It’s here! ‘Reach. Teach. Profit. The E-course Creation Masterclass has launched!

It’s here! After many, many months of work putting our new course together, I am thrilled to announce that ‘Reach Teach Profit The E-course Creation Masterclass’ is open for registration.

Teach anything from anywhere, generate money 24/7 and build a legacy through teaching online to a global audience

This is a digital toolkit for making an e-course that sells and sells. It’s like having me as your virtual producer, and tapping into everything I have learned from creating, producing and delivering millions of dollars’ worth of e-courses over the past half decade. Our courses include the portfolios of courses from ‘Make Art That Sells’, ‘The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design’ and ‘Do What You Love’ and they have reached thousands of students in 100+ countries across the world.

Our extensive knowledge and experience is all wrapped up in one complete package waiting for you here now.

Don’t waste another minute. Your online teaching journey begins here! Register now.


PS I’ll be available to answer any questions you have during a series of Mastermind Weeks held online throughout the year. The first will take place in the week commencing March 28, so get started now and be ready with your questions!

The one fatal mistake you must avoid when creating your e-course

One of the best ways to learn is to understand other people’s mistakes, and then avoid them, so I want to save you a whole lot of pain by sharing the single most fatal error people make when creating an e-course. We’ve done it once (never to be repeated) and I have seen it time and time again with other people. I can spot this mistake a mile off, and you probably can too.

So what is the biggest mistake that will prevent your course from being a success, in every sense of the word? It’s to focus on the money.

This can be the difference between a course which flies and a course which flops, because people can sense your intention. I have seen a lot of courses come and go, and it is glaringly obvious which ones have made this serious mistake.


You asked. We answered. Our responses to your burning Qs about teaching online…

Thank you to everyone who completed our recent survey about what is stopping you teaching online. As the responses flooded in we were struck by how many of you see this as an exciting opportunity but have been held back by very similar obstacles. I thought I’d take a moment to tackle your questions, in the form of dealing with the top three major stumbling blocks standing in your way today.

(1) I don’t know how to turn my idea into a series of lessons. It’s just a jumble in my head.

Firstly you need to understand your idea as what I call a ‘Promise of Change’. How will your course transform the life/situation/knowledge/expertise/behaviour of your reader? Then you need to understand how you are going to bring about that change through a curriculum.

Your curriculum forms the bones of your course. It’s the skeleton that everything hangs off. It is the way you ensure your learners progress as the course goes on, and get the outcomes you want by the end. It is also your single most helpful tool for organising your ideas into manageable content chunks.

CB in action2

Demonstrating the Easy-as-pie Curriculum Builder in Reach Teach Profit (Yes, with all the technology available today, I still opt for good old sticky notes when planning a new curriculum!)


Will you just make a living or also make an impact?

When was the last time you asked yourself this important question…

Do you just want to make a living or could you also make an impact?

As we prepare to release ‘Reach. Teach. Profit. The E-course Creation Masterclass’ next week, we have been reflecting on this question a lot, as it is one of the main reasons we took our business down the exciting road of online teaching.

As soon as you put your online course out in the world you become a teacher and a guide. You can approach teaching as simply a way to make a living, or you can approach it as a way to make an impact. Choosing to make an impact is more rewarding, more sustainable, and in the long run more important. It will also result in a better, deeper, richer experience for your students. But it takes leadership, purposeful effort, risk, sacrifice and commitment.

Take a moment to think about how you could turn how you make into a living into something that could also make an impact. What could you teach that would make a difference? And what you are prepared to bring to the table to make your course a success?

By the way, I should add there is nothing wrong with wanting to make a living from teaching online. We do it, and many of our friends and colleagues do it. In fact, just recently a chat with a friend turned into a ‘$100,000 conversation’, enabling her to make a difference in the lives of a lot of people with an idea she had. You can hear me talk a little more about that here:

Please take a few minutes today to ask yourself this question, because it changes everything. Do you just want to make a living or could you also make an impact?

