Do What You Love interview: Paul Kempton (aka Mr K!)

Do What You Love interview: Paul Kempton (aka Mr K!) thebiginterview13

Today I am thrilled to share an interview with someone who is incredibly special to me… my husband! Paul (or Mr K as he will be known on this blog!) has just taken a massive leap of faith, quitting his stable, sensible career in civil engineering to come and work with me at Do What You Love! He will be writing a regular column here on DWYL giving ‘the guy’s view’, but first I wanted you to get to know a little more about him…

Paul describes himself as “a newly married man in his mid thirties who, after years of coasting and watching life pass him by, has finally woken up!“

Paul Kempton

1. How are you leading a life ‘doing what you love’?

An interesting question! Ask me again in a year, as I am only in my first month on the job at Do What You Love! However what I am sure of is that is that after quitting my career of 12 years I have now given myself an opportunity to do what I love. I certainly feel as if I am on the right path to find fulfillment, pride and happiness in my work. At this moment in time I am fully focused and enjoying helping secure the future for my family.

2. What did you do before this?

I spent my childhood growing up all over the world, as my father worked overseas. I went to 12 different schools in Hong Kong, Iraq, Trinidad & Tobago, the Seychelles and beyond, before coming back to the UK for my GCSEs. Having spent so many years away, I then studied Civil Engineering and Construction Management at Leeds University and settled in Leeds where I have been ever since. I have spent the past 12 years building a career as a Civil Engineer.

3. What was you a-ha moment that pushed you to change your passion in life?

I don’t think there has been a particular a-ha or eureka moment, but there have been a couple of key episodes in my life which have subsequently prompted big decisions.

The first episode was when Beth (Founder of Do What You Love) walked into my life six years ago. Up to that point I had been cruising around in second gear, just doing enough. Watching and supporting Beth’s career changes, particularly the creation and building of Do What You Love, provided me with a reminder about what life should be about.

The second episode was when Beth and I took a sabbatical and lived in Kyoto (Japan) for six months last year. This ‘time out’ allowed me to readdress who I was and what I wanted. 

Paul drinking tea in Japan

Taking tea in a Japanese garden in Kyoto during my sabbatical there

4. How did you make it happen?

Once I had made my decision I took a deep breath and discussed the situation with Beth. The decision was obviously going to affect both of us. The support I received was nothing but positive and I will never underestimate the importance of this. We (this is important) decided and agreed on an escape plan.

Interestingly I still found it hugely difficult to hand in my notice. I am not sure whether it was male pride, stubbornness or fear of the unknown, but the thought of starting something completely new in my mid 30s was proving difficult to compute. I was considering giving up a good career and relatively secure income in a recession, just before I was due to get married! In the end I asked myself the question “Do I love or even like what I am currently doing?” The answer was a resounding “no”. The next day I informed my Director. A few months on I now know that without a shadow of a doubt it was the one of the best decisions I have ever made.

5. What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?

I actually think my biggest challenge has been changing my career. Many close family and friends were not convinced that it was either sensible or correct. Maybe it wasn’t a sensible decision but every part of it felt so right. Interestingly, lots of my old colleagues reacted to my news of quitting with “Wow, I am so jealous!”

How did I overcome it? Knowing I had Beth’s unwavering support and blessing was huge. I was also pleasantly surprised to have complete support from my dad. I have to stress that my parents have been very supportive in everything I have done, but my dad is a Civil Engineer himself, and it is a career that he dearly loves. So to give it all up to pursue something I wasn’t 100% clear on certainly had an element of risk, and I wasn’t expecting him to be so behind me on my decision. Whose parents would not be concerned?

Since then I have taken everything step by step and I can honestly say that life seems extremely exciting again.

6. What is the best advice you have received?

Treat other people, as you would like to be treated yourself.  (my Dad).

Paul & Beth on honeymoon, Tuscany

With my new wife (Beth, founder of Do What You Love) on our recent honeymoon in Tuscany

7. What keeps you awake at night?

Hoping that I can be a good husband and hopefully one day a good father.

8. And what gets you up in the morning?

To see what the day has in store for us and what exciting plans/decisions we will make.

9. What is next for you?  

I have a few goals which I would like to pursue but I guess what I can say it feels like I have an exciting and full life ahead and I cannot wait to see how it unfolds.

