping us from doing it… apart from us. That was the day it started and we’ve never looked back.

Do What You Love Interview - Iain Moncrieff (with gorgeous giveaway!) SapeleInlay

Sapele Dove-tail Inlay clock

4. How did you make it happen?

We had a few challenges to overcome so we wrote a list of the things we could think of that were preventing us from getting started. We just started at number one and worked our way through the list until they were all gone. There are always lots of reasons why not to do something… so we thought the best thing to do was just get rid of each of them.

5. What has been your biggest challenge along the way and how did you overcome it?

The biggest challenge for us initially was the weather! As we work with wood and slate there is a lot of dust involved and so we couldn’t do anything in our houses. We had to make the initial designs in my back garden through the winter months. We would set everything up only to have to dismantle it all and bring it back inside when it started raining, which stopped production over and over again!

This was overcome when we finally managed to set up our workshop ,which was a huge challenge in itself as it had no electricity and the only supply was 75 metres away. Installing armoured cable in rocky ground with one pick axe and a small shovel between us wasn’t something we enjoyed… but now when it starts raining and we’re in the workshop I think back to those days and smile!

I always think that the biggest challenge really is taking the risks that you have to take every day when you work for yourself and somehow installing an unwavering confidence in yourself and what you do.

Do What You Love Interview - Iain Moncrieff (with gorgeous giveaway!) Picture 004Iain and Gray hard at work in their ‘dry’ workshop

6. What is the best advice you have received?

One New Year’s Eve my wife, Lisa, made me write a list of what I really want from life, and to send it out to into the universe as she firmly believes that ‘what you think about, you bring about’.

I have never been the type to believe in anything like that… but amazingly a lot of the things I wrote that night have happened. Maybe it subconsciously focused my mind. As I started writing I realised that it was actually really difficult to selfishly ask for exactly what YOU want. It was a really good thing to do though and it is especially good if you are one of those people who don’t think about themselves much.

Do What You Love Interview - Iain Moncrieff (with gorgeous giveaway!) Montage1

More examples of their beautiful hand crafted clocks

7. What kept you awake at night before you made these changes? How about now?

Luckily I am not really a worrier. I always think your rest time is much better spent sleeping as it gives you more energy to tackle any challenges the next day. I know the question isn’t really meant that literally but even when you do what you love it can still sometimes be stressful and I think it’s very important to be able to switch off and take a break.

8. Why do you think change is important?

Without changing you can easily become stagnant. If everything stays the same, where once everything was exciting it will be boring and as a direct result you become boring. The more you change… the more you stay the same.

I feel as excited about things now as I did when I was very young and I think that it’s the changes I’ve made to my life that are responsible. I used to complain about my job all the time and do nothing about it. It definitely makes you a much more interesting person when you’re very positive about things moving forward rather than complaining and doing nothing about it. It’s actually quite easy to change, but it’s also very easy to talk yourself out of change. I’ve learnt that you just have to do it!

9. What is the biggest noticeable difference in your life since choosing this new path?

The most important thing for me has been that it feels like there are no limits anymore. I now think of new ideas with a view that they will work and that they are achievable.

10. Finally, what is key to making a big change in your life?

I think the key is not to give up. A lot of the things we needed to set up our workshop were too expensive for us to buy, so we had to learn to build what we needed ourselves. Ironically this made us learn new skills which have been incredibly useful.

My brother taught himself how to build a website and to use design programmes to get the best from our pictures. We started with a budget of zero, and at times I still wonder how we have managed to achieve what we have now. It just seems impossible but I’ve never once thought that along the way… so I suppose that everything is actually much more achievable than you might think it will be. Just never give up.

If you would like to find out more about Iain’s business you can visit his website or Facebook page. I have a feeling one of their beautiful clocks may be finding a home at DWYL HQ very soon!


THE PRIZE: Iain and Gray are giving away one of their beautiful and unique hand-crafted clocks to a very lucky reader.

