
Kawashima Textile School 3: Preparing the warp

Kawashima Textile School 3: Preparing the warp warp1

(The next instalment from Kawashima Textile School…)

By Day 4 of school it is time to prepare the warp (and by now I am secretly wondering whether I actually get to do any weaving at all…!) I cannot believe how much preparation goes into this craft, and I will never look at a piece of fabric in the same way again. Respect to professional weavers!

Kawashima Textile School 3: Preparing the warp warp2

Kawashima Textile School 3: Preparing the warp warp3

Kawashima Textile School 3: Preparing the warp warp4

Kawashima Textile School 3: Preparing the warp warp5

Back soon, preparing the loom…

 (Earlier posts here: (1) Preparing and dyeing the thread, (2) Preparing the giant bobbins