Do What You Love interview: Paul Kempton (aka Mr K!) IMG 4224

 Stay tuned for Mr K’s brand new weekly column, Life According to Mr K, coming soon to Do What You Love!

Click here for more interviews with inspiring people doing what they love.

I’m back! I’m married! And I’ve got a new name!

 Paul & Beth shadows

Wow, what an incredible few weeks it has been. First the wedding (amazing, so much fun!) and then the honeymoon (dreamy, wonderful) and now my new husband has quit his job to work for Do What You Love!!!

I have so much to tell you, and so much exciting news to share, but I am going to do it bit by bit.

Firstly – my new name! I am now called Mrs Beth Kempton! I think it will take me a couple of years to get used to it…

I hope you will excuse me if I am a little self-indulgent over the next few weeks, sharing lots of pictures from our honeymoon in Italy and then of the big day itself (those pictures are due in the next couple of weeks – can’t wait!).

It was such a treat to take 5 weeks off to focus on this precious time, and I look forward to reflecting on all the details of it on this blog over the coming weeks.

We have a brand new website and lots more exciting news coming in June, but until then, forgive me for making this place wedding central!


I'm back! I'm married! And I've got a new name! ABSPD LOGO 550X250PX LR

For any of you looking to spring into Spring with a creative course, Module 1 of The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design ‘Designing your way’ starts on Monday. Find out more and register here!

And if you are more advanced in your designs and want to start making money from your work, Module 3 ‘Monetising your designs’ could be right up your street. Find out more and register here!


Love is in the air! Time out for good reason

Love is in the air! Time out for good reason dwylhq1

There are some times in life that are so precious they just have to be savoured, for as long as possible. Getting married is one of them, which is why I have decided to take five weeks off work to enjoy every moment of my upcoming wedding and honeymoon.

Wedding dresses

“What will she be wearing?” they all asked

I am so grateful that Do What You Love gives me the flexibility to do this. Please know that the team is still here to support everyone involved in our courses, and we will still be blogging over the next few weeks (if a little less regularly) – and then I will be back with photos of hand made loveliness, tales of romantic adventures and a brand new name! (Along with a LOT of exciting changes and new things to share with you…)

A living worth scraping

making a living worth scraping - Mickey Smith

Image via Mickey Smith

I don’t believe that doing what you love always has to be at the expense of a healthy income, but if ever there was a good argument for ‘making a living worth scraping’ this is it!

I promise it is worth 6 minutes of your time to watch this brilliant short film by surfer Mickey Smith.

Where does your heart beat fastest?

Alive. Brave.

Beth - scarf

Nothing like a long walk in the countryside on New Year’s Day to clear the mind and open it up for what lies ahead

My man and I choose a pair of words to guide us each year.

Last year it was ‘growth’ and ‘adventure’ (and we certainly took them to heart!)

This year our words are ALIVE and BRAVE.

We have promised each other we will ACT BRAVELY and LIVE FULLY every step of the way this year.

We already know there are changes ahead – big leaps for Do What You Love, possibly a house move, definitely a marriage, and who knows what else.

We know there will be times at the edge of each of these experiences when we will be elated, afraid, on a high, uncertain. But in spite of – or because of – all of these we are going to make 2013 a year of going for it, and building on everything we have done so far to make stuff happen.

Exciting! Scary! Let it begin!


What is your word for 2013?

Why taking a sabbatical can be good for business

Beth outside temple - Japan

‘Working’ in the grounds of Honpoji Temple, Kyoto [image: Takeshi Kohari] 

I have recently got back from a six month ‘sabbatical’ in Japan. When I headed out there I was determined to get a change of pace in my work and home life. There were many business-related reasons to go, but in order to make it happen I had to put the brakes on some projects, let go of others, take on freelance support and really take a step back from the craziness that had gone before. But the results have been surprising.


Choosing how you use your fear

Mountains of Tottori Prefecture

Over dinner a friend told us of an extraordinary place, deep in the mountains of Tottori Prefecture. When a long-time Kyoto resident says their favourite temple is one NOT in Kyoto, you know must be worth a visit. Without giving us any details, they piqued our interest enough to make us get in the car and drive for several hours to see it.