TO ENTER: To enter, please check out the clock gallery on their website here, and come back to leave a comment under this post saying which of their clocks you most like and why. Please be sure to include your full name and country of residence in your comment.

DEADLINE: The deadline is Tuesday June 25th 20:00hrs GMT. Any comments left after this time will not be considered. THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO ENTERED!  The winner was RACHEL LITTLEWOOD! Congratulations Rachel. We will be in touch to arrange for your clock to be delivered! We hope you love having it in your home.

SMALL PRINT: There will be one winner who will be chosen from the entries after the deadline, and announced on this blog shortly afterward. The competition is open to anyone over 18 anywhere in the world (shipping will be covered). There is no cash alternative. Our decision on the winner is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Do What You Love Interview – Louise Gale

Do What You Love Interview - Louise Gale thebiginterview

We have the great pleasure to continue our themed interview season with our dear friend Louise Gale. Louise has encountered a lot of change in her life and her interview provides an insight to why her life is now a much happy and wonderful place to be!

Louise is a mixed media artist, passionate about colour, patterns in nature and living a creative life from the heart. She says, “I believe we are all more powerful than we think we are and that the answers lie within us all. I believe that living a life from the heart can open a world of possibilities and heal the world around us. My mission is to create artwork and workshops (in person and online) that bring joy to others, to connect deeper with nature and support other creative souls with their businesses.”

Louise Gale

Image by navyblur

1. How are you leading a life ‘doing what you love’?

I recently moved to south Spain and now live right on the ocean where I combine many things I love in my everyday life; creating, colour, connecting with nature and working flexible hours helping other creative souls in their businesses or own creative journey. I am also part of the Do What You Love team working on amazing projects helping others do what they love!

Being back in Europe also means I am closer to family and friends and for the first time in a long time, I am leading a completely balanced life, straight from the heart.

Heart Stone - Louise Gale

One of the many heart stones I have found on my beach

2. What did you do before this?

Before moving to Spain in February 2013, I moved from the UK to NYC for 8 years and spent part of that time in a corporate job. I loved the whole experience of being in such a vibrant city (this is where I started two businesses!) I also reconnected with my true creative self again during this time and found the courage to create a new life for myself. I also went through life coach training where I focused on learning more about energy – energy within us and the world around us – this was an amazing personal journey and was the big leap towards starting a collaboration website with other creative souls to spread positive energy into the world. The time in the USA was such an important part of my life – it helped me move confidently to where I am now.

Do What You Love Interview - Louise Gale

 “Colour energy” by Louise

3. What was your a-ha moment that pushed you to change things and realise your passion?

One big a-ha moment was working in a windowless office in my corporate job in 2009 and longing for a greater sense of freedom in how I spent my day. The moment I feel constrained and get an awkward sickly feeling in my tummy is when I know it’s time to change my situation and I have listened to this feeling throughout my life.

This has meant many a-ha moments and ‘detours’ and that is what I love about this life. It is ever changing and evolving as I discover more about myself and the world around me. Every chance meeting, experience and decision has led me to where I am and back to a creative life.

Vision board - Louise Gale

Louise’s vision board for 2013. Vision boards are an integral part of attracting the positive change we want in our lives.

4. How did you make it happen?

I am a big believer in the law of attraction and that the universe sends us messages constantly, so I created vision boards and simply listened to my intuition and the world around me. Once I started to focus on how I wanted to feel and what my ideal day would look like, opportunities and chance meetings starting to occur.  I started to connect with an amazing network of artists in person and online, explored mixed media techniques and created my own online courses to help others. On a practical level, I reduced my expenses and had savings to support myself as I made the transition. I left the corporate job in May 2010 and have never looked back.

5. What has been your biggest challenge along the way and how did you overcome it?

I think it has to be having sooooo many ideas that my head was in a spin most of the time! Which at first was where all my energy was being focused. I was definitely trying to “spin far too many plates.” So I decided to just go with it for a while. I tried lots of different things to work out where I really wanted to focus my creative energies. I am so happy with the balance I have now found. 

