Roadtrip #2: Sharks and jellyfish


I have always loved the ocean.  I grew up by the sea, and I find aquariums a kind of blissful escape from the city.  While on our recent roadtrip around the US we visited the big aquarium in Boston. It drew us in with its huge central tank that runs over several floors (full of all sorts of ominous creatures – see above!) and its shark and ray touch pool (the rays felt kind of slimy if you are interested!)

But what surprised me was the slightly odd obsession I developed with the ‘moonjellies’.


Glowing an eerie blue colour, they pulsated in the dark waters. Silent, peaceful, squidgily beautiful.  I couldn’t take my eyes off them.

Roadtrip #2: Sharks and jellyfish IMG 1439

I also loved these graceful jellyfish, dawdling along trailing their stings like ink drips.

Roadtrip #2: Sharks and jellyfish IMG 1443.JPG

Roadtrip #2: Sharks and jellyfish IMG 1447

And of course the penguins are always delightful, although having sat among several thousand on an Antarctic island I would much prefer that they were in their natural habitat…

Roadtrip #2: Sharks and jellyfish IMG 1461.JPG

More tomorrow!



Life-changing”, “Revolutionary”, “Awe-inspiring”, “Transformative – just a few of the ways former participants have described the Do What You Love e-course.

Do you fancy some of that in your life? Do you want to get closer to identifying your true passion and finding a way to do what you love, for life? Then this is for you!

The Do What You Love e-course is open for registration now. The adventure begins on September 26 but places are limited so book now to secure your place. This is the last time it will run this year.

This is your chance to join a global tribe of like-minded people who will support and encourage you to find your way.

It could be the most influential six weeks of your life… Join now!

If I ever write a book…

My heart wanders

… I hope it makes people feel the way I felt when I discovered ‘My Heart Wanders’ by Pia Jane Bijkerk.

If I ever write a book... MHW4

It is so beautiful it made me gasp.

If I ever write a book... MHW3

It is like a precious treasure, which reveals breathtaking natural elegance and soulwarming words with every page.

If I ever write a book... MHW5

It even has a little gift buried at the back – a paper heart tied with a ribbon and the note ‘from one wandering heart to another’.

If I ever write a book... MHW2

Aesthetically this has to be my book of the decade…  These photos really don’t do it justice.  It was as if the book didn’t want to be photographed, but I really wanted to share a peek with you.

If I ever write a book... MHW6

The perfect gift for a close friend – or even for yourself…

Wandering contributions…

Wandering contributions... header[Image courtesy of Gypsy Girl’s Guide]

I am so excited and honoured to have been invited to join a tribe of inspiring women – including Christine Mason Miller, Boho Girl Denise Andrade, Marianne Elliott and Jen Gray – as a wandering contributor to the gorgeous Gypsy Girl’s Guide.

One of the most delicious sources of travel and life musings I have come across, Gypsy Girl’s Guide was one of the first blogs I ever read when I discovered this online creative world.

So now it feels so precious to be invited along for the ride by founder and talented photographer Alessandra Cave.

This is my first ever ‘column’, and today I posted my first contribution (here), musing on ‘Travelling Light’.  I would LOVE to hear your thoughts – so please do stop by and share how you travel these days…

Overthinking things


Sometimes I find myself overthinking things when I am trying to create something.

Usually when I find myself stuck, or frustrated with what I am making, it is because I am thinking about it too much.  And when I am in the zone, not really thinking at all, it always works out better.


Overthinking things by will2


Last week my little nephew – who is five years old – took this photo of me with my ipod.  He didn’t think about it at all.  Just aimed it at me, moved it around a bit then hit the button.  And for someone who doesn’t usually like photos of myself, I love it!

And it really made me think that sometimes we just need to ‘hit the button’.

Have you found yourself overthinking things lately?



DWYL sparkler heart
There is magic in the air as the bonfire crackles, sparklers hiss and laughter floats past in the wind.

DWYL retreat bonfire

Open-hearted souls from all over the world are gathered deep in the English countryside to create, discover and grow.

DWYL retreat gathering outside cabin

This is just the beginning…


On the opening night of the Do What You Love retreat, as wine flowed and stories were shared, I took a moment just to watch.

