When I put the Do What You Love e-course out into the world for the first time at the beginning of the year I had no idea the impact it was going to have on participants – and on me. Every day of the six-week class was a new adventure, offering new discoveries about myself and others, opening up in new ways and sharing stories, tools and inspiration. It thrills me to think that more people are on their path towards doing what they love because of it.
And now, by popular demand, it’s back… There are less than two weeks before class begins for the summer session on June 6. The Do What You Love e-course will help you expand your comfort zone, nurture your playful spirit and feed your creative soul. It will help you identify your passion, and work out what ‘doing what you love’ actually means for you. Don’t miss out on this important opportunity – it might just change your life. Register now!
Don’t just take my word for it – here are some thoughts from the community of like-minded souls from all over the world that benefitted from the class last time…

“By far the best e-course I have ever taken”
“I was and continue to be floored by this course–it was so valuable. I felt like it helped me focus on me, my interests, my desires, and what was holding me back from those things. I was more painfully honest with myself than I have been in years, but I also allowed myself to play more than ever. Since joining the course, I’ve gone paragliding, quit my steady but unfulfilling job, participated in a 5k charity run, met tons of new people and basically blossomed into a new person. I feel like the course will continue working it’s magic for ages. It has a killer curriculum covering all the bases. I’m so absolutely pleased I chose this as a way to start turning my life around.”
“This class was liberating and awe inspiring.”
“In the moments when I have down time, ALL I think about is this course – where it’s leading me, what I can do to bring more fun, creativity, and passion into my life, and it’s JUST what I need.”
“My heart is bursting. How empowering and inspiring it is to share our stories and know that we aren’t alone and that there is always a way through.”
“Highly recommend to anyone on the brink of making important changes in their life!”
“Can’t believe it was just a 6-week course. I feel like a different person.”
“I loved that this 6 weeks course made me put aside this time only for myself, away from all the noise in my life, and to really reflect on what I am doing, who I am and what direction I want to go in. During the course I got the tools to do just that.”
“This eCourse is a sparkling combination of creative projects, inspiring interviews and compelling worksheets. Beth has done a magnificent job of creating a fresh approach to uncovering what you love. Even if you know what you love, you’ll discover fresh insights as you go on this soulful adventure.”
“For 6 weeks it felt like a companion on a very exciting journey I hadn’t been able to take by myself.”
“Wow, wow and wow again.”
“Everything is changing because of this.”
In a post-ecourse survey 95% of participants said they were more focused and clear about what ‘doing what they love’ means to them. 100% of respondents said the e-course had had an impact on them and made them think about the changes they need to make in their lives.
You could be saying similar things in just a few weeks –
register now to join this online adventure and
find your path towards doing what you love