Do What You Love Interview - Louise Gale

“Full Moon energy” by Louise

6. What is the best advice you have received?

“Turn off the TV and do something less boring instead!” This is actually a line from a TV programme I used to watch as a child to encourage youngsters to get outside and play. Getting rid of my  TV in 2009 has to be one of my most significant moments (along with getting rid of my cell phone too in 2011). Without these constant distractions and outside influences, I feel like I can connect to who I truly am and what life I truly want to create for myself. I spend much more time doing what I love.

7. What kept you awake at night before you made these changes? How about now?

Having so many ideas in my head and putting pressure on myself to pursue every single one of them! This was exhausting and I soon realized I couldn’t do everything. I still generate lots and lots of new ideas, which I write in my journal, but am at peace with myself knowing that I don’t have to do them all this year! Now I sleep soundly knowing I am on the right path for me and focusing on what truly makes me happy; having creative time for myself, running workshops and helping others in their creative businesses.

Do What You Love Interview - Louise Gale

 “The love of the lotus” by Louise

8. Why do you think change is important?

Change keeps us growing and evolving. There is always an opportunity to learn and experience new things in this inspiring life! I have discovered so much about the world and this helps me make changes to my life that are aligned with what is important to me. I am also a huge believer in the energy of our thoughts, feelings and how this changes how we see the world.

I check in with myself on a regular basis on what I am thinking and feeling to ensure I am focusing on the positive energy within. I believe change happens first within ourselves and that we can all make a difference to our own life and others by doing so.

9. What is the biggest noticeable difference in your life since choosing this new path?

I find joy in everything and I accept all experiences as the fun filled fabric of life. I have always been a “glass half full kind of girl”, and now I really focus on living more in the moment, enjoying every aspect, whatever pops up. Even if it’s something challenging, it’s an opportunity to learn.

I also see how simply wonderful life can be without so many distractions of technology filling our days.  Another difference I have consciously noticed is, being less attached to ‘things’. Letting go of material objects is something I chose to do when I left the USA to move to Spain. It really has taught me a lot about how emotionally connected we are to “things” and how letting these go, can free us. It is hard, but oh what an amazing feeling!

Do What You Love Interview - Louise Gale

Louise’s journal for her upcoming “Creative Colour Energy workshop

10. Finally, what is key to making a big change in your life?

I believe that listening to our hearts and connecting to our true selves is what is key. Knowing what brings us joy and focusing on that everyday to inform every decision we make. I also try not to be too attached to outcomes or have big expectations. This enables me to go with the flow of life and let my intuition guide me. I highly recommend trying it, you never know what exciting direction life will lead you in!

You can find out much more about Louise at her website or follow her on FacebookTwitter, Instagram and Pinterest.


Honeymoon part 1 – Florence

Honeymoon part 1 - Florence IMG 3697

And so to the honeymoon story… After our brilliant wedding (pictures of which are coming soon), we headed off to Italy for our honeymoon. I don’t know what it is about the word ‘honeymoon’ but it has a dreaminess about it which perfectly describes how you feel when you are on one.

We flew into Pisa and took a train through the Italian countryside to Florence, a beautiful city packed with history and art at every turn.

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We only had one night in the city, so spent many hours walking the cobbled streets, strolling through the Boboli Gardens, basking in the sunshine and eating gelato.

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Borgo San Jacopo inside Salvatore Ferragamo’s beautiful Hotel Lungarno where we stayed

We had promised ourselves that we would eat and drink whatever delicious feasts we fancied while away, so we started with dinner at Borgo San Jacopo, a fine dining restaurant I had visited on my own a few weeks before Mr K and I first met.

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Back then, as I sat by the window overlooking the River Arno shortly after my 30th birthday I made a promise to myself that when I met the love of my life I would bring him here – so it was the perfect place to start out Italian honeymoon.

