
What do you love about adventure?

What do you love about adventure? The Do What You Love team share their thoughts…


VICKIE: For me, adventure is always accompanied by a sense of excitement, anticipation and novelty. Maybe even a little bit of fear, but in a good way! There is something strangely comforting in finding yourself alone with your backpack on the other side of the world. Letting go of what I know makes me feel like I am a part of something bigger and it is very refreshing.


RACHEL: This year my mantra is: “say yes to new experiences”. So instead of questioning why an opportunity has come my way, I just embrace it. I figure that by saying yes instead of no:

1) I have nothing to lose, and lots to gain!

2) I’ll feel more positive and excited about life

3) I’ll learn and grow

4) I’ll enrich my quality of life and make possibility a reality for me, and my family.

5) I’ll be more confident when it comes to making big decisions.


LOUISE: Life is an adventure! I like to think of everyday as a new start, a new journey, a new adventure. Letting the flow take me, embracing what may show up. Adventure to me is also growing, expanding and trying something new. Following our intuition will lead to many more new adventures.


PAUL: My sense of adventure had been repressed a little until I met my wife. She reminded me of the wonders that lie just an adventure away. I didn’t need a destination just a desire to go. We live in a world full of inspiration and allowing ourselves to be inspired is the first step towards the courage to venture forth. I look forward to sharing my adventures with my girls.

What are your thoughts? What do you love about adventure?

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