DWYL retreat opening night

And I am sure I could actually see new friendships forming, creative wings unfurling, and possibility bubbling up.


There is nothing quite like a creative retreat to connect you with like minded people, boost your confidence and gently guide you in your true direction.  And that is why I am so delighted that today sees the launch of Seek Your Course, an innovative concept from Jess Greene, which provides a database and online hub for connecting you with creative learning opportunities online and around the world.

Tipi dark

I have been mentoring Jess over the past through months as she has developed this from idea to valuable tool, which gives you the wonderful world of creative retreats and online creative courses at your fingertips.  I know how powerful retreats and e-courses can be, and am excited that so many more people will get the chance to get involved, now the information is being provided in one easy-to-navigate place.

I hope you will use Seek Your Course to find whatever is the right course for you, connect with others and step into this brave new world!

DWYL retreat lodge

[All images taken at the Do What You Love retreat in May by NavyBlur.]

For more posts about the May retreat see:  Full of Love / Reflecting / Bloom True with Flora Bowley / Paper heaven with Rachel Hazell / Delicate wax and wire sculptures with Priscilla Jones

Cafe life

Cafe life IMG 1189

I spend far too much time in cafes.

When I go travelling I tend to gravitate towards cosy, welcoming places and love sitting with a steaming coffee watching the world go by.

This picture is of one my latest discoveries, in Oia on the Greek island of Santorini.


What about you?  Where is your favourite cafe and why do you like it so much?  Recommendations are always very welcome…


Back by popular demand – the Do What You Love e-course is OPEN for registration!


When I put the Do What You Love e-course out into the world for the first time at the beginning of the year I had no idea the impact it was going to have on participants – and on me.  Every day of the six-week class was a new adventure, offering new discoveries about myself and others, opening up in new ways and sharing stories, tools and inspiration.  It thrills me to think that more people are on their path towards doing what they love because of it.

And now, by popular demand, it’s back…  There are less than two weeks before class begins for the summer session on June 6.  The Do What You Love e-course will help you expand your comfort zone, nurture your playful spirit and feed your creative soul.  It will help you identify your passion, and work out what ‘doing what you love’ actually means for you.  Don’t miss out on this important opportunity – it might just change your life.  Register now!

Don’t just take my word for it – here are some thoughts from the community of like-minded souls from all over the world that benefitted from the class last time…


By far the best e-course I have ever taken

“I was and continue to be floored by this course–it was so valuable. I felt like it helped me focus on me, my interests, my desires, and what was holding me back from those things. I was more painfully honest with myself than I have been in years, but I also allowed myself to play more than ever. Since joining the course, I’ve gone paragliding, quit my steady but unfulfilling job, participated in a 5k charity run, met tons of new people and basically blossomed into a new person. I feel like the course will continue working it’s magic for ages. It has a killer curriculum covering all the bases. I’m so absolutely pleased I chose this as a way to start turning my life around.”

“This class was liberating and awe inspiring.”

In the moments when I have down time, ALL I think about is this course – where it’s leading me, what I can do to bring more fun, creativity, and passion into my life, and it’s JUST what I need.”

My heart is bursting. How empowering and inspiring it is to share our stories and know that we aren’t alone and that there is always a way through.”

“Highly recommend to anyone on the brink of making important changes in their life!”

“Can’t believe it was just a 6-week course. I feel like a different person.”

 “I loved that this 6 weeks course made me put aside this time only for myself, away from all the noise in my life, and to really reflect on what I am doing, who I am and what direction I want to go in. During the course I got the tools to do just that.”

“This eCourse is a sparkling combination of creative projects, inspiring interviews and compelling worksheets. Beth has done a magnificent job of creating a fresh approach to uncovering what you love. Even if you know what you love, you’ll discover fresh insights as you go on this soulful adventure.”

“For 6 weeks it felt like a companion on a very exciting journey I hadn’t been able to take by myself.”

“Wow, wow and wow again.”

“Everything is changing because of this.”

In a post-ecourse survey 95% of participants said they were more focused and clear about what ‘doing what they love’ means to them. 100% of respondents said the e-course had had an impact on them and made them think about the changes they need to make in their lives.