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You should have seen Mr K’s face when the ‘amuse bouche’ appeared as a gift from the chef. I think he thought this was the world’s tiniest starter (or some kind of culinary joke – but it tasted delicious!)…

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Pop back soon for Honeymoon part 2, when we venture into the Italian countryside for a taste of Tuscany…


You can read my other honeymoon posts here: (1) Florence / (2) Castel Monastero / (3) Winetasting in Tuscany / (4) Borgo Santo Pietro / (5) Pasta masterclass / (6) Pisa and home

Wedding countdown: Hen do!

Beth and Heather hen do

It feels a little strange writing about this now when my hen do was back in late March, but I made a decision to take 5 weeks off around my wedding and honeymoon, and that included virtually no blogging or social media – so now I am back I want to share it all with you, even if it is a little late!

For those of you who have never heard of a ‘hen do’, it is what brides call the party they have with their girl friends before getting married (and boys have a ‘stag do’). In the US I think the closest thing would be a ‘bachelorette party’, although hen dos here tend to include going away for several days.

Anyway, because we had decided on a tiny wedding, I felt strange about the idea of having a large hen do with lovely friends who weren’t coming to the wedding, so instead I decided to have the World’s Smallest Hen Do (WSHD) with just me and my best friend Heather.

Heather and I met at university nearly 20 years ago, and have been like sisters ever since. Everyone used to joke that we seem to come as a pair, often getting us mixed up (although I don’t think we look alike!). We were actually born on the same day, so share lots of Taurean traits, and have a great excuse for celebrating our birthdays together!

Tradition has it that the bride-to-be gets dressed up in a lot of pink (often including variations on cowboys/tiaras/feathers etc) and totters around town in very high heels and a very short dress, drinking a lot and cackling wildly. But that isn’t really my scene, so we went for something else. For the WSHD Heather and I decided to take a trip down memory lane, and go to a spa up in the North East of England, near where we went to university (in Durham). It was a blissful few days, where we got to catch up properly on the details of our lives, get pampered, skim stones at the beach, and blow away the cobwebs on a blustery visit to the coast. Just my kind of trip away. Here are some pictures from this very special time…

Heather's sports car

Zipping off in Heather’s sports car for a few days away

Beth in sports car

We went via one of the most fabulous bookshops I have ever been too – Barter books, inside an old railway station. (I know, who goes to a bookshop on their hen do? But you have to realise this was MY hen do and I love bookshops!)

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Wedding countdown: Hen do! IMG 3065

Off to the lovely Doxford Hall hotel & spa

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We got lost in the hotel’s maze…

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Wedding countdown: Hen do! IMG 3150

And every day Heather surprised me with a little gift to help me prepare for married life!

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We spent one wonderful evening an incredible restaurant IN THE TREES! 

Wedding countdown: Hen do!

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(Above three images via The Treehouse Restaurant)

The Treehouse Restaurant is in the grounds of Alnwick Castle, where Harry Potter was filmed, and is as magical as you might imagine, and a whole lot more delicious than we had expected. You reach it via a wooden walkway and it is literally in the treetops.

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(The North Face coat over a summer dress is never a good look, but it was freeeeeezing!)

We were blown along by crazy winds out at Bamburgh Castle

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…where the shoreline reminded me of Cape Cod

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…And we skimmed stones near the lifeboats at Seahouses, famous for the incredibly brave local resident Grace Darling (read more about her amazing story here)

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Of course by then it was time for tea…

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Wedding countdown: Hen do! IMG 3215

And we couldn’t resist this sweet little local shop with such a brilliant sign in the window (our kind of place).

Wedding countdown: Hen do! IMG 3217

We spent hours reminiscing about old times (shared adventures at uni, in Japan where we have both lived for several years, on holidays in Thailand, Greece and more…) and looked ahead to our plans and dreams for the future. What a special few days it was. We have decided to make it an annual thing, to get away in Spring for a few days, just the two of us.

