
#MakingTime Day 2

mt day2

Your Day 2 Making Time challenge: For 2 minutes… write a haiku

Forget boring work emails, today we challenge you to write creatively… bring on the two-minute haiku challenge!

The haiku is a simple and powerful form of Japanese poetry that captures a single image or a moment in time. It’s always written over three lines and the structure is based on syllables: there are five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. Here’s an example by haiku master Matsuo Basho:

An old silent pond…

A frog jumps into the pond,

splash! Silence again.

For the full prompt, plus a daily time-saving tip and other inspiration into your inbox, sign up for the full Making Time series (a 31-day free challenge to make more time for the things you love).  Follow us on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook for more thought-provoking inspiration!