BOLDNESS + BRAVERY Page 14 of 21

Your year of microadventure


Alastair Humphries



This is a guest post by adventurer, author and motivational speaker Alastair Humphreys. Find out more about Alastair here.




Would you like to live more adventurously this year?

  • To experience the wild and escape from the rushed, mundane real world.
  • To do something new, fun and different.
  • To spend memorable time with your friends, family or by yourself.
  • To challenge yourself, surprise yourself, and achieve something to be proud of.

I bet you can think of other reasons why you’d like to do have a more adventurous year. You may even be intending to make this the year when you really do get out “there” as much as you dream of doing.

But real life often gets in the way and good intentions fade.

So why not commit, today, to a challenge? It’s easy enough to be achievable, but will be really rewarding to complete.

12 months. 12 overnight microadventures. 1 adventurous year.

Are you in? Good!

Read on to find out more…


In their words – why the Do What You Love e-course could be just what you need

We are always humbled and thrilled to hear how our courses have helped people change their own lives, sidestep mountains, move forwards, and find fulfillment and happiness on their own path. As we prepare for the Do What You Love course to begin on Monday 26 January, we thought we’d share some of the latest words we have received about the impact of the last class, in the words of the participants themselves.

If any of these resonate with you, and you’d like to be able to say the same within five short weeks, then join us for the online adventure of a lifetime.












Our acclaimed course Do What You Love begins on Monday 26 January and runs for five weeks. In those five weeks, everything could change for you – not least how you see yourself, others, your future and your place in the world. It’s powerful and inspiring – don’t miss it. Book your place now.

The art of getting started…



Whether it’s perfectionism, procrastination, or plain old fear that’s holding you back, there’s help and inspiration at hand!

Are you struggling to make your creative dreams happen? Do you have a great idea but don’t know where to start? Or do you have so many ideas that you end up doing nothing? Illustrator and self-professed procrastinator Lee Crutchley admits that he knows the ‘first blank page’ all too well. He says: “Turning ideas into real things is NOT the easy part. It takes work, and delaying the work does one thing – it delays the work.” In his book, The Art of Getting StartedLee shares some of the fun tasks, challenges and prompts he uses to kickstart his left-brain and get his creative juices flowing. Be prepared to write, draw, cook, explore, and be impulsive as you immerse yourself in creativity in its purest form and take the first step towards becoming unstuck.


The power and danger of labels


Happy New Year! 2015 has dawned crisp and clear, with possibility of adventure and an outlook of hope. We wish you much happiness this year and challenge you to make it your best year yet!

This week we wrapped up our Winter Writing Workshop with the question ‘How does it feel to call yourself a writer?’ Sometimes giving yourself a label – even if it doesn’t quite fit yet – can be a really powerful way of helping you believe in yourself, whether that means calling yourself a writer, an artist, an athlete or whatever.

Passion labels can be motivating and confidence-inspiring. But career labels can be dangerous. Here’s why.


New Year, New You. Begin today.


‘New year, new you’ must be the most over-used phrase in the world of magazine headlines, but there is a very good reason for that. The beginning of a new year can be a watershed. ‘Next year’ becomes ‘this year’. The time is now. If you had a bad year, that is now in the past. If you had a great year, you can step it up a level and make this one even better.

A new year is like a gift. It’s a chance to start again, and to tell yourself you have the power to decide how this year pans out. What will you do? Where will you go? Who will you spend time with? Who will you avoid? How will you behave differently so things work out differently? What different choices will you make? What will you tell yourself about what could be possible for you? And what steps will you take to make that happen?


Do What You Love Interview  – Alison Qualter Berna


Every week in our Big Interview we celebrate people who have dreams, drive and passion. And one lady who has all three in abundance is the amazing Alison Qualter Berna. Alison is a mum, a businesswoman and an adventurer who thrives on helping to bring out the best in others. She loves a challenge and recently guided the first blind runner across the Grand Canyon. She can also do a headstand on a paddle board and we think that’s pretty awesome! If ever you needed inspiration to get out there, do what you love and live life to the max, this is it…  – Rachel

profile pic for linked in


Do What You Love Interview – Shane Weisfeld


This week we’re excited to bring you an interview with screenwriter Shane Weisfeld from Toronto, Canada. Shane is the co-writer of the feature film Freezer, a one-location crime-thriller which was released on DVD earlier this year. He became a produced writer for the first time at the age of 38 after years of rejection. He says: “It’s taken over 16 years for me to get to this point but I’m glad things happened for me this late because I cherish any success all the more knowing what I’ve put into it.”

Shane talks screenplays, stamina and shares the lessons he’s learnt along the way…

