
If I ever write a book…

My heart wanders

… I hope it makes people feel the way I felt when I discovered ‘My Heart Wanders’ by Pia Jane Bijkerk.

If I ever write a book... MHW4

It is so beautiful it made me gasp.

If I ever write a book... MHW3

It is like a precious treasure, which reveals breathtaking natural elegance and soulwarming words with every page.

If I ever write a book... MHW5

It even has a little gift buried at the back – a paper heart tied with a ribbon and the note ‘from one wandering heart to another’.

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Aesthetically this has to be my book of the decade…  These photos really don’t do it justice.  It was as if the book didn’t want to be photographed, but I really wanted to share a peek with you.

If I ever write a book... MHW6

The perfect gift for a close friend – or even for yourself…