
The Fearless Writer Podcast with Beth Kempton is here!

The Fearless Writer Podcast is out now – Season One is all about freeing the words within. I will be chatting about the things we don’t usually talk about when it comes to writing – including the importance of wildness, surrender, and trust.

I hope it will help you write fearlessly, and with joy, and build a writing practice that nourishes you for the rest of your life. Bring a notebook and pen because we have a new writing exercise to do together every week.

Episodes 0 (intro) and 1 (Quietening) are available now, and there will be new episodes every Tuesday until the end of the year. You can tune in now on Spotify, Amazon Music or here on my website. (It is taking a while to feed through to Apple but should be there soon) Enjoy!

Beth Xx

PS This podcast is a companion to my book The Way of the Fearless Writer: Ancient Eastern wisdom for a flourishing writing life, which is out now!