You could be saying similar things in just a few weeks –

register now to join this online adventure and

find your path towards doing what you love

Do What You Love retreat: Paper heaven with Rachel Hazell

LOVE Credit NavyBlur[Image: NavyBlur]

For someone who loves both paper and journeys as much as I do, Rachel Hazell’s class ‘Maps, Charts & Other Discoveries: An Extraordinary Expandable Sketchbook Journal’ sounded like heaven to me.  And wandering around her class during the Do What You Love retreat, that’s exactly what it appeared to be.

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 18 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

There was folding, cutting, tearing, sticking, sewing, writing and all sorts of other things going on.

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 17 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 16 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 15 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 14 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 13 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 13 - Rachel Kempton [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

And I have never seen so many supplies – paper, ribbon, fabric scraps, pens, lace, bits of old maps, stamps, stickers –  ohhh so lovely!

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 12 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 10 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

At times loud laughter would shake the walls, at others there would be complete silence as everyone got in the zone making their beautiful tiny books.

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 9 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

At other times there would be singing, oftentimes there would be tea drinking, and I believe much chocolate was also consumed.

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 7 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

And if that is what it takes to create book magic, then let that be the recipe!

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 6 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

Rachel herself is such a treasure…

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 5 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

And the  story-filled books that emerged from her class took my breath away

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 3 [Image: Hannah Nunn]

[Image: Hannah Nunn]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 2 [Image: Hannah Nunn]

[Image: Hannah Nunn]

Bookbinding with Rachel Hazell 1 [Image: NavyBlur]

[Image: NavyBlur]

For more blog posts from participants in Rachel’s class see: Catherine Redfern and Louise Gale

For more of my posts about the retreat see: Gathering /Full of Love / Reflecting / Bloom True with Flora Bowley / Delicate wax and wire sculptures with Priscilla Jones /  No (wo)man is an island



Missed the retreat?  Why not join the Do What You Love e-course?

This online adventure starts on June 6 and will take you step-by-step along the path towards doing what you love. 

Find out what participants who took the course last time had to say HERE.

Find out more and register here.  

This is your life we are talking about…

Searching for sea glass

Searching for seaglass

Have you ever gone searching for treasure on a beach?  It is so much fun to seek out sea glass, collect lovely pebbles and bring beautiful shells home as a reminder of a trip to the sea.  On the way back from Bressay to Aberdeen I spent a couple of hours poking around Lerwick, finding tiny treasures everywhere.  My heavy rucksack was literally ‘full of rocks’!

sea glass

Jeanette and Sarah with their treasures



Searching for sea glass ler5

Searching for sea glass ler1

Searching for sea glass ler2

island life

A perfect end to a lovely trip away.  What a discovery the Shetland islands was – I shall be back to Scotland’s bonny isles…


More posts from this trip:

Book making heaven

windowView from the studio window

Recipe for a blissful weekend:

Take seven ladies, much chocolate, several boxes of supplies (paper, glue, ribbons, washi tape, paints and who knows what else) and put into a studio in the Chief Keeper’s Office of a lighthouse on a remote Scottish island.  Add wine and homemade cake and leave for several days to rise gently.  Delicious results every time.

Here’s what I made…

Book binding 1

A5 hardbacked book

Book binding 2

Book binding 3

Book binding 4

and this little one, which is just three inches high…

Book binding 6

and this other little one with pearl and chain stitching on the spine…

Book binding 7

I was lucky to share the workshop with wonderful teacher Rachel Hazell, and five very lovely talented ladies (Sarah, Jeanette, Kit, Ama and Emma).  Here is what they made…

Book binding 8

Easter books (Emma)

Book binding 9

Paper cutting (Kit)

Book binding 10

Magazine-collage book cover showing Shetland (Jeanette)

Book binding 11

Adorable tiny tapestry made on a makeshift loom on an old canvas frame, using ‘shoddy’ from old machines in the lighthouse workshop as thread (Sarah).

Book binding 12

Detail from a painting by local contemporary artist Ruth Brownlee, who used to use the lighthouse as a studio.  Several of her gorgeous paintings were stored in the workshop and provided wonderful inspiration.

Ahhhh such a lovely few days…


More posts from this trip: