
Shared story: Lisa Langer


The first thirty years of Lisa Langer’s life were guided by habit, conditioning and the external distractions. And then she found yoga. With regular practice she was empowered to throw off the shackles of the past and live more consciously, compassionately and happily. Today she shares how she’s doing what she loves and supporting others do the same. Here she shares her story…

Lisa Langer

In 2004 Hugo Cory, my self-inquiry teacher, asked me the question that changed my life: “If you had two weeks completely free, with no responsibilities and no schedule, how would you spend your time?” Well, I said, that’s obvious, I’d practice yoga, read about yoga, teach yoga and study yoga. I had been a yoga practitioner since 1999, a teacher since 2001 and considered yoga as my hobby. But I’d never actually considered yoga as a legitimate career until that moment. You see, until then, I lived in the way that I thought I should live – I did well in school, followed rules, celebrated obligatory holidays, was active with family and society, married a brain surgeon, became a corporate lawyer, had a baby, etc… I  valued the external world over my internal truth every time until Hugo and my yoga practices taught me otherwise.

So, here I am 10 years later, living harmoniously in my truth every day. I took the study of yoga seriously. I took my teaching jobs seriously. I took myself seriously and I am finally doing what I love. I teach yoga in New York City full-time and love it. I adore sharing the teachings with large groups, small groups and private clients. At the end of every session I feel elated as we co-create uplifting experiences and personal transformation. I create transcendencies in my students daily and transcendencies within myself as well. In 2013 this inspired me to produce a yoga class video, Transcend with Lisa Langer, which is intended to provide my students with the same in-person, in-class experience when they are at home or away travelling. Knowing that I can play a part in hundreds of students’ happiness remotely gives me immense joy and satisfaction.

Lisa L yoga class

My journey from there to where I am today required a warrior mentality, hard work and lots of skill. It wasn’t easy going against society’s values, familial values and my cohorts’ values. All around me people were doubting my decisions and making negative remarks like: ‘a yoga teacher, really?’, ‘Are you a new age weirdo now?’, ‘You can’t make any money being a yoga teacher’, ‘Are you a vegetarian too?’  I giggle at these comments now but back then they were difficult to ignore. With inner conviction and Hugo’s help, I learned to tune out the external world in order to live my truth. I began to make daily decisions based on this mentality – like choosing to spend more time and money on my own healing, self-development and training to further my passion. I prioritized my own needs and listened to the voice inside that was whispering the answers to me. I learned to trust my inner wisdom and act on that – and in doing so I discovered that this really is the secret to doing – and living – what you love!

Lisa yoga

Whenever I pause to reflect on my life I feel incredibly grateful because I know from the deepest part of myself that I AM LIVING MY DREAM RIGHT NOW. I have come to realise that I won’t be happier when I achieve something, or obtain something, or buy something, because I have found inner peace – and I know how to access it again and again. You see, when we acknowledge our deepest desires, align with our life’s purpose, meditate daily, practice yoga, have faith, show gratitude, and love deeply, our dreams have already come true…

Lisa Langer - sundeck

Lisa Langer is passionate about teaching yoga, as it is through yoga teachings that she transcended every aspect of her life and now does what she loves for life! To find out more about Lisa visit her website and connect with her on Facebook.