Greetings from my garden, where I have been spending a lot of time lately. In fact, I’d go so far as to say my garden has been one of my greatest teachers during this time. When lockdown hit I was overcome with an elemental desire to plant vegetables. I think it was a combination of wanting to feel more self-reliant when so many decisions were being taken out of my hands, along with uncertainty about the food supply, and a desire to spend more time outdoors. Whatever the motivation, the garden has been a place of solace these past few weeks, and I am so grateful for it.
As I studied the backs of the seed packets, trying to figure out what to plant where and when, I was struck with the realization that in nature, there is no rush, but there is a window. A particular variety of lettuce might be best sown between March and May. So if you are in early March, there is certainly no rush. If you haven’t got round to it by April, there is still no rush. Come May, the window is closing, but there is still no rush really. There are plenty of days to find five minutes to sow those seeds. But if you leave it until June, or July, or September or December then the window will have closed. There will be another window next year, just not the one that was open to you back in Spring.
I think that is going on now. I know from your messages and questions that a lot of you are feeling under pressure to do something significant with this time, not least because you have seen lots of other people posting about their commitments to lose weight, or launch something new, or write a novel during lockdown or whatever. I have a couple of things to say about that.
Firstly, nothing beautiful is ever born from comparison. Creativity flourishes when the pressure to do what you think you should is OFF, not when it is on. The fire burns when the heart is attuned to something that matters to you because it is aligned to who you are.
Secondly, there is ebb and flow in all of life. If you were rushing and pushing and jostling and being super-productive before this, it’s not surprising that you are now in a lull. That’s your body finding balance. The time for output will come again soon, but perhaps now is not that time, and that is okay.
Thirdly, pottering can be part of the process. When I go on writing retreats to write long books, I spend a lot of time physically writing words. But I also spend a lot of time walking and thinking, tidying my pen supply, making tea. It’s pottering, and it looks pointless, but it is where the gold is being shaped. So perhaps your current pottering is part of your process, and it is to be welcomed. This is a very special opportunity to step back from everything and notice the details of our lives and there is real value in that too.
So if you feel like you want to do something significant, but things just aren’t flowing right now – or you can’t even imagine having the energy to think of something you’d like to do, just remember what the seeds teach us: There is no rush, but there is a window. It’s fine not to do it today, or tomorrow, if the timing is not right. But there is a window for everything, which will close eventually, so it’s good to keep coming back to things and seeing if you are ready yet. And if not, perhaps it’s worth accepting that this window might close, but another will open, because it always does.
I talked about this at the Morning Meeting on Instagram @bethkempton this morning. I have started a new daily practice of showing up on Instagram Live to answer questions you have about dealing with the uncertainty of what lies ahead, and reimagining a hopeful future. If you have any such questions, please just hit reply and I’ll add them to my list. I’m going to be on Instagram in the morning UK time every week day until all the questions are answered. You can also watch the replays on IGTV (just go to my feed @bethkempton).
If you want to really explore what this time has meant and could mean for you, and get a host of inspiration for life beyond this, don’t miss my new book We Are in This Together which is out on Thursday! (Yes, I had a big burst of creative energy and wrote a book during lockdown, but then I had a big rest, and now I’m back. Ebb and flow, see?) You can get your copy here(or herein the US/Canada). And for everyone pre-ordering it I am offering FREE access to my new writing course ‘Words Heal: Writing in times of crisis’, a beautiful new two week workshop to help you explore your feelings around this situation, and create beauty from it. If you want free access to that class (worth £20) just click here and fill in the short form after you have ordered the book.
Much love
Beth Xx