If you want to learn more about teaching online, hop on the Masterclass waiting list here. I’ll be back next Monday to launch this new course and bring you a special early bird discount!

Until then,


Behind-the-scenes of an e-course that sells

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We get asked a ton of questions about what it’s really like to put an online course together. So as we put the finishing touches on our brand new course ‘Reach. Teach. Profit. The E-course Creation Masterclass’ (launching February 29), I wanted to give you a peek behind-the-scenes of. What does it actually look like when we are in full production mode?

Well, to some extent it depends on whether I am creating and teaching the course myself, or whether I am producing it for someone else (I have done both, many times!) For the purposes of the E-course Creation Masterclass, I have styled myself as your virtual producer, offering the tools, questions, tech advice, moral support and everything else I give my collaborators. The stages of production go something like this:

  • Clarity on who the course is for and what they need
  • Understanding of what change we are promising with the course
  • Building of a skeleton curriculum to facilitate that change
  • Fleshing out the content and organising it in a logical, powerful and effective way
  • Creating the content (video, audio, text, images, worksheets etc)

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Of course that is just the creation of the class. We also have to create a marketing strategy, price the course, ensure we stand out from the competition, set ourselves up to sell it online, launch it, deliver it, support the students as they go through it, get feedback and then do it all over again…

The truth is, a whole lot goes into an e-course that sells. So much, in fact, that it can be overwhelming, which is probably why so many people never actually get their course out into the world. But with this new Masterclass you’ll have me by your side as your virtual producer every step of the way, and you’ll be able to ask me anything directly in a series of special Mastermind Weeks I will host in our private online community space throughout the year. So now there are no excuses! Get ready to reach, teach and profit.


Last chance to join our life-changing e-course Do What You Love (Starts today!)


One of the best parts of my job is guiding people through the Do What You Love e-course journey, because I see them cracking open, unfolding and growing in front of my eyes.

I see people grow in confidence, make bold moves, discover new things about themselves.

They get a ton of ideas for getting paid to do what they love, and put together real plans for moving forward.

Crucially they reorganise their lives around what really matters to them, so they can do more of what they love every single day.

This is the ninth time we have run this course and the results continue to astound us. Just recently one of our course graduates said,

“I can’t believe it’s nearly a year that’s flown by since we took the course and how far I’ve come; physically, emotionally, personally and professionally.”

This is why we do what we do, and I why I started Do What You Love in the first place.

Class begins today, and this will be the last time we run it until the end of 2016 (because I’ll be working on a very exciting project which I will share shortly…)

CLICK HERE to register and begin your journey of self-discovery to find out how to do what you love, every day.

Hope to see you in class for a transformational experience to remember!




The heart of everything: following the Zambezi from source to Victoria Falls

DWYL_BLOG_EXPERT_COLUMNISTS_TYPEWRITER_550X200PX_LRThis is a guest post from Claire Le Hur who is cycling to China with her fiancé Stuart Block. The couple will start their journey in East Africa where they will follow new ‘silk roads’ charting the journey of key natural resources as part of an exciting new education project. Claire will be riding a bamboo bike, built by an African social enterprise and Stuart will ride a tandem, keeping the back seat free for those they meet en route. They will also be raising money and awareness for two great educational charities. Find out more about Claire’s big adventure here.

Claire Le Hur

African Houses, jumpstarting planes, sable darting, meeting chiefs, elephants, waterfalls, schools and plenty more cycling… our six weeks in Zambia have certainly been eventful. This is what we have been up to…

IMG_7581Heading down the dirt track to the small town of Kapishya

As we headed south towards the Copperbelt we took a 45km detour down a rough dirt track to Kapishya Hot Springs where we camped for a few nights. The hot springs were just what we needed after several tough days of cycling. Owners Mark and Mell Harvey were great fun, and proved generous hosts serving us lots of lovely food and we were fascinated to hear more about the history of Mark’s family….