And then it started to snow! We had to race back through the countryside to make it in time for my final wedding dress fitting, and this is what awaited when we got there:

Wedding countdown: Hen do! IMG 3241

A rowdy, drunken, sun-soaked hen do it wasn’t, but my kind of hen do it was. Thank you Heather!

Do What You Love interview – Margaret Spencer (The Wedding Shop)

Do What You Love interview - Margaret Spencer (The Wedding Shop) thebiginterview13

The co-owner of the lovely shop where I found my perfect dress is being featured in a documentary TV programme on ITV on Thursday! Margaret Spencer and her team made my bridesmaid Heather and I so welcome when we first went in to try dresses, and the whole experience was a special one. Having had a vastly different experience in some snooty big name bridal shops in London, and having made the difficult decision to not go with the designer I originally chose, our time at Abigail’s Bridal Boutique in Leeds was a pleasure from start to finish – and we even left with a bottle of bubbly to take home and savour while we reflected on a fabulous day of shopping.

Wedding shop

Margaret Spencer, co-owner of Abigail’s, stars on ‘The Wedding Shop’ on ITV this week

I also love that Margaret pursued her dream in her late fifties, investing her pension in creating this lovely shop, and starting her business when others her age are thinking about retirement. That takes guts, and I think it is brilliant. My own dress has been made for me and is waiting in the shop for my final fitting in a couple of weeks’ time (eek, bettter get down the gym…).

Of course that is a big secret, but for now I just wanted to share a few words from Margaret who is definitely a woman doing what she loves.

Do What You Love interview - Margaret Spencer (The Wedding Shop) IMG 2842

 Dresses from the shop (I’m not giving away any clues about my own!).

1. How are you doing what you love?

I help brides make their wedding day special by helping them find a dress that they can fall in love with, and enjoy every moment of the experience on the way.

Do What You Love interview - Margaret Spencer (The Wedding Shop) IMG 2854

2. What makes your bridal boutique different?

I am absolutely committed to extraordinary customer service for every single bride. Purchasing your wedding gown should be a special experience, and I treat my brides as if they were my own daughters.

3. How did you get to be doing this?

I managed Confetti and Lace (the shop featured in the programme) for many years until the owner Abbi shared that she wanted to open a shop in Leeds City Centre. This was a massive a-ha moment for me, when I realised this could be my opportunity to work for myself and create the shop of my dreams. I invested my pension and Abbi and I became partners. I part-own and manage the shop, and I truly believe we have created the best bridal house in the area.

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Margaret (centre) with her lovely team Jacki (left) and Jo 

4. What challenges did you face along the way?

Finding the right premises was tough. We tracked all the available shops in Leeds, and found one which we really wanted but it had just been let. It was so disappointing as it was ideal. We had no choice but to look elsewhere and were just about to sign the lease on an alternative place when the original one came back on the market – it was meant to be! Funnily enough it is owned by the council – I was brought up in a council house and never thought I would end my days back in council property, but the premises are perfect! All I wanted was a thick black carpet and a beautiful girlie bathroom for customers. The rest fell into place.

Another major challenge was finding the right team. My gut feeling was to employ friends I knew and trusted. Many people advised me against taking on friends but I went ahead and they have been perfect.

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5. What have you learned in the process?

I learn something new about people every day! One thing I know for sure is that although times are changing, girls still want the fairy tale and I’m there to help.

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 Margaret has been featured in every national TV magazine this week!

6. How do you feel about being on TV?

This week my face has been in every TV magazine and I simply can’t believe it – I’m famous at 58! I started work 43 years ago at the tender age of 15, and never expected this to happen to me. Back then I wanted to be a window dresser in Carnaby Street but my boss said I was wasted in a window and encouraged me to be customer-facing. I am so pleased that she did! I sold my first wedding gown in 1972 and I have always kept the passion for it. My dream is to have the best bridal house in Yorkshire – and I think we are well on the way!

