
Night traveller

Have you ever taken a night bus? It’s not the most comfortable way to travel – you have to sit in a chair for many hours (obviously) and even if you manage to sleep, you get woken every couple of hours at service stations when the driver stops for a rest. But even so, I kind of like the night bus.

Everyone is on a journey somewhere, heading to the big smoke for different reasons – perhaps for a job interview, to visit friends, to start a new life.

I love pressing my face against the steamed up window, watching the other night traffic whizzing past.

I love sitting in the dark with my iPod on, listening to Adele and thinking of random things.

And I love coming into the city at dawn, riding past the majestic Imperial Palace, seeing the capital wake up.

If you haven’t taken a night bus lately, why not try it? It really feels like an adventure.


Night traveller

I’m on a big adventure in Japan right now. If you fancy an adventure of your own why not join me for the Do What You Love e-course? Shake things up, expand your comfort zone, nurture your playful spirit and feed your creative soul. Identify your passion and make it a greater part of your every day life! Find out more and register here. But hurry, class starts soon!