
Life According To Mr. K – Love Life (3)


Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.

Life is a dream, realize it.

Life is a challenge, meet it.

Life is a duty, complete it.

Life is a game, play it.

Life is a promise, fulfill it.

–       Mother Theresa

Our lives are all unique. Our own personal stories are made all the more colourful as they blend and interweave with one another’s when our paths meet. They are filled with experiences that create memories, thus providing us with an opportunity to gain knowledge and wisdom for the next chapter.

Every step of our adventure is dictated by the decisions we make. The places we go dictates the people we meet. Science fiction may let us believe different but unfortunately we cannot journey down two separate paths simultaneously, to check where it may lead us. We have to trust our gut instinct and experiences to guide us.

“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” – Isaac Asimov

What we can do though is to make an informed decision once we arrive at a given point and then choose whether we stay or even continue. What the vast majority of us have lost is the ability to question the path we are on. We have to give ourselves an opportunity to re-evaluate our decisions and choices. Our lives may have changed and our situations be very different from when we set off.

Now the really stupid part, the part which really makes me cringe because I did it, is this. So many of us re-evaluate only to discover that the path we are on is not right but we continue down it anyway. Why?!! Of course there are reasons. Anything from societal conformity, peer pressure, responsibilities, habit… the excuses are infinite. Or perhaps they are just very convenient excuses because we lack the courage and support to change. To live our fullest life requires sacrifices and courage along the way but it has to done if we are going to ultimately remain true to who we are.

It’s OK to stop and take stock. How will I choose to live my life? The key words in this question are ‘I’ and ‘choose’. You have to live your life the way you want to. But don’t forget you get to choose. Yes you may curtail it in areas but the essence of your life has to be one you are happy living and pursuing.

What am I going to do with my life? I have mentioned over the past couple of weeks that I am trying to live my life to its maximum. I spent a while contemplating what this actually meant to me. I guess it is having the conviction to follow my dreams and have as many experiences as I can.

It is very easy to say you are going to do something, isn’t it? An idea is nothing but an idea. But how many of us fall at the first hurdle and never bother taking an idea any further than a bit of idle chit chat at the pub? I would argue that the majority of us fall into this category at some point. I know I certainly did until recently.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

Recently though I am seeing my life unfold in front of my eyes. I am witnessing doorways present themselves to me to places I could have only dreamt of a year or so ago. Why? Because I took control. I have allowed myself the opportunity to live my life and pursue my dreams. This is not to say I have been completely self-centered. We discussed which areas of our lives needed changing and we changed them together.

Our time in Japan was magical. We have recreated the same feeling down here in Brighton. Obviously you would be hard to find many parallels between the two cities but the feelings evoked by running by the sea are very similar to what I experienced on the banks of the Kamogawa.

I have removed the shackles of my old job. Having to mindlessly commute and be in a certain place at a certain time has been replaced by planning my own day. I now have time to breathe! Being in charge of my days has allowed me to take charge of my health. I am getting fitter by the day and this is energising me. The lethargy and drain of politics and negativity are long gone.

So what is next?

For me to fully live I need to now realise some, if not all of my remaining dreams and desires. I have decided to pick up and continue studying Japanese. Learning a language is a reminder to me that I can do something I never thought I could.

I want to feel happy, healthy, loved and proud. I already feel happy, healthy and loved. So that I can also feel proud I have three goals right now:

  • I have rediscovered my passion for writing so I am going to write a children’s book that I never said I had to time to do before.
  • I want to be a Dad. I have usually taken most things in my stride but I cannot convey just how excited I am. The terror has not dawned on me just yet!
  • Finally I want to build my family a home.

I guess by virtue of reading my blog you just may find out if I am successful or not. If not it will not be from want of trying.

What are your dreams and desires and more importantly what is stopping you achieving them?

Until next time…

Mr K