
Do What You Love retreat: ‘Bloom True’ with Flora Bowley

Flora Bowley (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

American painter Flora Bowley has woven her magic once again – and this time it was here in England, for the first time ever.

Painting class Flora B (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Having taken a fantastic class with her last year I just knew that Flora would be perfect for the kind of retreat I wanted to create – where the painting class would be about so much more than painting, and where people would feel uplifted, excited, challenged, supported and oh so happy!

Flora Bowley (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Just look at the gorgeousness that emerged from her class at the Do What You Love retreat last week…

Painting Flora Bowley class (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Painting class with Flora B (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Painting (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Painting workshop Flora Bowley DWYL (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Being creative - painting (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Painting getting messy(Image: NavyBlur)

(image: NavyBlur)

Painting (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Finished work (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Work in progress - painting (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Focussed on painting (Image: NavyBlur)

(Image: NavyBlur)

Rachel Kempton writing DWYL retreat (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

In nature - painting (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Painting - playful and messy (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Paintings - INSPIRED BY NATURE (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Flora's painting (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Laughter in painting workshop (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

Painted hands (Image: NavyBlur)(Image: NavyBlur)

You can read about the class in posts from class participants here: Lisa WrightMoyra Scott / Rhiannon ConnellyTara Leaver / Beth Nadler /Helen Agarwal /  Kat Sloma / Juliette Crane

And more posts from me about the Do What You Love retreat here: GatheringFull of Love / Reflecting / Paper heaven with Rachel Hazell / Delicate wax and wire sculptures with Priscilla Jones / No (wo)man is an island



Missed the retreat?  Why not join the Do What You Love e-course?

This online adventure starts on June 6 and will take you step-by-step along the path towards doing what you love. 

Find out what participants who took the course last time had to say HERE.

Find out more and register here.  

This is your life we are talking about…