


The kindness of people in this online world never ceases to amaze me.  This week the postman arrived with a surprise parcel all the way from Spain – it was a beautiful handmade apron from Judit Laboria, embroidered with my name on (by her mum!), and decorated with a gorgeous flower made from a zip.

Judit chose the colours to match the palette of this website, and sent it as a thank you gift having participated in the first Do What You Love e-course.  Wow.  I have to say I had a little tear in my eye when I opened it.  That someone so far away would take the time to make and send something so precious just for me, as a result of the e-course – amazing.  I will treasure it.

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I have been blown away by the feedback and energy of the class on the Spring session of the e-course, which recently finished.  It was an incredible journey for all of us – one participant said “Everything is changing because of this“, another described it as “by far the best e-course I have ever taken“, and it seems to have had a real impact on many more, helping them become much clearer about the road to doing what they love.

I am excited to be running the Summer session from June 6 for six weeks – registration has opened here.  I hope you will join us for an adventure of your own – using the tools, diving into the community and soaking up all the inspiration to help you do what you love, for life.


Here is what participants from the Spring session of the Do What You Love e-course have been saying about it…

Wow, wow and wow again.”

“Can’t believe it was just a 6-week E-course. I feel like a different person.”

By far the best e-course I have ever taken

“I was and continue to be floored by this course–it was so valuable.  It has a killer curriculum covering all the bases. I’m so absolutely pleased I chose this as a way to start turning my life around.  I feel like the course will continue working it’s magic for ages.”