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 I am grateful for the wonderful experience I had in Margaret’s new shop Abigail’s (not the one shown in the documentary) and wish her and her team the best of luck building her new business!

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The Wedding Shop aired on ITV at 9pm on Thursday 28 Feb. You can watch it here:


About Us

Do What You Love is a young, dynamic company which delivers innovative online courses to thousands of people all across the world, providing them tools, advice and inspiration to do what they love, for life.

As a result of our courses, alumni have gone on to launch their own businesses, win design awards, set up their own creative labels, and find the courage to quit their jobs and follow their dreams. If you are in a position where you feel stuck and uninspired in your life, or perhaps you are ‘successful’ but coasting, knowing there is more to it, then we hope you will stay awhile on the site and find resources and inspiration to help you make a change.

You can start with our flagship online course Do What You Love, check out our inspiring interviews, or just click on one of the circular icons here to find more of what you need.

And if you want to know more about the people behind Do What You Love, here you go…


Beth1 Beth Kempton is a curious explorer of the world around her, and a homebody who loves to travel. She is a seeker of beauty and a writer who uses words to wrangle questions about how to live well. She is a nature lover and fledgling gardener who is experimenting with growing her own food. Beth adores yoga and is a Reiki Master trained in the Japanese tradition in Tokyo. And she’s also a mama of two young girls, a self-help author whose books have been translated into 24 languages, and an award-winning entrepreneur and producer of online courses that have helped thousands of people to find personal, professional and financial freedom.

Beth’s life story is a catalogue of wild and crazy experiences which she wouldn’t believe if she hadn’t been there herself — like hosting her own TV show, flying on a private jet with one of the world’s top football teams, and surviving falling off a cliff on a quad bike. But these things didn’t come about because of any kind of special privilege or personal wealth. They happened because Beth followed her intuition, made bold choices, and sought out freedom every step of the way. And sometimes she just got lucky!

As a result, Beth has been fortunate enough to have lived, worked, and travelled in 50+ countries on every continent. In amongst all of that, she has worked with global brands, NGOs and UN agencies (including several years at UNICEF) in Africa, Asia, South America and the Middle East, advising on corporate social responsibility, raised over $10 million for charity and earned a Master’s degree in Japanese. And that was all before she founded Do What You Love, to offer a very different kind of careers and life advice, based around what really matters to you. Beth believes that ‘waiting for the weekend’ is no way to live your life — or design your career. And she’s living proof that there’s another way.

A few years back she was named by Marie Claire magazine as one of the UK’s 16 most exciting young female entrepreneurs. She was also named 2017 Mind Body Spirit Blogger of the Year runner up in the Kindred Spirit Magazine Awards, and was a finalist for the Digital Entrepreneur of the Year Awards in the Education Entrepreneur category in recognition of the company’s outstanding online courses.

Beth has a slight obsession with washi tape and beautiful paper, and harbours a secret dream to launch her own stationery line. She’s usually holding a cup of milky tea in one hand and a nibble of chocolate in the other.

Here at Do What You Love, Beth is responsible for designing transformational online courses and workshops, some of which she teaches herself, and some of which she produces for other thought leaders and industry experts. Her first book, Freedom Seeker: Live more. Worry less. Do what you love.’ was published by Hay House in 2017, swiftly followed by her second book Wabi Sabi: Japanese wisdom for a perfectly imperfect life‘ (Piatkus, 2018), and now Calm Christmas and a Happy New Year: A Little Book of Festive Joy (Piatkus, 2019). You can hear her in conversation with some amazing people in her podcast ‘The Freedom Seeker Chronicles‘.

Beth is also co-founder of Make Art That Sells (a collaboration with top US art agent Lilla Rogers), and online design school Make It In Design (a collaboration with internationally renowned designer Rachael Taylor).

The most important thing you need to know about Beth? She’s very, very good at doing what she loves. And more than anything else in the world, she wants to help you figure out what you love, commit to that love, and make it your life.

