Five top tips for surviving (and thriving!) in the future


Louise ArmstrongThis is a guest post by Louise Armstrong. Read more about Louise here.

In my first blog I talked about how quickly the world is changing and why we need to adapt and evolve in terms of how we live, work and connect in order to overcome the challenges the future holds.

As Albert Einstein recognised: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” 

Of course, while we can never be sure of what lies ahead we can all adopt some simple techniques to help us navigate our way into the future. And the great news is that they don’t cost a penny!

These techniques are designed to unlock innate capabilities within each of us. All you’ll need to do is be brave, be willing to try new things, be ready to embrace new experiences and be disciplined enough to do them all regularly.

You can start today! Here are my five top tips for a flourishing future…


Shared story: Lisa Langer


The first thirty years of Lisa Langer’s life were guided by habit, conditioning and the external distractions. And then she found yoga. With regular practice she was empowered to throw off the shackles of the past and live more consciously, compassionately and happily. Today she shares how she’s doing what she loves and supporting others do the same. Here she shares her story…

Lisa Langer

In 2004 Hugo Cory, my self-inquiry teacher, asked me the question that changed my life: “If you had two weeks completely free, with no responsibilities and no schedule, how would you spend your time?” Well, I said, that’s obvious, I’d practice yoga, read about yoga, teach yoga and study yoga. I had been a yoga practitioner since 1999, a teacher since 2001 and considered yoga as my hobby. But I’d never actually considered yoga as a legitimate career until that moment. You see, until then, I lived in the way that I thought I should live – I did well in school, followed rules, celebrated obligatory holidays, was active with family and society, married a brain surgeon, became a corporate lawyer, had a baby, etc… I  valued the external world over my internal truth every time until Hugo and my yoga practices taught me otherwise.


We all have something to give


We show our love by supporting and encouraging each other, by being caring and kind in our thoughts, words and actions and by being compassionate and empathetic. By taking the time to listen, learn and understand we don’t just become better people, we become influencers in our world. We become world changers.



What are your guidelines for loving the people in your life? We love the beautiful life-giving ideas about love in this article.

Help me write my TEDx talk!


When I heard last week that I had been confirmed as a speaker for TEDxYouth@ Islington I was in equal parts thrilled and terrified. It’s a fantastic but somewhat daunting platform, and something I have had on my dream list for quite some time. Most people get around 5 months to prepare for a talk like this. I’ve got 7 weeks, and I need your help! In fact, I would be so grateful for your help that one person responding to my quick survey will win a free place on the Do What You Love course.

My topic will be “How to teach your parents to give you better careers advice”. It is based on the premise that careers advice is nearly always well-intended but frequently flawed, because we often ask our children the wrong questions when trying to help them discover their path in life.

In the talk I will offer the young people in the audience:


Your year of microadventure


Alastair Humphries



This is a guest post by adventurer, author and motivational speaker Alastair Humphreys. Find out more about Alastair here.




Would you like to live more adventurously this year?

  • To experience the wild and escape from the rushed, mundane real world.
  • To do something new, fun and different.
  • To spend memorable time with your friends, family or by yourself.
  • To challenge yourself, surprise yourself, and achieve something to be proud of.

I bet you can think of other reasons why you’d like to do have a more adventurous year. You may even be intending to make this the year when you really do get out “there” as much as you dream of doing.

But real life often gets in the way and good intentions fade.

So why not commit, today, to a challenge? It’s easy enough to be achievable, but will be really rewarding to complete.

12 months. 12 overnight microadventures. 1 adventurous year.

Are you in? Good!

Read on to find out more…


In their words – why the Do What You Love e-course could be just what you need

We are always humbled and thrilled to hear how our courses have helped people change their own lives, sidestep mountains, move forwards, and find fulfillment and happiness on their own path. As we prepare for the Do What You Love course to begin on Monday 26 January, we thought we’d share some of the latest words we have received about the impact of the last class, in the words of the participants themselves.

If any of these resonate with you, and you’d like to be able to say the same within five short weeks, then join us for the online adventure of a lifetime.












Our acclaimed course Do What You Love begins on Monday 26 January and runs for five weeks. In those five weeks, everything could change for you – not least how you see yourself, others, your future and your place in the world. It’s powerful and inspiring – don’t miss it. Book your place now.

A changing future


Louise Armstrong

This is a guest post by Louise Armstrong. Read more about Louise here.

With an eye to the future the only thing we can be sure of is change. We are living in a world of flux and often, without us even realising, this alters the way we lead our lives.

I’m excited about the opportunities that lie ahead, but at times it feels like everything I once knew and expected, and the assumptions I had about how my life would play out, are gradually being erased.


10 Schools that are changing the way that we see education


Ben profile NEW

This is a guest post by Ben Keene. You can find out more about Ben here.

My first experience of a ‘school for life’ was as a volunteer gap year student in 1999 at Glengarry — a spectacular outdoor campus set in the sumptuous Kangaroo Valley, Australia. Yes, there were a lot of kangaroos.

Since then I’ve followed and been involved with a number of innovative education projects. It is interesting how strong the sense of ‘mission’ the leaders of such projects are. I admire them hugely. So, here are my ten favourite ‘schools for life’.


New Year Happier You. Begin today.


A new year brings a sense of new beginnings, of possibility, of the chance to start afresh. So what kind of a year will you make it this year?

What if 2015 was the year that you became a happier version of yourself? What would that look like, and what would be different? What would have to change to become that version of yourself?

In our community of tens of thousands of people spread across the world, this is a question that has been asked many, many times. Often the answer lies in a few small but important decisions.
