
New Year, New You. Begin today.


‘New year, new you’ must be the most over-used phrase in the world of magazine headlines, but there is a very good reason for that. The beginning of a new year can be a watershed. ‘Next year’ becomes ‘this year’. The time is now. If you had a bad year, that is now in the past. If you had a great year, you can step it up a level and make this one even better.

A new year is like a gift. It’s a chance to start again, and to tell yourself you have the power to decide how this year pans out. What will you do? Where will you go? Who will you spend time with? Who will you avoid? How will you behave differently so things work out differently? What different choices will you make? What will you tell yourself about what could be possible for you? And what steps will you take to make that happen?

A new year is an opportunity to tell yourself a different story about how things are going to be.

Perhaps for you it is just about not overthinking your life, and going with the flow more.

Perhaps it is about growing in confidence to make more decisions which work for you.

Perhaps it is about putting yourself first for a change, knowing that ultimately that will be better for everyone.

This New Year, we challenge you to think about how to shine a light on the best of you, make more time for you, and get better connected to people who get you. Share your thoughts with us on Facebook or Twitter.

Because this new year you don’t need a new you, just a different version, which listens to what is calling you.

If you feel that this is the year to really change things – to do more for you, to say yes more, to say no more, to be more brave, to be better connected, to explore what you love, and to do more of it, then I hope you will join us for the Do What You Love online experience of a lifetime which starts online on January 26. For five weeks you and a cohort of people just like you from all over the world will come together to discover how rich your life can be, starting right where you are with what you have.

You will realise that there are a LOT of people out there going through the same things as you, often going round in circles with choices just like you, or trying to get unstuck, just like you. They will become a strong support group for you, and will share an amazing adventure.

Invest in yourself, commit the time and join us, and start taking action towards the life you want to be living.

It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey, what people around you think, or whether things haven’t worked out in the past. This is a new year, a new beginning. And this is your time.

This is a chance to make things different, and to make 2015 the year that everything changed. I hope you will join us, and make it a very happy new year.

Beth and team

PS If you haven’t yet downloaded our FREE New Year’s Revolution toolkit (5000+ people have!) then get yours here and begin today. And if you want to get into the habit of practicing gratitude, download our free ‘2015 Happy List’ here to start noticing and being grateful for the things that make you happy.

Look out for our musings on a ‘New Year, Richer You’, coming tomorrow.