Find out more at or get a peek into her life on Instagram @bethkempton

PAUL KEMPTON – Operations Director

Paul2Paul Kempton is a father, a sport-lover, a storyteller, and a film enthusiast.

After spending 12 years working in civil engineering and construction, Paul realised that the path he was on was no longer a path that he loved. Leaving behind his “stable job” to join his wife’s company wasn’t an easy decision, but he knows it was absolutely the right one.

These days, Paul runs the back-end operations here at Do What You Love — keeping the team happy, keeping the website up and running, and keeping all our e-courses and projects ticking along smoothly.

When he’s not scanning a computer screen, Paul gets to enjoy his offline passions: making up stories for his daughters, Sienna May and Maia, ducking out for a midday run, or sketching out new architectural designs.

Paul’s idea of a “perfect day” is dreaming up new plans and figuring out how to make them come true. He hopes that Do What You Love gives YOU the tools, inspiration and courage to create thousands of your own perfect days, too.

“I really believe the world would be a better place if more of us were doing what we love. I hope the work we do here at Do What You Love will help inspire you to make changes to fulfil your dreams. I am sure a little bit of courage will be required along the way but we are here to help and with a growing movement forming worldwide you will find the support you need, even if it is in the most unlikely of places.”


About Us louiseportraitcroppedSpain-based Louise provides friendly support to our course participants, as well as offering colour insight for The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design and writing the regular Colour Stories column for our beautiful Moyo magazine.

Louise can be found following her passion the Universe, pattern, colour and energy coaching on her blog and helping to raise the positive energy of lives in her collaborative project “Your heART makes a difference”. She is also co-author of Mandala for the Inspired Artist: Working with paint, paper, and texture to create expressive mandala art (Walter Foster). In her own words…

“Opening my heart, trusting in the universe and doing something I truly love everyday has unfolded a whole new world for me. I used to be someone who was constantly searching, and not really knowing what for, looking for things outside of myself, instead of looking within.  

In 2009, I picked up a paintbrush again, embarking on a new journey, leaving behind a corporate job with a windowless office. Soon after, I met Beth, at our first art retreat together, creating and both doing what we love. The moment we met I knew it was just the beginning. I have always believed that everything is connected and all the people I meet, the roads I travel and experiences I have, are there for a reason.  I am thrilled to be part of the Do What You Love team – something I truly believe in and the ‘sweet spot’ of where I want to be.” (Image by NavyBlur)


Kelly Crossley bioAn eternal optimist and all round positive person, Kelly is constantly curious about the world around her. She gets to work daily in an industry that she loves as a designer for various creative companies including Do What You Love.

Kelly has always been creative and has pursued her passion through her education and in her spare time through her interests and hobbies. When she’s not at her computer designing, Kelly can be found reading good books, enjoying long walks, lighting candles, taking photographs or drawing in her sketchbook.

Kelly is currently working on a variety of exciting projects and she can’t wait to see the companies she works with become go-to places for creatives across the globe.

“I was so lucky to have found a job doing what I love straight out of university and I will always been grateful to Do What You Love, and other companies I work with, for investing in me, and my knowledge, skills and passions. I honestly believe that the map of your life is shaped by the people you meet, the chances you take and the choices you make to better yourself. Choosing to Do What You Love can be challenging at times but as the saying goes ‘Nothing in this world that’s worth having comes easy’ – choosing to do what makes you happy is so worth it in the end.”



Many of our online courses are run in collaboration with industry experts and successful entrepreneurs including:

Find out more about how each collaboration came about in this post.

We also work with a talented team to put together the online design magazine MOYO. You can find out more about that team here.

Company info

Do What You Love Limited
Company Number: 06862873
Registered Address: Empress Business Centre, 380 Chester Road, Manchester, M16 9EA. UK
Address for snail mail: PO Box 9335, Lyme Regis, DT6 9FE, UK
Contact: learning [at]