
Alive. Brave.

Beth - scarf

Nothing like a long walk in the countryside on New Year’s Day to clear the mind and open it up for what lies ahead

My man and I choose a pair of words to guide us each year.

Last year it was ‘growth’ and ‘adventure’ (and we certainly took them to heart!)

This year our words are ALIVE and BRAVE.

We have promised each other we will ACT BRAVELY and LIVE FULLY every step of the way this year.

We already know there are changes ahead – big leaps for Do What You Love, possibly a house move, definitely a marriage, and who knows what else.

We know there will be times at the edge of each of these experiences when we will be elated, afraid, on a high, uncertain. But in spite of – or because of – all of these we are going to make 2013 a year of going for it, and building on everything we have done so far to make stuff happen.

Exciting! Scary! Let it begin!


What is your word for 2013?