Ponder this
In our lives we play many roles – mother, wife, daughter, husband, father, son, friend, confidante, lover, teacher. But none of those alone is who you are.
You are a unique combination of your genes, background, culture, experiences, environment, influences, memories, dreams, emotions, kindnesses, skills, strengths, attitudes and so many other things. And your unique personality is made up of many parts. It can sometimes seem strange that you love to party but like to be alone, or you are physically adventurous but terrified of talking in public.
Some stages of our lives (and the people in them) nurture certain aspects of us, and other aspects get buried, forgotten about, hidden. The world needs you to be all of you – and for that you need to know yourself.
To do what you love you need to do what feels right, do what feels good, and do what feels like YOU.
Try this
- Make a list of all the roles you play in your life, and what aspect of your personality supports each of them.
- Make a list of all the things you loved to do when you were younger, and what aspect of your personality supports each of them.
- Make a list of what you were doing the last time you felt truly happy, and what aspect of your personality supported that.
Journal/blog this
Which aspects of my personality have taken a back seat lately?
Which aspects would I like to see more of in my life, and how can I bring them forward?
Tweet this
“Step outside of the person you’ve been and remember who you wanted to be.” – HG Wells #zenforten @dowhatyoulovexx https://bit.ly/1jTBvPm
“Reveal yourself and be revealed” – Zen teaching #zenforten @dowhatyoulovexx https://bit.ly/1jTBvPm
I have realised I have been hiding the [fill in the blank] aspect of my personality. No more. #zenforten @dowhatyoulovexx https://bit.ly/1jTBvPm
Do what feels right. Do what feels good. #zenforten @dowhatyoulovexx https://bit.ly/1jTBvPm
The world needs you to be all that you can be. #zenforten @dowhatyoulovexx https://bit.ly/1jTBvPm
Is it time to let go of the things in your life that hold you back, weigh you down or stand in your way? Then it’s time for the Do What You Love e-course (starting April 28). The rest of your life begins here. Register now.
PS If you are already registered – thank you! Get ready to be amazed.