Ponder this
How do you know if you are going to love doing something if you have never tried it? So to do what you love, you need to be prepared to be a beginner.
If you make a leap to something new and different, it is inevitable that there will be things you need to learn. And the fact is, you are not going to get it completely right first time. That is just something you need to accept.
You can either come at it with a stubborn, frustrated, closed mind, or you can come at it as a hopeful beginner, willing, open and ready to learn. (Hint: The latter always gets better results). Once you know what you don’t know, and you commit to learning it, that is half the battle won. Consider new challenges as stepping stones to doing what you love, and suddenly they seem a whole lot more exciting.
Try this
- Tell yourself this: It’s NORMAL not to be perfect. It’s HELPFUL to make mistakes. It’s GOOD to be playful and treat it like a game. You have to start being comfortable with being uncomfortable. And you won’t be a beginner at it forever.
- Take the plunge, sign yourself up or dive in to what you need to learn. Get a learning buddy to try it out with you, or tell a friend what you are doing and ask them to encourage you along.
- Keep reminding yourself why you are doing this, and how much closer you will be to doing what you love when you have learnt it.
Journal/blog this
When was the last time you surrendered to being a beginner and started something new from scratch?
Did you find it frustrating? Exciting?
And what good came out of what you learned?
Tweet this
I’m learning to be a hopeful beginner. Trying new things feels good. #zenforten @dowhatyoulovexx https://bit.ly/1jTBvPm
“If you learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you.” – Barbara Sher #zenforten @dowhatyoulovexx https://bit.ly/1jTBvPm
To do what you love, you need to be prepared to be a beginner. #zenforten @dowhatyoulovexx https://bit.ly/1jTBvPm
“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities. In the expert’s few” Shunryu Suzuki #zenforten @dowhatyoulovexx https://bit.ly/1jTBvPm
What will you begin today? #zenforten @dowhatyoulovexx https://bit.ly/1jTBvPm
Being a beginner takes courage. Taking the leap to do what you love takes courage. Join us for the Do What You Love e-course (starting April 28) and feel more brave, more supported, and more ready to make that leap. Register now.