About 20km from Kapishya is Shiwa Ngandu (the famous big Africa House from the book by Christina Lamb) which Mark’s elder brother, Charlie, runs. Their grandfather, Sir Stewart Gore-Browne, walked from Ndola in 1914, and loved the area so much found the money to build his dream house: an English country mansion in the middle of the African bush. He was a fascinating man and while not without his flaws (the locals called him “Chipembele” meaning Rhinocerous!) he did an enormous amount for the area, establishing a miniature ‘welfare state’ and helping Zambia become one of the only African countries to achieve peaceful independence. He was also the only white man to have had a state funeral at which President Kenneth Kaunda spoke. His eldest daughter, Lorna, married John Harvey and raised their family in the same house. Tragically in 1992 Lorna and John Harvey were murdered during a robbery. The Harveys do much for the local community. As well as setting up the primary school they organise the hydro power plant and help out whenever anyone is ill/injured. They are very proud of their Zambian roots yet they can’t help but worry about what the future holds. Shiwa Ngandu is an idyllic place, but it’s very remote (it’s 30km to the nearest proper road and 100km to the nearest town), and Mark and Charlie can’t keep the house going forever. We hope something will work out as history like this shouldn’t be forgotten.

The heart of everything: following the Zambezi from source to Victoria Falls IMG 7576We had a great time in The small town of Kapishya

After our 10 days with the Beyond Ourselves we headed to Lusaka where we were hosted by Dan Rea and his parents, Harold and Mary. The Reas are a very interesting family who came to Zambia over 100 years ago as missionaries. We spent the weekend with Dan and any weekend which starts with the question ‘can you jump start a plane?’ is going to be interesting! After a little stop on the runway of Lusaka International Airport we jump started the tiny Cessna and set off to the North West corner of Zambia.

On arrival we joined a trip into the local game park to dart some sable (or antelope) so they could be transported to another park. Getting up close to such beautiful animals was awe-inspiring, especially when one had not been sedated enough so fought back, almost goring a man with his huge horns.

IMG_7807Transporting sable to another park

After this Dan took us to meet Chieftainess Ikelenge. We followed tradition kneeling and clapping at her gate and then waiting to be introduced and asked to sit.

IMG_7825Stuart and I meeting Chieftainess Ikelenge

Later we spent time at Dan’s rock crushing plant, hydro power station and pineapple dryer. The weekend ended with a visit to the source of the Zambezi where our guide told us that the local name of the River Yambezhi means ‘heart of everything’. It’s a very fitting description as there was little water at the source and it seemed bizarre that this would turn into the awesome Victoria falls we would see two weeks later.

The heart of everything: following the Zambezi from source to Victoria Falls IMG 7869 e1450778069245The Zambezi source

We had a few days ’off’ in Lusaka where we spoke at the American School. Their grade three pupil’s are working on a project called ‘Ordinary People Making a Difference’ and their teacher, Melanie, was granted a day off to cycle out of Lusaka with us the following week. Our day cycling towards Kafue National Park was great fun. Melanie, Dan, and Harold were asking us to take it in turns to drive/cycle for 110km until we met the truck sent to drive us safely though the park to their camp. We were relieved to get into the truck, especially when we saw two buffalo, a huge bull elephant and a herd of while dogs by the roadside!

Our good friend Dr Max Graham, who runs  Space for Giants in Kenya, introduced us to Sport Beattie, CEO of Game Rangers International who invited us to his camp in Kafue and suggested we ride the truck to Livingstone, following the Zambezi – a route that twice as long but far more interesting. We visited their elephant orphanage at Lilayi first and then headed to the park. We found Game Rangers International’s focus on the human element of anti poaching very inspiring and were impressed by the work they do with the local communities and schools. We spoke at one of the schools and all the teachers had a ride on our tandem, Thandie.

IMG_7745Getting up close to the elephants


After sneaking in a game drive we left the park and headed to Mongu, the Western capital. In just one day we had cycled 70km, got a bus which broke down, and then got a ride on a Cassava/Maize truck!

For the next 500km to Livingstone, it was just Stu and me on the road. The flood plains and Zambezi got increasingly bigger and the scenery was beautiful. We had several great nights camping right on the river bank. Luckily we didn’t see any crocs although the hippo noises took some getting used to!

