
#MakingTime Day 9

mt day9

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your own heart.” — William Wordsworth

Are you ready to get those creative juices flowing? Here we go…

Your Day 9 Making Time challenge: For 9 minutes… write/collage in a journal 

Psychologists have proved that journaling is good for you. Spending just five minutes a day writing down your thoughts or expressing them creatively can boost your immune system, lower your blood pressure, help you sleep better, increase your memory function and improve your wellbeing by more than 10%.

Today take nine minutes to write or collage in a page of your journal.

For the full prompt, plus a daily time-saving tip and other inspiration into your inbox, sign up for the full Making Time series (a 31-day free challenge to make more time for the things you love).  Follow us on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook for more thought-provoking inspiration!