Don’t you just love parcels? Wrapping up presents is the best.
Choosing the paper, selecting which washi tape, working out the angles of fold, making satisfying corners, sealing up, adding ribbons or string…..oh to be a professional parcel wrapper. Wouldn’t that be brilliant?! (That was actually my dream when I was little, to be a seasonal present wrapper in the Christmas department of Harrods… – Beth)
As we’ve already established, there’s never quite enough special tape in this house…particularly evident on discovering that Rob Ryan has added a delectable set of three small ones to his collection. Sigh.
But brown paper is pretty cheap, and rubber stamps are perfect for creating personalised sheets.
So who’s birthday is coming up? Could they do with some PaperLove?
Did we mention that class starts on Monday? Oooohh the anticipation… (You can still squeeze in here)