IMG_8083The sunset over Zambezi

We spent two nights by the stunning Ngonye Falls, wonderful waterfalls which would attract more tourists if it weren’t for their bigger sister, Victoria 300km away. This leg of the trip was a great warm up for our weekend in Livingstone where we enjoyed doing the touristy bit before heading into Zimbabwe.

IMG-20151129-WA0002At the top of Victoria Falls


Happy New Year! Make this the year you do what you love


What is it you really want? The courage to start a new career? The time to pursue passions and hobbies? The freedom to travel and have big adventures? Or simply to “feel differently” about your life, just as it is? All of those wants — and so many others — stem from one big desire… The desire to do what you love. 

And if that’s what you want, you’ve arrived in the best possible place you can be. This is your launchpad — and this is your community. And the Do What You Love e-course might just change your life.

Do What You Love is about re-opening doors that you thought were locked shut… re-opening possibilities that you thought were long gone… and illuminating possibilities you never knew existed.

If you find yourself thinking things like: “I can’t afford to _______” … or “I’m too old to _______” … or “I’m going to need years of training before I can _______” … or “It’s just not realistic for me to _______”… or “But what if ______”, Do What You Love will show you that all of your options are still open, no matter what your current circumstances and responsibilities may be.

Inside this course possibility is your new reality. 

Make this year the year you start doing what you love. Find out more or register HERE.

Merry Christmas from Do What You Love (+ 10 alternative gift ideas!)


Christmas is just around the corner, and we are feeling oh-so-festive in this corner of the world. This is our first Christmas in our new house, and baby Maia’s first ever Christmas. And Christmas Day is Sienna’s birthday, so there is much to look forward to.

2015 has been an amazing year, a challenging year, and a happy year, but also a tough year for many people we know. This time of year brings many things into focus, and we hope that whatever kind of a year you have had, you have a very happy festive holiday.

Here’s to celebration and happy moments

Beth and the Do What You Love team


Our 10 favourite alternative Christmas gift ideas…

(1) Make a memory movie

(2) Write a story (use our free resource Winter Writing Workshop to help you!)

(3) Create a mixtape

(4) Create vouchers for your time (teach someone something, mow their lawn, do the washing up etc)

(5) Create a book of family recipes

(6) Give them a voucher for the Do What You Love course to help them make a major change in their life* (course starts Jan 18, 2016)

(7) Design a scavenger hunt with a map and clues hidden across your town or city, in places that remind you of special times

(8) If you are feeling very generous, and want a gift for someone who loves adventure, this Exploring Mindset trip down the Mississippi would be an amazing present!

(9) Book a ticket to a free event (museum, public lecture, street market etc) and take them along

(10) Write a letter telling someone how much you appreciate them

And if you want some tips on present wrapping, no-one does it like the Japanese!

*If you want to buy a gift voucher please drop a line to, and be sure to mention the discount code DWYLXM50 to get £50 off, if you book by December 31, 2015

Your free 2016 New Year’s Revolution kit is here!


With the holidays rapidly approaching it’s easy to get caught up in all the busyness and festivities, and before you know it, the new year will be here. Take a few moments for yourself, before things get too hectic, to reflect on 2015 and plan ahead for 2016 to make it amazing. Our wildly popular resource ‘New Year’s Revolution’ kit is back, and it’s still free! You can download your copy here.

New Year’s Revolution: A practical kit to help you make 2016 the year you do what you love’ is a FREE 24-page PDF to help you extract the good from 2015, look ahead and shape your 2016 into the year you want it to be. It includes a powerful technique to help you make dreams into reality, and make your ideas happen.

Doing what you love doesn’t happen overnight. It is an attitude, and a way of life, and it takes courage and boldness to make the tough decisions which let you get there. It also takes thought and planning, so we have created this special gift to help you on your way. Thousands of people like you have used this resource for meaningful planning and visioning.

Don’t make yet another New Year’s resolution, start a revolution!