Mr K and I have just had some really fun photos done by the lovely folks at navyblur for the About section of our website, and thought we’d share them with you, along with a bit of insight into who is behind Do What You Love, for those of you who are new around here!
Do What You Love is a young, dynamic company which delivers innovative online courses to thousands of people all across the world, providing them tools, advice and inspiration to do what they love, for life.

Image: navyblur
Beth Kempton is a wanderer, an adventurer and a seeker of beauty.
Her life story is a catalogue of wild and crazy experiences which she wouldn’t believe if she hadn’t been there herself — like earning a Masters degree in Japanese, hosting her own TV show, working with UN agencies, global brands and NGOs in Africa, Asia, South America and the Middle East, launching her own boutique consultancy devoted to social responsibility, and raising over $10 million for charity.
Beth believes that ‘waiting for the weekend’ is no way to live your life — or design your career. And she’s living proof that there’s another option — one where the way that you feel about your work is just as important as the salary you take home.
Not long ago, she was selected by Marie Claire magazine as one of the UK’s 16 most exciting young female entrepreneurs, and was recently selected as a finalist for the Digital Entrepreneur of the Year Awards in the Education Entrepreneur category in recognition of the company’s outstanding online courses.
Beth has a slight obsession with washi tape and beautiful paper, and harbours a secret dream to launch her own stationery line. She’s usually holding a cup of milky tea in one hand and a nibble of chocolate in the other. She’s also a wife. And brand-new mother.
The most important thing you need to know about Beth?
She’s very, very good at doing what she loves.
And more than anything else in the world, she wants to help you figure out what you love, commit to that love, and make it your life.
PS Beth Kempton used to be Beth Nicholls, before she got married. Just in case you’re Googling her new name and coming up empty-handed!

image: navyblur
Paul Kempton is a sport-lover, a storyteller, a new father and Do What You Love‘s most recent recruit.
After spending 12 years working in civil engineering + construction, Paul realised that the path he was on was no longer a path that he loved.
Leaving behind his “stable job” to join his wife’s company wasn’t an easy decision, but he knows it was absolutely the right one.
These days, Paul runs the back-end operations here at Do What You Love — keeping the inboxes clear, keeping the website up + running, and keeping all our e-courses + projects ticking along smoothly.
When he’s not scanning a computer screen, Paul gets to enjoy his offline passions: making up stories for his baby daughter, Sienna May, ducking out for a midday run, or sketching out new architectural designs — he’s currently working on a “fantasy home” for his family and a Do What You Love retreat centre.
Paul’s idea of a “perfect day” would be “dreaming up new plans + figuring out how to make them come true.”
He hopes that Do What You Love gives YOU the tools, inspiration + courage to create thousands of your own “perfect days,” too.
He documents his journey and decision making process in our regular Tuesday blog column ‘Life from the perspective of Mr K – a guy’s view on doing what you love’.
“I really believe the world would be a better place if more of us were doing what we love. I hope the work we do here at “Do What You Love ” will help inspire you to make changes to fulfil your dreams. I am sure a little bit of courage will be required along the way but we are here to help and with a growing movement forming worldwide you will find the support you need, even if it is in the most unlikely of places.”
Read about the rest of the team here